Super Healer

Chapter 624

After they came down from chufeng, the hole was closed, and a wall rose from the passage, one by one, and kept pushing forward in front of them. There was no chance for them to stop and examine the tunnel environment. All they thought about was an idea. Run.

The design of this tunnel can be sure that chufeng is the key channel for escape, and it is only used once. The tunnel is also equipped with the function of automatic destruction to block the pursuers who may come through the hole, because the rise of each wall blocks the original road, and the rear can not catch up.

At the moment, it has run more than 500 meters, and the back is completely silent. I can be sure that I left Qiao's courtyard, but everyone's heart is not relaxed.

If the tunnel is in danger, you can go back. The big deal is a fight. You can still survive. But in the tunnel now, I don't know where to go.

Chu Feng is absolutely calm. His left eye is examining in the dark. The wall behind has no meaning of blocking up. So there is no need to worry. Looking at the fork in the road ahead, Chu Feng frowns gently with a trace of doubt.

The direct penetration, anything can not block Chu Feng's eyes. At the left corner of the road, Chu Feng has seen a stone gate with a width of 30 cm at the end. It's about 30 kilometers away. He is shocked by the handwriting of King Qiao. The tunnel under his study is more or less inseparable from the relationship.

People see Chu Feng did not speak and did not make a sound. Now Chu Feng is their backbone and they are waiting quietly. They will firmly follow which way Chu Feng chooses.

To say the most calm and indifferent people, at this time it is estimated that wenxinxue and lonely life.

Chu Feng's left eye looks at the road in the middle. It's not as long as the road on the left, but it's also ten kilometers long. Looking up, it's 50 meters below Bingdu square. The secret road is written by Lord Qiao. Chu Feng pays attention to a stone chamber in his sight!

Inside the layout is very simple, a simple bed and a bookcase, as well as a table, as if it is a living room in general, the rest is nothing special.

But when Chu Feng was ready to take back his eyes, he was suddenly attracted by something. A portrait seemed to have some ideas, but it seemed a little abrupt when it appeared there. The left eye wanted to penetrate, but there was a faint darkness in front of him. Chu Feng seldom fluctuated for his left eye, but his heart trembled violently at the moment.

His fist had been clenched in the invisible. Chu Feng restrained his inner agitation. As long as he wanted to, his left eye could see through a starry sky, and even see the situation on the moon. Since he was ten years old, he found that his left eye could see things, but Chu Feng had not encountered anything that he could not see through.

Even if the thousand heavy waves can penetrate through, the Wanzhong mountains can also see the things behind it.

But at the moment, it is a portrait that blocks Chu Feng's left eye and calms his heart palpitation. Chu Feng takes back his eyes and looks at the fork in the right hand, which instantly penetrates the past, but his expression solidifies instantly.

In the dark, everyone can't see Chu Feng's expression. Only Wen Xinxue knows that Chu Feng is exploring the way with his left eye. The rest of us only think that Chu Feng is thinking about where to leave.

After a few minutes of silence, Chu Feng broke the silence in the dark and said: "take the left road, with my feeling, there is a way to live."

There are only four people left alive in playing cards. They all carry one or two corpses of their companions. Hearing this, he said with an indescribable firmness on his face: "the wind is less. Let's divide into three groups and walk three intersections. You and Wen will wait here alone. If it is safe, we will come back and you will go again!"

Chu Feng was moved in his heart, but he didn't need to worry when he saw the road to life with his left eye. He patted the shoulder of the man who spoke: "all on the left. I learned a little tunnel layout. The left is the way to live. Believe me!"

Chu Feng's words are full of self-confidence. Although the four people can't see each other clearly in the dark, their years of cooperation let them know what they are thinking of each other. They nodded heavily: "OK, but we will go first and come back safely."

Chu Feng said with a smile: "no, I have studied this tunnel. There is no danger. There may be a way out for the other two roads. There may be no way out. I also want to see the great handwriting of Lord Qiao. After you are safe, find a safe place to hide and hide the exit for me."

Seeing Chu Feng's indisputable words, the members of the playing card also understood that Chu Feng's decision was difficult to change. They should say caution one after another. Four people and six corpses went to the left corner of the road, and the sound of footsteps quickly disappeared in Chu Feng's ear.

Chu Feng looked back and saw that his lonely life was also injured. He took out a pill and gave it to him. After taking it, he said, "you can go too. After going out, you can hide it temporarily. This evening's plan failed. It's doomed that I can't make trouble on the arbor at the meeting. After I go back, I still need to see the two roads ahead."

Lonely frown: "I'll be with you!"

Chu Feng shook his head firmly and said, "if it's the rest of the things, I can promise you, but now mei'er is missing outside. Xia Yan sits in the imperial city and Yan Luo is unruly. Although you seldom speak, I believe you can command people well.In addition, tomorrow is the meeting time. If I don't show up before 12:00 noon, you can send a message in my name. I'm a little uncomfortable. The meeting will be cancelled and waiting for notice! "

Lonely life hesitated for a moment. He was not good at emotional expression. He just nodded and walked to the left passage. There were a lot of things to deal with this evening, so we must prevent arbor from being crazy.

When Chu Feng didn't open his mouth, Wen Xinxue took the lead in saying, "I promise my master to protect you."

Chufeng narrowed his eyes and wanted to say that he didn't know whether there was danger, but he saw wenxinxue's firm look and knew that it didn't make sense. He said with a smile: "thank you for killing me when you are at the critical time."

After that, Chu Feng turned and shot toward the road in the middle. Ten kilometers in length, it was too slow to walk slowly, and his injuries were not very serious. Chu Feng was ready to seize the time to see what was going on. Finally, he went to the road on the right. What he saw just now shocked him.

Wenxinxue didn't stand in the same place or leave to the left. She jumped out on her toes as if she was flying. She just came to Chu Feng's back in an instant and let the latter sweat. Her speed can be said to be very fast. I didn't expect this woman to catch up with her before she tried her best. Strange thing!

"Damn it, where are the people?"

As Chu Feng and Wen Xin Xue moved towards the Middle Road, the smoke in the study dissipated, the trees came in with a gloomy face, and saw that the study was clean and clean, and there was nothing except the residual smoke smell.

Chu Feng and others who began to come in seemed to disappear out of thin air.

The flat headed youth walked around in the study and found nothing. Finally, he stopped in front of the bookshelf, looked at the row after row of books, and locked his eyes on one of them, which was the one that Chu Feng started to move.

When the tree wanted to scold, the flat headed youth stretched out his hand to take the book, but he couldn't hold it at all. In this way, the tree, who had originally wanted to scold, looked stiff and asked, "is there a mechanism?"

The flat headed youth nodded and quickly moved all the other books next to this book. After looking at it together, he said, "Qiao Shao, there is a mechanism in Wang Ye's study. This is not a physical book, but a switch made of steel. It's just hard to move it now."

The tree came over and tugged at the book, but he couldn't take it out. He said coldly, "look, we must find out the entrance of the tunnel. Chu Feng, they must die tonight."

The flat headed youth nodded and ordered several elite Qiao family members to come in and grope in the study. However, in the past ten minutes, they did not get anything by knocking and beating. There was no hollow place at all.

Arbor impatiently drank: "you are all rubbish, more than ten dead people disappear together, still can't find?"

Flat headed youth lying on the ground, it is under the desk, ears on the floor gently tapping, not to raise his head to say: "Qiao Shao, I have checked every place in the room, are solid, although here is also solid, but it sounds different from other places, I suspect the entrance is here."

Arbor smell speech immediately came spirit, order way: "come person, move desk for me, smash this floor!"

Soon several Qiao's elite who were still searching came to lift away the heavy marble desk. The young man with flat head squatted on the ground, touched his hands there, and his face showed a trace of joy: "it's really here, Joe. Look at it."

The tree ran over and squatted down. There was a small gap in the place where the flat headed youth pointed. If you didn't look carefully, you could not see it at all. In addition, it was usually pressed under the desk, so no one suspected that there was a secret passage entrance here.

Stand up and wave his hand and say, "come on, if the switch doesn't work, break it for me!"

at the moment, the trees in rage were not to be provoked. The black Shouwu stayed at the door and slowly left. Now he was injured, and he was not suitable for holding the tree with heavy weights. Under the instructions of the trees, more than 10 Qiao's elite found the hammer shovel and began to rage against the floor.

A few minutes later, there was a crack sound, and the floor broke directly. The people looked happy, but then they were stiff. After clearing the broken stones, there was a large stone under the floor. It was so tight that people could not see whether it was blocking the tunnel or itself.

The tree with a stiff smile on his face and his eyes were cold and said, "go and ask people to continue to smash me again. You must smash the tunnel mouth out to me and catch up with Chu Feng and kill them."

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