Super Healer

Chapter 725

With a slight frown, Chu Feng goes to Ma Qiduo's room again. Not only Murong Bing is not there, but also Ma Qiduo is not in the room. She frowns a little again and looks at her room. Her left eye penetrates and her eyes are wide. But when she thinks of Lin Yulin's affairs, Chu Feng is not willing to pay attention to these things.

Let Bing qingyujie take a rest for a while. Chu Feng opens the door directly and enters the room. Murong Bing has already opened his eyes when Chu Feng opens the door.

Walking to the bed, Chu Feng looks at the three women, and says that if she doesn't know that their orientation is OK, she must suspect that Su Xinyu is doing something immoral.

Chu Feng knows this, because Chu Feng has been alone in the empty room for several nights. He covers Su Xinyu with quilts. Chu Feng says, "I have something to ask you."

Then he opened the door and went to Murong Bing's room. When the latter came, he was not ready to speak. Murong Bing sat on his thigh, hooked his neck, let out a breath and said with a smile: "husband, do you want to take me down, just make sure you don't want to be the same as last time. It won't work at the door!"

Seeing Chu Feng's dignified look, he didn't mean to be joking. Murong Bing got up from chufeng's legs and lay on the bed with one hand resting on his head like a kitten: "come on, how come your eyebrows are all wrinkled into a line?"

Exhaling a long breath, Chu Feng simply told Murong Bing about the incident of entering the underground passage and what she found when she was besieged in three provinces. She also told her to transport the sarcophagus back and put it in Lin Yulin's residence now.

Focusing on Lin Yulin's another personality abnormality and her conjecture with Bingqingyujie, Chu Fengcai shook her head with a wry smile: "so my head is in disorder now. If my little aunt is really the product of Chang'e's seventh life, and this life is the reincarnation of Chang'e's hundred generations, I really don't know what to do!"

"It's a god body indeed!"

Murong Bing had been lying on her back, and her charming eyes twinkled with sharp color and opened her mouth: "but I can't be sure before I saw her, but according to what you said, your little aunt is not a dual personality. If Jade Scorpion's strength is terrible, then there is only one possibility."

Chu wind secretly asked the right person, suppressed restlessness and asked: "what?"

Murong Bing leaned on the head of the bed, squinting his eyes and thinking about something. After a while, he said, "the soul of the last life!"

Chu Feng frowned deeper. He didn't know anything about these things. He thought the world was simple before, but there were ancient warriors, adjudication office and hidden world forces. At the moment, what kind of soul was involved? Chu Feng felt too mythical.

But also did not continue to interrupt Murong Bing's words, asked: "what do you mean?"

Murong Bing reorganized his language and said, "according to what you said, Chang'e has practiced seven generations and seven lives, and has gone through the hundred generations of reincarnation. This is the first life of great perfection. In fact, it is for this reason that seven generations and seven lives may not be continuous for seven generations. But how many parts of her body do you think Chang'e will have in practicing this

Chu Feng frowned slightly and thought about the next time: "the reincarnation of hundreds of generations, then it must be removed from the beginning to now and occupy the whole life, so it should be 600 life parts!"

The eyes showed a smile and said: "and Jade Scorpion, it is estimated that your little aunt's previous life, but she may have insight into Chang'e's plot, also know that she is just a separate body, but she is not willing to her own hundred reincarnation pave a way for Chang'e to become a God, so I don't know what reason, she reincarnated to your little aunt in this life."

"And she is not dead, so your aunt has not shown the rest of the things, the strength is in the hands of Jade Scorpion."

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed, Murong Bing said that he basically understood that Jade Scorpion is one of Chang'e's six lives of the ninety ninth reincarnation, but she was not willing to become the background of Chang'e after the ninetieth, so she did not disappear and reincarnate again to Lin Yulin.

In this way, as long as she does not die, Lin Yulin will not be regarded as the 100th generation, but still be regarded as the 99th. Her mouth is filled with a smile: "if this is the case, as long as my little aunt has been in normal shape, then the Jade Scorpion will not appear. In this way, Chang'e's one of the six lives of the hundredth generation will not come to my sister-in-law?"

Murong Bing nodded back: "in theory, it's like this, but some things are wonderful. If your little aunt comes into contact with Gu Wu, it's equivalent to opening the 100th generation. So what you have to do is not let her touch these things. It's enough to be an ordinary woman all your life."

"As long as your little aunt doesn't achieve a hundred generations, Chang'e will be helpless even if she finds her!"

Chu Feng nodded, but immediately thought of what to say: "if found, can Chang'e cultivate itself?"

Murong Bing looked at his beautiful fingers and nodded back: "of course you can!"

Chu Feng stood up, the star eyes deep, and finally looked at Murong Bing and asked, "what can we do to make Chang'e not wake up?"

Murong Bing sat up and looked at Chu Feng and said with a playful smile, "do you really don't want Chang'e to wake up and have a look at the once most beautiful goddess?"Chu Feng shook his head with a wry smile and said: "if her sixth life does not have my little aunt, I would like to, but now I am not sure if there is, I need to be careful, so even if she is beautiful and charming, I will destroy her!"

"It's not that there is no solution, it's just a little difficult."

Murong Bing stood up playing with her fingers, and her graceful body under her thin pajamas loomed: "the first way is like what Bingqingyujie taught you to destroy her noumenon, but Baishi reincarnation has made her have a divine body, ordinary power can't be destroyed, unless you have supernatural power."

Chu Feng naturally knew that this method was not available, and asked, "what else?"

The smile on Murong Bing's face gradually became exuberant and said with a smile: "this method is a bit cruel, but the most direct one is that the seven generations and seven lives will be fully fulfilled within the hundred generations' reincarnation. Chang'e itself has already gone to that realm, that is to say, the remaining six lives are required to go to that realm."

"It must be the last life and the seventh life of the great circle man. If one dies or dies, ha ha!"

Chu Feng looks stunned. Although Murong Bing didn't say it, he already understood what he meant. There are two ways to keep Chang'e awake. The first one is very difficult. The second seems to be the simplest, but actually it is more difficult. Among the vast sea of people, where can we find Chang'e's sixth life?

Exhaled a breath, shook his head and sighed: "there are so many people in the world, who knows which one is Chang'e's life. Finding out may have reached the highest level. If she doesn't kill me, how can I kill her?"

Murong Bing blinked his eyes and said, "husband, if you want, I can kill a person for you!"

Chu Feng was stunned, but seeing Murong Bing's sly look, he put on a straight face and said, "I advise you to give up this idea. I don't know whether my little aunt is Chang'e's one of the sixth generation's hundredth body. Even if she is Chang'e, I won't let her suffer any harm, even if she is Chang'e!"

Murong Bing's boring Dudu mouth: "now, if the sixth life of Chang'e is only your little aunt, who has not reached the perfect state, you can stop Chang'e from waking up until you kill her, don't you?"

The sharp questions let Chu Feng not know how to answer for a while, and finally turned into a firm word: "who wants her to die and be hurt, I want to die, even if it is a God, I want him to fall down from the altar!"

Feeling Chu Feng's firmness, Murong Bing went to the next closet, took off her pajamas and quickly changed into a black hot dress. She turned back and said, "I'll go to have a look with you. I've seen Jade Scorpion, but I didn't realize that she was a warrior. This time, I'll take a closer look and see if it's the soul of reincarnation boarding

Chu Feng's face a joy, see Murong ice that helpless look to walk over to embrace her to kiss: "thank you, ice ice ice!"

"Well, don't you think I'm an old goblin now?" Murong Bing gave Chu Feng a white eye, but he also enjoyed the embrace. He patted Chu Feng's hand and said, "let's go. It's too late. If something happens, it's not good!"

Five minutes later, Chu Feng didn't take the rest of the people and forced Bing qingyujie to stay in fengteng garden, and Murong Bing drove away from fengteng garden. The less people knew about the sarcophagus, the better. Otherwise, if the hidden forces knew about it, Chu Feng would not doubt what they had done.

On the bus, Murong Bing is driving. Chu Feng keeps his eyes closed, thinking about the matter between Lin Yulin and Yu scorpion. He has a headache. When he is only three kilometers away from Guanghan garden, Chu Feng opens his eyes in vain.

The next moment, in the dark came the fierce whistling sound, the killing opportunity burst out!

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