Super Healer

Chapter 714

After receiving a phone call from ye Zixuan, chufeng said only one word, and then hung up the phone and turned off the phone. It turned out that things had already happened, so Chu Feng chose to sleep until dawn.

At the beginning, Weiss officials had filed a protest against the Shengchao official through the exchange hall in the Imperial City, saying that Chu Feng abducted Huang Shaoyu people in Weis. However, the official played Taiji and said that as long as Weisi official had evidence, they would ask Chu Feng's important people, but they had no evidence to come up with.


The emperor Shaoyu died in the imperial city of Shengchao and was found out by the Weis. At first, Chu Feng insisted that he had not kidnapped Huang Shaoyu. The official of Shengchao also said that he had no choice but to break up in an instant before the death of Yuren.

The imperial city that has just subsided has gathered the world's attention again. If ordinary Weiss people died, it would not be so. But the dead people at the moment are royal emperor Shaoyu people. Although the Weisi royal family has retired from the world stage after the Ghost War, it does not mean that they have no influence at all.

Through the diplomatic unofficial documents to protest against Chu Feng's bad behavior, Chu Feng's evil behavior on Weisi and Chaoyun island was revealed again, and Weiss's voice of denouncing Chu Feng's failure to subside was even louder.

It's just that all this is going on, except for the official condemnation that the truth must be found out, the parties are surprisingly quiet.

In the morning, fengteng garden.

Chu Feng got up early and sat in the restaurant to eat breakfast and listen to the report from blueberry. At present, the situation is tense. Weis exchange hall strongly demands that the official of the holy Dynasty give an account. After all, Yuren died in the imperial city.

After eating two bowls of porridge quickly, Chu Feng belched happily and said with a smile: "Wes people are still so shameless. After Yuren was taken away by me, they have already regarded him as dead, but now it's full of wind and rain. It's just that they want to take advantage of the official's mouth."

As soon as Chu Feng finished, ye Zixuan, who had come early, took over and said, "yes, Weiss officials have already put forward three requirements to the Shengchao through the exchange hall. As long as the official of the holy court agrees, then this matter will be ignored. The royal family has a similar attitude. Otherwise, they don't mind letting the kingdom of the western regions judge this matter."

Chu Feng's mouth was full of sarcasm: "Weiss is really more and more unprofitable. Now if something happens, he will find the master of the western regions. What are the three conditions?"

Ye Zixuan took a look at Chu Feng, turned on her mobile phone and said, "at this time, Xia Yan came in from the outside, her eyes were dignified and she said:" the wind is less, dozens of foreign journalists have come to fengteng garden, and hundreds of Weisi people follow, shouting for justice! "

"Get justice back?"

Chu Feng stood up, the smile on his face gradually exuberant, and walked toward the outside. His tone was noncommittal and a little sarcastic: "it has always been the Weisi people who ask for justice from them, but now they are coming to me for justice. Has no one told them that they should be prepared to die in fengteng garden?"

Ye Zixuan and others are nervous. If they want to speak, Chu Feng has already gone out. They can only smile and sigh that Chu Feng should not kill others. However, most of them are foreign media. If all of them are killed here, the bad name of Chu Feng will not be clear.

Although the pilgrimage officials do not want to do anything, they still have to do something in the face of international public opinion.

Outside the fengteng garden, there are dozens of foreign media reporters, and there are hundreds of Weisi people with banners in the distance. Everyone's head is wrapped with white cloth. The banner reads: punish Chu Feng, seek justice for the dead Emperor Yu!

Silent, but the rendering of banners has its own pressure.

Chu Feng walked out of the main building with his fingers flicking, and nearly 100 wind door members swarmed out in an instant. Without any more words from Chu Feng, he directly beat the foreign media at the door and smashed their camera equipment and interview equipment!

The sudden attack made those foreign media reporters panic, but they suffered a greater blow when they wanted to resist. Only in a few minutes, dozens of reporters and their equipment were on the ground, in a mess.

The Weiss people in the distance have been looking at all this with consternation. They don't know where the members of the damper have the courage to beat these people, but the facts are in front of them and they can't help believing it.

Seeing the members of the damper coming towards them, hundreds of Weiss were also a little flustered. They were just ordinary Weiss people in the holy pilgrimage. They would not dare to face the wolf like wind door members and turn around to run. However, they did not know when hundreds of people came to block their way.

At the end of all this, Chu Feng came slowly, with a harmless smile on his face. He looked at the blocked Wes people in the distance, and dozens of foreign journalists who were rolling and screaming on the ground. His face was amused with a smile.

Before Chu Feng opened his mouth, a white reporter raised his hand and said, "we are journalists. We have the right to know and interview. We also have the protection of international law. You should be responsible for violence against us."

Chu Feng just came to his side and stopped, looking at the angry look of the white reporter. He kicked out with a smile and let the white reporter roll out for a few meters. He patted his feet and said, "I respect the laws of the Kingdom and the reporters who have the right to know. I am a civilized man. I have never committed violence for no reason."Dozens of reporters lying on the ground sniffed at this. Who didn't know that Chu Feng was a bloody and ferocious guy and a civilized man?

In the sneering look of these reporters, Chu Feng seemed to be fooling God with holy glory, coughing and seriously saying, "I'm serious, I beat you because you're cheap, and I'm not a civilized person!"

People almost have the impulse to spit blood and curse in their hearts. If you beat people or scold others, you also say that you are civilized. There is no reason in the world. However, in the face of Chu Feng, who controls the absolute situation, these words can only be kept in the stomach and dare not to express them.

Chufeng walked away with a smile, and went all the way to the road outside fengteng garden. Pointing to the distance, he said: "within 500 meters around fengteng garden, there are all my private property of chufeng. Although there is a road, it is undeniable that it is still the private area where my real gold and silver fell down, understand?"

When those reporters and Weisi people raised their heads, Chu Feng put his hand on his mouth and coughed and said faintly: "you come to the door without my invitation and permission. According to the law of Tianchi man, you can directly kill if you enter other people's territory without permission."

"Compared with the Tianchi people who were shot dead by the police after the beggars beat two fists, I feel very kind. Am I not a civilized person?"

Chufeng said with a smile: "it's nothing to just beat you now, because you're cheap and come here to fight, so don't have any psychological hatred. Otherwise, it's not a fight. I'll kill you as well."

Chu Feng's words were so relaxed that dozens of reporters who were still screaming were suddenly silent. As reporters, they were also sent to places like Shengchao imperial city. Naturally, they knew that Chu Feng's words had no water. When they thought about the various notoriety of Chu Feng, they did not think about the condemnation and digging out the fierce materials at the beginning, but whether they could leave here alive or not.

And Chu Feng is also in the degree of opening: "but you don't have to worry, I beat you, so naturally will not kill, but you break into private residence will eventually be subject to legal sanctions, I am going to sue you for collective theft of me, you should be sentenced to ten years and eight years, should be no problem."

"But I am a civilized person in the new era and a good representative. I will not sue you and do something for me. I will not care about this matter with you."

Dozens of reporters want to cry without tears. Chu Feng's shameless behavior can be regarded as a lesson at this moment. They know that their hands are stained with blood and they have to pretend to be saints. However, in the face of Chu Feng's reasonable suppression, they have no choice but to nod their heads there.

"Yoshi, a man of cooperation, a great good man." Chufeng playfully said, in the ugly look of those Weis, chufeng said to Xia Yan: "please take these reporters and ladies to the garden and let my little wife talk to them about the matter of Weisi chief palace entering the holy court, and how the Yuren who came with Miyano died."

Xia Yan didn't know how to do this at the beginning. At the moment, his eyes brightened and he waved his hand. Dozens of members of the wind door swarmed up and invited all the reporters regardless of their feelings or unwillingness into fengteng garden. Actually speaking, it was more appropriate to mention it.

When these reporters were brought in, Chu Feng's eyes were icy, and he swept hundreds of Weiss people in a cold voice and said, "all of them should be buckled up. At the same time, Weis exchange hall will be informed. Their people will intrude into the private residence. One person will have one million yuan. Otherwise, they will be waiting for their corpses."

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