Super Healer

Chapter 623

A sword to the west, let the scene of the fight quiet down.

The figure in white slowly fell to the ground and stood steadily in front of Chu Feng. A vacuum zone appeared in the three meters around them. Everyone forgot to respond, or could not react at all.

The tree in the distance stood on tiptoe to look at the tree in the distance. Suddenly, his expression was stagnant, and his eyes were more obsessed with color. Nono said, "how beautiful!"

Wenxinxue's green front is stained with blood. She's dressed in white, but she's not windless. She's like a nine fairies falling from the earth. Three thousand green silk sways gently, which gives people a kind of ultimate aestheticism. Rao is that Chu Feng has already seen the beauty of wenxinxue, but now she can't help but feel a little dementia.

Everyone blinked and forgot to breathe. Then they wondered where this beautiful fairy like woman came from.

"Come on, kill them." The tree is a little far away, and the shock is not great. After a shout, he quickly changed his mouth: "kill Chu Feng, and the woman will catch me alive!"

In a word, let the quiet scene fluctuate again. Although Qiao's elite, who had killed red eyes, was shocked by the beauty of wenxinxue, he immediately launched an attack. Chu Feng said, "be careful!"

"Take care of yourself, you can!"

Wen Xinxue throws out a sentence lightly. His graceful body moves like a snake. Qingfeng gently hands it out. In an instant, he stabs out more than ten swords. More than ten Qiao's elite fall to the ground and lose their combat effectiveness.

The ultimate beauty and powerful force make wenxinxue the focus of the whole audience.

The tree stands behind the people, his eyes burst out with deep greed. He has no hatred for wenxinxue. He only wants to possess. He says coldly: "such a beautiful woman is the person of Chu Feng. This guy's peach blossom luck is really not built!"

The young man with flat head is also staring at the fairy like Wenxin snow, and his throat wriggles unnaturally. At the moment, the Hebrew girl in the arbor room seems not so attractive.

Chu Feng originally opened up wenxinxue in order to avoid any change in the plan. After all, wenxinxue is a great writer, but he didn't expect that the last moment was that the woman killed to save their crisis. His heart was complicated, but he didn't give up the chance to break through.

Although wenxinxue only hurt people and did not kill people, Chu Feng understood that this was her character. Maybe she killed Huangfu Wenren at the beginning because Huangfu Wenren showed insidious and vicious. For Qiao's elite who had never met but obeyed orders, Chu Feng could understand Wen Xinxue's kindness.

Under the absolute force of wenxinxue, chufeng and others soon killed the door of the study and kicked the door open. Chu Feng turned back and said, "wenxinxue, go!"

Wenxin snow swings out a knife flower, and his body suddenly retreats in front of Chu Feng. When he stabilizes his body, he suddenly swings out a sword, and more than 20 Qiao's elite who rush up are shocked by an invisible force and fall to the ground, losing their combat effectiveness.

Chu Feng sees Wen Xinxue still wants to do something. He grabs her hand and goes into the study. Gu Ming and others retreat into it at the least cost. The door is completely closed and isolated from the outside.

Qiao Jingrui wanted to rush in, but he found that the study of King Qiao had stopped. No matter how long he died, who is the person in charge now, and in the heart of Qiao's elite, that is, the immortal palace, he has respect for the study and bedroom he used before his life.

Arbor can ignore so much, directly push the crowd up to point to the study and drink: "you are not stupid, hurry to kill me, kill Chu Feng to me, catch that woman."

Qiao's sharp face was obviously hesitant. What else did arbor want to say, the flat headed youth grabbed him and whispered, "Qiao Shao, the study and bedroom of the king of Qiao's courtyard are the sustenance of Qiao's people. They can't bear to destroy the contents and let the study be stained with blood."

Arbor was stunned. He thought it was reasonable to ponder on it carefully. But Chu Feng was in the study at the moment. If the time was prolonged, there would be some changes. He murmured: "is this it?"

The flat headed youth shook his head, motioned to arbor not to be in a hurry and said: "they even entered the study, which is equivalent to a turtle in a jar. We can't kill people in Wang Ye's study, but we can force them to come out by themselves."

The arbor hears the speech to show a smile, turn back to roar: "give me to prepare smoke to add chili oil!"

When more than ten Qiao's bodyguards went to prepare things, arbor looked at the study fiercely and said, "Chu Feng, you have no way to go back. You must die tonight. But as long as you promise not to care about Qiao's affairs in the future, and let go of the fifteen northern provinces, the Fengmen force will roll back to the river and sea, and I can give you the whole body tonight."

In the study, Chu Feng looked at the newly decorated study, which was different from the one he had seen before, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Hearing the voice outside, he said with a nonchalant smile, looking for the so-called way of life at the same time: "arbor, you really make me amazing, just don't take me down or even kill, everything you do tonight is useless."

When he came to King Qiao's desk, Chu Feng knocked on it to make sure there was no mechanism. Under the perspective of his left eye, he continued: "but don't say I don't give you a chance. Send me the bodies of my six brothers to make sure they are still complete. I'll give you a chance to fight to the end.""Otherwise, I will stay in this study, why don't I go out? Do you think Qiao's elite dare to kill in?"

Outside, the arbor was livid, and asked in a low voice whether something was ready or not, and then said to the inside, "well, I hope that after I carry your brother's body, you will come out from the facade of the study. If you damage a little bit of my grandfather's study, you and I will never die."

Then he waved to the flat headed youth to find out the bodies of the six card players who had just been killed.

and Chu Feng as like as two peas, and the scent of the Chu wind appeared, the study still looks the same as before, but it looks too new. It is not the old furnishings. It is not necessary to think that it is replaced by trees. Qiao Linger and Joe are old people who will not move the things of Joe king.

Two minutes later, the voice of arbor came again: "Chu Feng, I have sent someone to carry your brother's body. Can you come out now?"

"Send it in!"

Chu Feng's left eye has already seen that there is a secret channel under the desk, but at the moment he can't find where the mechanism is. He said to the outside: "don't worry, I'm worried that when I wait for the fight, someone will trample on my brother. When I'm sure they are complete, I'll go out and fight with you."

Arbor's face became more and more deep, but it seemed that Qiao's elite, who was preparing to smoke, had not come back. He had no awe of King Qiao, and he said, "good!"

In spite of the other Qiao's sharp and ugly faces, arbor ordered six corpses to be placed at the door, and the door of the study was also opened. Chu Feng and others stood inside. The latter waved and asked people to carry in the six corpses, which were all dried up with blood, and closed the door again.

Arbor has seen Qiao's elite who is ready to smoke come back. With a sinister smile on his face, he roars to the inside: "Chu Feng, I have met your requirements. Can you roll out and die according to your promise? Don't worry, I will bury you after you die. "

"You're in a hurry. Please give me your brother."

Chu Feng glanced at the books on the bookshelf with his left eye, and said perfunctorily to the outside. Standing in front of the bookshelf, he found that one of the social and financial books was not a physical book. He stretched out his hand and pulled it. The underground where the desk was located was quietly shaking and roaring toward both sides.

The anxious members of the playing cards were very pleased to see that they really had a genuine look. Although there was a tidal current from below, it also proved that there was a vent underneath, and their eyes were on Chu Feng. The meaning was very simple. Let Chu Feng go first.

And outside, smoke has been arranged in the study of each vent, do not know the inside of the tree said: "Chu wind, give you a minute to consider, if you do not come out, I just promised you to cancel, after you die, I will tear you to pieces!"

Chu Feng made a gesture inside to ask the playing card members to lift up the body and go down first. He said to the outside, "arbor, I don't believe your character very much, so I decided to wait inside. Maybe there will be vitality. After all, if you live one second, you will earn one second!"

Arbor's face was angry, and he really wanted to order a strong attack. But he also understood that Qiao's elite was in awe of King Qiao. He could smash it unknowingly, but in such a situation, no one would offend here.

He raised his hand and said, "let it go. I can't see you coming out this time."

The special smoke was ignited like a smoke bomb. The difference was that it was very pungent. It was accompanied by chili oil, which was even more uncomfortable. More than a dozen Qiao's elites lit there and kept fanning, making all the smoke drift towards the study.

Wen Xin Xue coughs gently and covers her nose and mouth. Her eyebrows frown. Chu Feng lets her lonely life go down and then opens her mouth: "you also go down!"

Wenxinxue frowns and looks at the black hole. She is reluctant to say that she can kill her, but she is not ready to open her mouth. Chu Feng has already grabbed her and jumped into the hole because he sees that the hole is slowly returning to its original position.

With a slight sound, there was no one in the study. Qiao's elite was still lighting smoke outside. It was only about 10 minutes. There was not only no cough inside, but also no one came out. Everyone smelled something unusual.

Arbor is also the whole heart nervous up, cold face fantasy way: "have been smoked to death?"

After a few minutes, the tree's hysterical cry sounded in Qiao's courtyard, as if it had been exploded by hippopotamus. After entering the tunnel, Chu Feng and their family were equally uncomfortable!

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