Super Healer

Chapter 622

Some people, both enemies and friends, deserve respect.

At the moment, Chu Feng didn't find a way to make a living by abandoning the rest of the people. In the eyes of some people, it was a silly performance, and in the eyes of arbor, it was a manifestation of idiocy. However, in the eyes of some people with love, there was such a leader. Were you worried about giving your back to others?

Ten card members did not expect Chu Feng stubborn to this point, there is no choice, but also deeply moved.

Then came out a kind of more crazy killing and cutting, which could not let Chu Feng leave by himself. Then they would kill Chu Feng all the time and make a way for chufeng.

After a short period of quiet fighting, the blood is still boiling again. Although Gu Ming didn't open his mouth to say how emotional words, but from the time Chu Feng decided to go together, he firmly followed Chu Feng's side to block those sharp knives stabbed from other places.

The tree stands in the middle. Chu Feng in front of him is leading people to kill him. The ten members of the playing cards in the back are approaching like mad men. They scold me and regret how they are caught in the middle. If Chu Feng and his people take it, everything will be over this evening.

"Little Joe, this way!"

The flat headed youth also knew the crisis that arbor might face when standing here at the moment. He saw a gap to hold the hand of arbor and squeeze it to the left side, and constantly pushed Qiao's elite forward, completely staggering the possibility of dumplings in the middle.

Soon, the arbor and the flat headed youth completely separated from the middle area and were outside. The former emerged and roared wildly: "give me all, kill one hundred thousand, kill Chu Feng and reward one million!"

Qiao's elite, who had been killed by twelve people of Chu Feng, rushed forward like chicken blood. One hundred thousand, two by luck, that was 200000. What could be faster than this?

Although hundreds of people are here, only dozens of people in the front end can cause damage to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng was followed by a sword by a knife. He was followed by a bloody footprints step by step. His eyes were cold without any emotion. When he waved his sword, he didn't need to see where the enemy was. He just needed to know that all the enemies were in front of him.

Black Shouwu propped up and saw Chu Feng and others fighting constantly at the door of his room. His eyebrows wrinkled deeply: "is it all the plot of arbor, and linger, they were kidnapped by him?"

At first, I didn't expect that such a master had something to do with arbor, but from this evening when Chu Feng came to save people, arbor had already known about it. Heishouwu still had insight into some things and clenched his fist gently: "less wind, we must live."

At this time, a Qiao elite was kicked out by Chu Feng and ran into the crowd. There was a gap in the siege of Qiao's elite. Chu Feng saw the opportunity to burst out of his body and cut through the gap. The knife in his hand turned into several dazzling flowers. When Chu Feng crossed three meters, eight corpses were lying on the ground.

Cut your throat!

Gu Ming also follows the gap that Chu Feng killed. He looks behind him with his back. It's not that he doesn't trust the members of playing cards, but he thinks that chufeng is safe and he can protect it better. Chu Feng's back is the safest thing to give him.

Chu Feng's eyes were slightly coagulated. Although the ten members of the playing cards killed later were very strong, the space here was too narrow to let go of their hands and feet. Two of the ten people had already died, and the remaining eight were more or less with scars on their bodies. Chu Feng felt a faint pain in his heart. The death of playing cards was the biggest loss.

He nodded his head and looked. In a blink of an eye, only seven members of the playing card who followed Chu Feng were still fighting in blood. Three cards had been lost in 54 people's playing cards. Chu Feng's hand holding the knife was tighter.

A Qiao Jingrui, who was roaring and carrying a knife, chopped at Chu Feng's head. Seeing his stupefied appearance, he seemed to have seen his own knife cut off Chu Feng's head, but his smile on his face had not yet appeared. Chu Feng suddenly shook his hand, and the knife in his hand stopped his waist and directly split the Qiao's elite into two parts.

The blood spurted out and splashed all over the people around him. Chu Feng's sword fell down and walked towards the front step by step, leaving his back completely to the solitary life. He walked towards seven card players four meters away, blocking more than 20 Qiao's elite in the middle.

The tree was also shocked by the bloody scene just now. He came back to his senses and roared hysterically: "go up, kill five million Chu Feng, and kill another 500000. All of them are for me, quick!"

At the moment, arbor was really afraid. He was a man who was afraid of death, and even more a bully and a bully. Just like a young man who gave him a visible shock, he couldn't resist at all.

As for chufeng, it has always been just a rumor, and has never seen it with his own eyes. Therefore, he has always been dismissive of chufeng. He thinks that it is because of Su Xinyu that Chu Feng can have his present status.

But at the moment, Chu Feng's terrible killing felling shook the tree's heart, which had a kind of non empty meaning.


At this time, there was a gunshot, and a card member's chest was bleeding, and then he was pierced by two knives. The flat headed man held the smoking gun, and his eyes were cold.Chu Feng saw a card member die again, pupil fierce shrink, turn to look, see the muzzle of the gun has been aimed at himself, body ahead of a hand, push back lonely life, the sound of the gun bang bang, two bullets burst out.

Chu Feng and Gu Ming both dodged, nothing happened, but the two Qiao's elite were shot lying down and their heads were blown off.

Two shots were missed. While the fight continued, the flat headed youth shifted the muzzle of the gun to the other members of the playing card, ready to take their lives at any time. The arbor tried to stop it, but he finally chose to be silent. Tonight, everyone was cold weapons, and it was inevitable that they would be punished with guns.

"Less wind, go!"

The roar of cars had already been heard around Joe's yard. Everyone knew that it was a sign of support coming. Only six members of the playing card who had been killed from the back were left with a knife on their necks and yelled, "if you don't leave, we'll kill ourselves in front of you now."

Chu Feng slashed and killed a Qiao's elite, with indescribable firmness and gloom in his left eye: "even if it's death today, I'll take your corpses away!"

No longer paying attention to the threat of the six card members, Chu Feng screamed and hit the front. The knife in his hand slashed fiercely, and the sound of breaking sounded. It also completely broke through the barrier between the two sides and joined the six card members later. At the moment, Chu Feng was also covered with blood, as if crawling out of the sea of blood.

Six people see Chu Feng to this moment are inseparable, the so-called man does not shed tears, but only sad in the heart, holding the knife in his hand, following the silent turn of Chu Feng, began to kill toward the study.

Up to now, there are only six members left in the playing cards. Chu Feng suppresses his grief. Eight people have not cooperated with him. But at the moment, he automatically forms a formation and kills towards the study. There are not too many words, only indifference to life and the desire for life.

The flat headed youth still wanted to shoot, but at the moment, he seemed to be touched by something. He put down his gun and opened his mouth in a low voice: "this is a group of people worthy of respect. The success of Chu Feng is inevitable."

The tree just wanted to scold, a Qiao elite ran from the front and said: "Qiao Shao, originally surrounded the people of the white tiger Gang, but the support vehicle surrounded by the right wing suddenly exploded. The white tiger Gang left 30 corpses and killed them, and ran away from the route already set."

Arbor scattered to scold the flat headed youth, heard the speech humming: "run and run, as long as the Chu wind is still here enough, order to go on, let all people keep Qiao's courtyard within a radius of 500 meters, no one is allowed to enter, this evening chufeng must die, not die, then everything is false."

Qiao's elite replied in a loud voice and quickly ordered. The tree roared at the inside: "Chu Feng, now 3000 people have surrounded here, even if you kill out, there is no way to escape, or honestly put down the knife and surrender. As long as you sacrifice a little interest, I will not kill you tonight."

Chu Feng held the broken knife and waved it. If it was a tree, it would be air. If both sides fought until now, it would be the result of one party's death. Arbor's delusion to resolve Chu Feng's fighting will was just a dream.

Seeing his words, Chu Feng didn't hear him at all. The tree passed by in anger, waved his big hand, and pressed down 50 people again. He said in a cruel voice, "I will kill you even if I use people."

With only two meters left from Lord Qiao's study, the corridor began to widen. Although the formation of eight people could play a more effective role, there were more people surrounded. Chu Feng didn't know how many people he had killed, but he knew that there was still a chance of life when he killed Lord Qiao's study.

And at this time, I can only hope that black Shouwu's heart is loyal to Lord Qiao.


Suddenly, the sound of two blade into the body sounded, two in the back of the playing card members were looking at the opportunity of the two life, Qiao's elite pierced through the body, when the body shock, two card members also broke out crazy, directly holding the piercing knife forward, but also roared: "in the next life, we will still follow you!"

Chu Feng suddenly turned back, his eyes flashed pain, but he didn't kill back, biting his lips, chufeng walked toward the front again, less than two meters away, but it seemed so far away.

When Chu Feng felt his vitality was dim, all of a sudden, the air around him was stagnant, and thousands of Xiaosha appeared, which made the originally repressed breath even more heavy. Suddenly, thousands of sword flowers appeared in the west of the sword, and more than ten Qiao's elite were blooming with bleeding flowers. They fell on the ground without death, but lost their fighting power.

A figure like falling from the sky, unique style, white clothes floating!

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