Super Healer

Chapter 715

12:00 p.m. Weiss exchange hall!

Since 8:00 a.m., the conference room of the exchange hall has already been filled with people. All the people who have not left, such as Masai Mitsui and Xinzi, are sitting here. After four hours of meeting, they can not get a perfect result.

Last night, Xinzi learned about Yuren's hiding place through special channels, and took the Knights of Weiss exchange hall and their accompanying bodyguards to rescue them. Yuren found it, but it was a cold corpse, which proved that they had been dead for several hours before they went.

Even at night, Weiss exchange hall informed Weiss official, and then submitted an unofficial document to the holy pilgrimage official to protest against the crime of Chu Feng, demanding severe punishment, and then offered conditions for things to calm down. However, none of them worked. The official authorities of the holy Dynasty, just like playing Taiji, did not respond positively to this problem.

When he was in a hurry, the official in charge of the Shengchao said, "Chu Feng is in fengteng garden. You can go there yourself. You can catch it and kill it. But now it can be concluded that Chu Feng killed Yu people, and they can't.

Finally, Mitsui prepared to take public opinion pressure to oppress Chu Feng. He did not want to kill Chu Feng in this way, but at least he wanted to bring pressure to the holy government and seek the maximum benefits.

However, the news that came later made Mitsui stay in a daze for half an hour. After he recovered, he called all the people to the meeting.

How to rescue dozens of trapped journalists and hundreds of detained Weiss people? The latter doesn't pay much attention to them in his heart, but if they are killed, they will be thrown out by the responsible person and torn up by the people.

As for the former, Mitsuma's scalp aches when he thinks about it. Those are all journalists from western regions, and Mitu can't afford to deal with an accident. Don't say there are dozens of them now, because in the end, we will know that these reporters are paid by mituma to do things.

For a time, in the depressed conference room, the question that has been around is how to let Chu Feng pay a heavy price, and let all the detained people come back safely.

Only after two hours of discussion, they fell into silence, and no one could give a perfect solution.

Finally, he broke the silence and looked at Xinzi, who had not spoken since the beginning. He said softly: "Your Highness, we all know that you are very sad about the death of Yu renhuang. But now is not the time to be sad. The top priority is how to teach Chu Feng and rescue the detained people."

Xinzi slowly raised her head, her eyes were still a little red and swollen, as if she had cried. Her voice was a little hoarse and said: "we must kill Chu Feng, Kato Jun, my brother, Weis hero monument and Chaoyun Island warrior. We can't compromise with Chu Feng any more. We must kill him."

Everyone nodded slightly when they heard the speech. Everyone here wanted to kill chufeng, but there was a huge difference between dream and reality. Chu Feng couldn't be killed in Weiss, not to mention the imperial city and Fengmen's territory.

Mitu felt Xinzi's murder and agreed with him in his heart. However, he thought of his stupid decision and said, "Your Highness, I can understand your murder of Chu Feng. But now we accept Chu Feng's request for a ransom of one million pool dollars per person, or are we just so indifferent that we bet Chu Feng dare not kill?"

"After all, those are ordinary people in Weis. If Chu Feng is crazy again, he won't?"

This is more to comfort himself, but also want to get other people's affirmation, eyes more than two points of hope, hope Xinzi said, is exactly what he thought.

"No?" Xinzi asked with a sneer on her face and said, "master Sangu, Chu Feng has already carried countless bad names and his hands are stained with countless blood. Why is he afraid of hundreds of Weisi people's lives? Not to mention that he was the one who took us for breaking into other people's residence, or you don't think there is anything.

But if Chu Feng grabs Tianchi's speech some time ago, killing hundreds of people will be in vain. No one will come forward and say a fair word, because that would be the face of Tianchi! "

Mitu's facial muscles moved, and finally turned into a silent sigh. In his heart, he also secretly scolded the Tianchi man. It's OK for you to play with him. Making such a speech that affects the stability of the world is tantamount to murder by breaking into a residence without permission!

When the situation was once again in a state of anxiety, a communications officer came into the conference room and said, "Weiss, chief Kato and Huang Huo say hello to everyone!"

In a word, all the people who had been sitting upright stood up, their eyes were dispersed, and the initial dignified became respectful. The windows in the meeting room were slowly closed, and the rolling curtain was slowly falling. The whole conference room was dark. The projector on the ceiling was slowly lowered, and the appearance of two old people appeared on it.

Huang Huo, the royal family, and the former chief Ichiro Kato, who is now replacing Miyano's comeback.

Huang Huo still looks like he is old and will die at any time, but as long as he still has one breath, people can't help but have the thought of worshiping him, as if this is the real emperor.

Kato Ichiro's hair is half white. He combs his hair in an orderly way. His eyes are sinister and his nose is high. If you look at it, you can see that he is from Shuidong school.When the emperor raised his head, he could see Xinzi and their voice was very light, but with a kind of depression: "we have all clear about the matter. I have also talked with Kato Jun. the first plan is to solve the hundreds of detained people, especially the dozens of western region journalists, at the cost of the Shengchao and chufeng."

As soon as the voice dropped, Xinzi said, "Your Majesty, we can't complete all the three requirements of the first plan."

It is a matter of shame and shame for the other people in the conference room to bow their heads in shame because they can't find a plan for themselves. It's a matter of shame and shame to ask the old flame to come out.

"We know it!"

This time, Ichiro Kato opened his mouth in a deep voice, and his voice gave a feeling of metal penetration: "this is just the plan we expect, not the one that must be implemented, but his highness Xinzi. You are so firm in saying that it is impossible. We would like to ask if you have any solutions."

Xinzi slightly straightened her body. The pretty girl now had more determination and firmness, and whispered back: "we have compromised with Chu Feng once, and given 10 billion Chi Yuan to gain the vitality of ten thousand people, but they still died in the end."

"Although we have no evidence to prove that Chu Feng did all this, we can not guarantee that the hundreds of people will not die after the ransom this time."

Kato Ichiro's sinister eyes narrowed slowly: "continue!"

Xinzi fearlessly welcomed Ichiro Kato on the screen. His words clearly said: "the official attitude of the holy pilgrimage is firm. This is the personal enmity between Weiss and chufeng. The gratitude and resentment in the river and lake are in the river and lake. It is doomed that we can't put the abacus on the Shengchao, because it's just a waste of our time, but we can't get any return."

"It's better to put the center directly on Chu Feng, and claim justice for the dead Wes warrior!"

Kato Ichiro's eyes were more sharp, and his voice was as low as ever: "what about the detained person?"

Xinzi pauses, looks at all the people in the conference room, and finally faces the screen and says, "when they are dead!"

Xinzi's words let the meeting room fall into silence. Everyone knows that this is the best way to solve this problem. However, when we really want to make such a decision, although it can protect Weiss' dignity, it may make the public feel cold.

Two old people on the screen looked at each other, and Ichiro Kato said softly: "the others will go out first. We want to talk to Mr. Mitsu and his highness Xinzi!"

The rest of them slowly left the meeting room. Although they were curious about what they were talking about, they were more relaxed. When they should not know something, they should not know it.

When there was only herself and Mitsui in the conference room, shinko whispered, "please make it clear to your majesty and the chief executive."

"Your Highness Xinzi!"

Kato yiro stood up, his eyes flashing with madness and murder: "within three hours, twenty middle and eighty junior warriors of the plum blossom club will sneak into the imperial city secretly. We fully trust you. This time, our final demand is that Chu Feng must pay a price, and Wei's dignity must be found back!"

Mitu's body was so shocked that he had already guessed something. Instead of asking how to do it, Xinzi bowed down and said, "Xinzi must live up to the expectations of both of you. This time, we will have the greatest dignity for WES."

Huang Huo also stood up at the moment, bowed to the picture with Ichiro Kato, and said in unison, "please!"

Then the screen flashed, the video call disappeared, and the conference room slowly changed back to the beginning. A smile flashed in Xinzi's eyes. After she recovered her calm, she looked at Mitu's red lips and said, "Sangu Jun, this matter is only known to you and me. When the experts of Jiahe family arrive, let them hide."

"This battle, we want to fight beautiful, to let Chu Feng pay the heaviest price!"

For Xinzi, who has been granted the highest authorization, Sangu Ma Yi paid more respect and bowed back: "Hi!"

At this time, the door of the meeting room was suddenly opened, and Jingshan came in anxiously, with a dignified voice: "Your Highness, the situation is passive. Dozens of reporters who were suddenly captured by Chu Feng were released half an hour ago. I didn't disturb your meeting. Ten minutes ago, all the major media in western regions broadcast a news together."

Xinzi's eyes congealed and said, "what's the news?"

With a wry smile, Jingshan replied: "they released a video of chief Miyano's death in Yanmen, and there is enough evidence to prove that it is chief Miyano. He also said that Yuren followed him into the holy Dynasty. The disappearance of the past is just a plot layout."

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