Super Healer

Chapter 584

During the day, Lin Sicong was smashed into the hospital by a stool of Chu Feng, but there was no big trauma. He just broke his hand bone and had nothing to do with his self-cultivation for a period of time. However, with the subsequent phone calls, Lin Yulin still depressed Chu Feng. Finally, after wandering around, he came here, where a commercial building is located.

"I'll go back first. Tomorrow I'll take the train back to the imperial city."

If you look at the commercial building with a price of more than 70 million yuan, Zhang Siqi's family used to be here. It's just because the imperial city was confiscated. It's not to say that she's seeing things and thinking. She knows what Chu Feng is going to do, and she feels that it's not appropriate for her to go.

After all, today Chu Feng started because of himself, and there was still some embarrassment.

Chu Feng saw the lack of Zhang Siqi, who was a little bit sharp and beautiful before. She felt that the change was good. She said with a smile: "wait, stay with my parents for two more days, and then I'll go to Kuncheng to fly back."

Zhang Siqi body a shock, want to say forget, but see Chu Feng that no doubt in the eyes, finally bowed his head back: "OK!"


At this time, Lin Yulin also got down from a taxi with two bags of things in her hand, all of which were supplements. Seeing Chu Feng coming, she frowned at Zhang Siqi and said, "is she?"

Today, another Lin Yulin appeared. Naturally, Zhang Siqi couldn't remember. She coughed and said, "alumni of Huangcheng University, you can go by yourself. I can't show up!"

"Did you really hit Lin Sicong?"

Lin Yulin didn't tangle with Zhang Siqi. She didn't know what happened during the day. She asked, "what's going on? Why did you fight with him?"

Zhang Siqi is a little unnatural standing beside him. Lin Sicong was beaten for his own reason. He felt a little guilty in his heart.

Chu Feng gave her a comforting look, touched her nose and said, "at first I didn't know he was your nephew, so when I saw him bullying men and women, I couldn't help it."

"Then go and apologize."

Lin Yulin also understood that Chu Feng would not move for no reason. She whispered and turned to go inside. She just took a few steps and stopped to turn around. She was a little embarrassed and said, "Xiaofeng, I know your identity now, but they are my relatives no matter how they are, if they can."

Although did not finish, but Chu Feng already understood Lin Yulin's meaning, that is to let oneself not impulsive, look at her look forward to slightly nod: "as long as they don't overdo it, I will bear it."

Lin Yulin nodded with a smile, and did not force Chu Feng to bear everything, because she would suffer from it, but as long as she didn't care about Chu Feng, there was nothing wrong.

"Chu Feng, I still don't want to go."

Seeing that Chu Feng was about to go in, Zhang Siqi still felt guilty and said: "Lin Sicong was injured by you because of me. These are your relatives. I don't want you to be difficult to do. I'll wait for you outside!"

"Well, you go back first. I'll find you tomorrow and go to Kuncheng together." Chu Feng thinks about it for a while and thinks it's not appropriate for Zhang Siqi to go. He thinks that he was going to go to Guo Weitong's house for dinner, but when such a thing happens, Guo Weitong also wants to go to the imperial city. Chu Feng is going to sit down and leave together.

Zhang Siqi smelled the speech and laughed: "well, I'll wait for you tomorrow!"

After saying that, the girl turned around happily. Chu Feng felt a little guilty at the sight of her frustrated but still self-improvement figure. At first, in order to cut off the hands and feet of the literati and let the situation develop, she touched her nose: "it seems that I have to make up for it, otherwise my conscience will be disturbed."

This just quickly followed Lin Yulin's footsteps. They arrived at the door of a room on the third floor. Lin Yulin looked a little nervous standing at the door. Chu Feng patted her on the shoulder to indicate that he should not worry and pressed the doorbell.

Lin responded with a smile and took a deep breath. The door opened quickly. A middle-aged woman with big curly hair and heavy make-up came out to look at Lin Yulin and Chu Feng. Then she saw what Lin Yulin had in her hands and laughed: "come to find Lao Lin?"

Lin Yulin had not seen this person, but also guessed that it might be his brother's wife, smiling and nodding: "yes!"

"Please come in, please come in. There are a lot of people coming during the Spring Festival, and the hygiene is not good. Don't go outside!"

The red bayberry thought that she was coming to give her husband a present again, and her smile on her face was particularly brilliant. During the 15 day period, the gifts were piled up in a room full of famous cigarettes, famous wines and some high-grade tonics. When it was time to find someone to sell them, it would be millions more.

Lin Yulin nodded politely and walked in with Chu Feng. The red bayberry walked in front of him and called, "Lao Lin, there are guests. Come and see you."

Lin Sicong, who was sitting in the hall with one hand hanging, looked back and saw Lin Yulin for a moment. He recognized that he was the one who saved himself during the day. Otherwise, he would have broken his head and blood. But then he saw Chu Feng rubbing against his back and stood up and yelled: "Damn, you stinky boy hurt me so fast, but now it's good to send it to the door."

"Mom, it's this poor son of a bitch who hurt me today," said the puzzled bayberry

The red bayberry, who was happy to receive the gift, turned to look at Lin Yulin coldly and said, "I came to apologize, but it's not so easy. I'm such a son. My whole family is not happy when you hurt him. Wait for jail!"Chu Feng frown is not very cool, but Lin Yulin stood in front of the mouth, did not speak standing there.

Lin Yulin embarrassed smile: "sister-in-law, this is Chu Feng, I am Yulin!"

"Don't pretend to be familiar with me. You don't call my sister-in-law. You wait for me to call the police now." Yang Mei directly interrupts Lin Yulin's words by waving her hand and clamoring to make a phone call. Lin Sicong has already said something about the daytime, but she instinctively repels these poor relatives and doesn't want them to appear.

"Hold on!"

Lin Yulin felt a little uncomfortable. It seemed that the contrast between her brother and sister's imagination was too big, but she managed to smile: "brother, I'm sorry. I'm already an adult. I'll arrange it myself. You don't need to worry about it."

"As an adult, you are also a sister, but you don't understand the elder brother as a father?"

Lin Kai walked slowly and sat down. A pair of senior looks said, "how good is the person I'm looking for. If you want to have status and status, you still refuse and hang up my phone, wasting my kindness."

Chu Feng didn't speak, but his mouth was full of ridicule. What he said was to find a good family for Lin Yulin, but who didn't know that he wanted to increase the capital of his position with the help of Lin Yulin?

When Lin Yulin was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, Lin Kai looked at Chu Feng and said, "this is the son adopted by your sister. It's really childish. When I married Zhuo Shao, he would not have died of fatigue. Now Zhuo Shao is a deputy staff member of Jingshi city. He is not lucky

Chu Feng frowned. If Lin Yulin's brother and Lin Wei's uncle were not in front of him, he would go up and fight him down.

Lin Yulin also felt a little too much, and breathed out a breath and said: "brother, everyone has their own way. It's your business to marry who you want to marry for yourself, but you have to sacrifice the happiness of my sister and me for your own sake. We absolutely can't allow it. Although my sister has worked hard all her life, I believe she is happy."

"What do you say?"

Lin kaipa clapped on the sofa, stood up and pointed at Lin Yulin. He hated iron and steel and said, "you and my sister are uneducated people. I graduated from university. Do you know more than you know about your name? Shortsighted. I can only stay in the broken place like Linjia village all my life, understand?

If you had listened to me, you would not say that you are now rich and wealthy, at least you are not worried about food and clothing, but now, what kind of poor life, working life! "

Lin Yulin shook her body, holding a good mood to see her brother, whom she had not seen for 20 years. However, she did not expect to meet such a thing. There was no warm feeling of family meeting. Chu Feng, with quick eyes and quick hands, helped her to look at Lin Kai: "Director Lin, you are just her brother, but no one says that you are qualified to arrange her fate."

"My aunt is kind enough to remember that your brother came to see you, but she didn't come to teach you a lesson. Besides, she and my mother are not wrong!"

Lin Kai snorted: "adults speak, you have no qualification to interrupt, do not understand the rules of the wild." A finger at Lin Yulin firmly said: "don't go back this time. Stay here honestly. When you start to work, I'll introduce you a man to marry. It's about 28 years old."

As the words fell, Lin Kai felt a cold breath enveloping him. His eyelids leaped, and he found Chu Feng looking at him gloomily. He frowned and said, "little beast, what are you looking at? My parents don't know. My sister is kind enough to take you in. You don't know how to be grateful. Are you staring at me here?"

Lin Yulin's whole face turned pale. Knowing Chu Feng's temper, she said, "brother, don't say it!"

"Your brother is right." At this time, the red bayberry also came to her high head and hummed: "it's only in such a savage place as Linjia village that such a small animal can't understand the rules and beat people. Your sister is kind enough to adopt him. He doesn't know how to thank us for his kindness. He dares to hurt Sicong. It's really an immature dog."

Chu Feng released Lin Yulin's arm, narrowed his eyes slightly, swept Lin Kai and bayberry, his palm clenched into a fist, and began to open his mouth word by word: "I am indeed adopted by my mother, and I really want to repay you, but it's not for you. A group of people who only know the interests and abandon family love are not as good as dogs, and they are not worthy of my respect."

"You say I'm a dog, but I don't know my dog is better than me. At least I know that's my mother and this is my little aunt. How about you?"

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