Super Healer

Chapter 585

In a word, Lin Kai's family didn't hear anything. They just heard the four words that were particularly harsh. They were all angry. Yangmei pointed at Chu Feng and said angrily, "little beast, dare to say that our dogs are not as good as we are. You wait for bad luck!"

Then he went to make a phone call again. He scolded and yelled: "if you hurt my Sicong, you can't pay for ten lives. You dare to swear. The rural people just don't have quality."

"Stop fighting."

At this time, Lin Kai was angry and waved to his wife not to call. He completely changed himself: "although I don't understand the rules, it's also my sister's adopted son. I heard that she has died. Give her a little face, so I don't have to lie in the three acres of land in Lin's village and die in silence. I'm sorry for that!"

They don't know everything or pay no attention at all. They don't know that the dead man is buried in Jiulong Mountain, even if Lin Kai is dead and can't be buried in the place of millions, everything remains high.

Seeing that his father didn't seem to care, Lin Sicong was stunned and then roared, "Dad, I was interrupted by this bastard. You want to revenge me!"

Bayberry also echoed his son's words: "yes, these poor relatives see you just became the district chief, want to pull relations, I will not agree."

Lin Kai, however, was not like what he had just done. He suddenly yelled at his wife and children. Then he looked at Lin Yulin and Chu Feng and said, "I should have never made your mistake. I will help you if you have a family."

Sitting down slowly, Lin Kai's face showed a sad color: "for my sister, I'm also a little guilty. Two days ago, I contacted Lin Da Pao, a member of the Lin family village, that she passed away. I'm not qualified to be a younger brother. I'm sorry for that. Your life is not good now. I have the right to support you."

Lin Yulin's original look was stiff, and she felt that everything was so unreal. But when Lin Kai's conscience was discovered, she was inexplicably happy. Only Chu Feng's left eye was always looking at Lin Kai, and the dark side could not escape.

At the moment, he saw the cunning and insidious color in Lin Kai's body. While he was alert, he did not say anything.

"My sister was good to me when I was a child. When I was a student, I walked a few miles to deliver food to me. When I was sick, I still carried me to the city to see a doctor. I remember all these things."

Lin Kai continued without knowing it. Yang Mei and Lin Sicong looked at each other very curiously, but they didn't make a sound. He continued: "so I'm going to give you 300000 yuan to buy a better house in the city. The Linjia village will not be there. I'll talk to Lin dafao about the rest and transfer your HUKOU.

I can also do so much, these years is not my selfish, but my ability is limited, but now can help you, help it

"You're crazy!"

Yangmei heard that her husband was going to give Lin Yulin 300000 yuan. Suddenly, a sharp voice rang out: "tell you, you don't want to give them our family's money, or I will divorce you, and I will tell my father."

Lin Kai glared at him and yelled, "this is my sister and nephew. Shut up and get out of here."


Lin Yulin was so moved in her heart that she put two gifts on the ground and said, "I just came here to have a look today. I will leave tomorrow. Thank you for your kindness. I will come to see you in the future. In addition, my registered permanent residence has moved out, and I don't want to move back here. I just come back occasionally."

Lin Kai was stunned and subconsciously said, "who lives in that elder sister's house now?"

"No one lives. The head of the household is Chu Feng." Lin Yulin has been moved by Lin kaigang's actions and words, and whispers back: "although chufeng was not killed by her sister, she has not been a relative for 18 years, and is closer to her relatives than her relatives. So she changed the head of household a few years ago and left all the land to chufeng."

Lin Kai looked sluggish, but soon recovered to nature. Looking at Chu Feng, he sighed, "Chu Feng, uncle has an unkind request. Can you agree?"

Chu Feng more and more feel there is a problem, just do not know where there is a problem, quietly back to the way: "say!"

"I'll give you 300000 and give me what your mother left behind." Lin Kai took a deep breath and opened his mouth. His eyes were still slightly moist: "I haven't seen my sister for 20 years. I don't know when I die. I'm sorry for her. I just want to go to the place where she lived once in a while and miss my dear sister."

Chu Feng frowned, and before she opened her mouth, Lin Yulin said, "brother, no one lives now. You can go directly."

"Not the same." But Lin Kai shook his head, with an indescribable sadness: "then I would feel that I would go to my sister's house, but I would be very sad if she was not there. Only in my own home would I feel that my sister was still there and not dead."

Lin Yulin a stagnation, look moved, Lala Chu wind said: "Xiaofeng, or you will transfer to your uncle?"

"The head of the household is really me, but it needs Xiaowei's signature before the village member can seal it into effect." Chu Feng felt that something was wrong. He still couldn't catch it. He didn't promise rashly: "if my uncle wants to, I'll call Xiaowei later. He's not in Xuancheng now. Let him fax a statement to come over and talk about it again!"

Lin Kaixin stood up with a smile and went to Chu Feng and took his hand: "thank you, thank you!"Lin Yulin who can see other things, smile: "brother, you want to disguise to help Xiaofeng, I know, should be he, thank you."

"All the same, all the same." Lin Kai nodded frequently. Then all the people sat there chatting. Yang Meiqi went back to the room directly. Lin Sicong sat beside him and did not speak. He did not understand how his father, who was always mercenary, suddenly became so good.

The houses of 100 square meters in Linjia village are less than those of ten square meters in the city? Lin Sicong thinks that his father is stupid.

At about eleven o'clock in the evening, Lin Yulin and Chu Feng got up and prepared to leave. Lin Kai took them to the door. Lin Yulin's smile never disappeared from the beginning. After all, Lin Kai is his brother. It's strange that everyone is in a bad mood.

But Chu Feng is always on guard in his heart. When things are normal, there must be demons. Lin Kai starts to shout those words, which is his real emotion.

"Lao Lin, I want to divorce you, you son of a bitch!"

Lin Kai closed the door and went back to the hall. As soon as she was smiling, she came out of the room in a big package and said angrily, "I'm going to tell my dad that you bastard will be ungrateful to replace Zhang Fei as the district chief."

"Women's view." Lin Kai said with a smile. He leaned on the sofa when the red bayberry was about to roar. He said with a smile: "this morning, I received a call from the staff. Jianghai fengteng group and Hangzhou Marko group are going to join hands to invest in Xuancheng, and they are designated to go to the location of Linjia village.

The staff told me that the investment amount may be as high as billions. It is said that fengteng group wants to open a pharmaceutical factory to drive the economy there. In addition, Ma Ma group wants to open up a branch to promote the development of network information in Xuancheng.

At first, I didn't think it was possible. Although fengteng group was an emerging group, it had a strong momentum of development. Ma Ma was even more a private leading enterprise. It was similar to Kuncheng, the provincial capital. But then I felt that it was not right. I called my old classmate again. He is currently working in ma'er group. The news is true.

In addition, I called Lin artillery, a member of the Linjia village. He told me that someone in the area had gone there to investigate and plan these two days. He was sure that there was nothing wrong with it. "

Although bayberry was born into a high-ranking family, she knew how to mix with boys when she was young. She frowned and asked, "what's the matter with your sister's family?"

"The benevolence of women is short-sighted."

Lin Kai shook his fingers and looked like a strategist: "there are only dozens of families and more than 200 people in Linjia village. I looked at their topographic maps and found that if we built pharmaceutical factories and branches to build industrial areas, the whole village would have to be taken away and become a public road.

You want to think about what kind of benefits the people in Linjia village will get when the two groups work together, not to mention becoming a billionaire. But with land as a share, it is not difficult to earn millions a year. This is also what the staff and I said. I feel that people in Linjia Village will be millionaires in the next five years. "

The red bayberry blinked and was surprised, but then patted her head: "that's why you asked for the ownership of the land for 300000 just now. Don't you really want to get back together with your poor relatives?"

"Nonsense, if I don't do that, they'll look down on me in a few years." Lin Kai grinned and showed a sinister smile. He waved his finger: "do you know what a relative is? It's that you have not been as good as me. I can show off to you at any time. You can only look up to me, so it's a relative."

Red bayberry threw down the big bag and the small bag in her hand and kissed Lin Kai. She ignored her son and said with a smile: "it's really right to look at you at the beginning. Even if you don't become an official in the future, we won't be afraid to have no money to spend. It's great to participate in shares with land."

Lin Sicong reflected on what Lao Tzu had just said and nodded in secret: "crafty and cunning!"

At this time, Chu Feng, who had left with Lin Yulin, made a phone call to Lin Dabao, confirming that Lin Kai did call, but not to ask his so-called sister, but to ask if there were strangers going to the village in the past two days. Lin Dabao told him about several investigators, and later did not say anything about Chu Feng.

Then Chu Feng gave Shen Xiuqin a phone call to ask. The woman who had fallen asleep complained bitterly and told Chu Feng that she had studied the topography and environment of Linjia village, which was very suitable for the construction of an industrial zone. She happened to be with Ma Qiduo. Both of them were very interested, so she decided to come to Linjia village to do a big business.

It also informed some expectations about the land use of Linjia village. Because of the small population in Linjia village, it may compensate the pharmaceutical factory with a few percent of its shares after its completion, and then hang up the phone.

Put away the mobile phone, Chu Feng burst out with a bitter smile. Looking at the dull looking Lin Yulin holding her in her arms, she gently comforted: "it's normal that the interests are the most important than the family relationship, but it's also good to know earlier that you can also receive less damage, don't you, Linlin baby?"

Lin Yulin, who had heard the news, couldn't accept her brother's sudden change. She wanted to think about it. The whole person was silent in sadness. Suddenly, she heard Chu Feng's words, and her sad face turned red. She pushed Chu Feng aside and spat out, "I'm your little aunt, little villain. I'll ignore you later."

Chu Feng breathed out his breath and looked at Lin Yulin's back. He knew that Lin Yulin was not so sad. He secretly said that love was the healing elixir. He had the cheek to follow him: "I don't care. You just wait for me to bring you flowers and flowers."In the dark, only Lin Yulin's shy voice came: "go away, I'll be a mother before I'm 30 years old, and I won't wait for you for five years!"

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