Super Healer

Chapter 726

Sudden change!

Numerous diamond shaped darts flew in, directly punctured the tire, and all of them were pinned on the car body. Murong Bing turned the steering wheel to stabilize the car body, directly stopped and bent down with Chu Feng.

On the body of the car, there was a jingling sound after the car stopped. It can be seen that people in the dark have launched a lot of diamond darts.

It lasted for dozens of seconds before the sound stopped. The body was covered with diamond shaped darts, which looked like hedgehogs from the outside. Fortunately, the quality of the car itself was good. Although it was ravaged by so many darts, it was not broken and there was no other damage. Otherwise, the ordinary car was hit so intensively.

It's already exploded!

All of a sudden, after a short period of calm, a few smoky things came from the darkness and landed around the car. Chu Feng narrowed his eyes and sniffed, and his mouth curled up a cold kill: "master Wes!"

Murong ice side a mouth: "you wait, I go down to all of them to solve."

"No, let's play cards with them."

Chu Feng pulled Murong ice hand to get off the car, took a mobile phone to edit a text message sent out, took out a pill to Murong Bing after eating, continued: "support five minutes, there will be support, there is no need to fight with these bastards dirty their hands, but also add fresh blood to the playing card practice."

Murong Bing nodded at the smell of the speech, which did not mean to get off the bus. After the five smoking things around him landed, the smoke was more and pungent, but it had no effect on Chu Feng and Murong Bing.

The whole car was shrouded in thick smoke and could not be seen at all. A pair of eyes were lit up to see if anyone would run out. However, most of them were indifferent eyes. Thousands of diamond shaped darts were fired, and they were probably dead in the car.

It's just that although everyone thought so, they didn't rush out to find out immediately. Instead, they were waiting for the smoke to disappear. Even if they were not stabbed by the darts, they would be choked and poisoned by the smoke!

Almost four minutes later, the smoke slowly began to dissipate. In the cold wind, the smoke was no longer pungent. It was just like ordinary cooking smoke. The people hiding in the dark also flashed weapons. A knight's knife was in hand, and the cold light was shining in the dark.

Suddenly a bang, a door directly away from the body flew out.

The man in the dark was stunned. When he saw the two figures flash out like lightning, the dark passage flashed out from all corners. There were hundreds of people in the dark. The Knights stood around with their swords in their hands. Their eyes were wary. Chu Feng and Murong Bing, who had no damage, flashed out.

Chu Feng's eyes swept over these people who were wrapped in black clothes, and his mouth was disdained: "being treated as cannon fodder is still playing tricks here, stupid!"

Almost when Chu Feng's voice had just dropped, dozens of figures appeared in the deserted street. They approached those masters like lightning. A round of surprise attack made more than ten experts fall into a pool of blood.

However, these masters were obviously well-trained. After being attacked for one round, they quickly set up a defense circle. Seventy of them bravely faced the people who suddenly killed them, and the rest were pressed against Chu Feng and Chu Feng.

Chu Feng just glanced at them lightly. At the moment, he didn't have time to play with them. He took Murong ice and shot away. His body shape could only catch the shadow. The four experts at the front end slowly fell to the ground. Chu Feng and Murong ice also appeared dozens of meters away, just like ghosts.

Looking back at the master team completely restrained by playing cards, Chu Feng said in a loud voice: "all killed!"

Then he pulled Murong Bing and quickly disappeared in the vast night. Now he is not interested in Xinzi's means, because the result has been doomed, the most concerned thing is Lin Yulin, whether the Jade Scorpion is one of Chang'e's sixth generation's ninety ninth life!

Under the rapid running of the two men, they appeared outside Guanghan garden in less than 10 minutes. The guard Jade Scorpion group members saw that Chu Feng had been away for less than a long time and came back again. Although they felt surprised, they still performed their own duties and did their own things. They only looked at Murong Bing for a few times.

Chu Feng looks around and pulls Murong Bing to the garage first. After opening and entering, he closes the garage door. He doesn't want many people to see that there is a sarcophagus inside.

Murong Bing let go of Chu Feng's hand and went over. When she saw the woman in the sarcophagus, her beautiful eyes condensed into awns. Then she recovered her calm. Two steps ahead, she lifted the windbreaker covered by Chu Feng and giggled: "I thought that Chang'e's beauty was in vain. I didn't think it was worthy of its name."

"Big enough, white enough and cocky enough!"

But just a look, Chu Feng went over and took the windbreaker cover on it and said, "I want you to see the problem, not to let you enjoy her body."

Murong Bing shrugged his shoulders, looked at the four characters of pure Hu yuan'e written on the sarcophagus, nodded and said, "this is really Chang'e, I don't need to doubt her identity, I can be sure!"

Under the gaze of Chu Feng, Murong Bing squatted down and took Chang'e's hand in the sarcophagus and put it in the palm of his hand. He closed his eyes and felt what he felt. After a long time, he opened again. He stood up and frowned: "Chang'e!"Chu Feng a Leng, look around, and then open his mouth: "are you stupid?"

Murong Bing did not answer Chu Feng's words, but the seductive eyes kept staring at the woman's cold mouth in the sarcophagus: "some things happen is happened, there is no need to try to change, too persistent will only make yourself painful, of course, the choice is yours, how you wish that is your thing."

"But what I want to say is that you are doomed not to succeed!"

Inexplicably said some words, Murong ice hand a Yang, the sarcophagus cover restored to its original position to cover, turned and frown did not show pull Chu Feng out of the garage, until entering the villa hall, only quietly opened: "husband, things are a little more complicated than I imagined!"

Chu Feng didn't pick one. He rarely saw Murong Bing, who didn't care about anything, showed such an expression. Seeing that no one else lowered his voice, he asked, "what's the matter?"

Murong Bing took a deep breath and pulled Chu Feng upstairs. As he walked upstairs, Murong Bing said in a low voice: "we all think that Chang'e may not wake up until the full reincarnation of the hundred generations. But just now I saw that the strength of Chang'e's body is not what ordinary people can imagine. She wants to wake up just as an opportunity."

"I don't need a big round, but I don't know where the opportunity is now."

Chu Feng more listen to more confused, frown asked: "can you explain white point?"

Walking up the stairs, Murong Bing exhaled a breath and reached Chu Feng's ear. She said in a low voice, "Chang'e just can't open her eyes now, and she can't get up, but she's awake and conscious. I don't know what's going on in this situation, but I'm sure that as long as an opportunity, she can recover the appearance of ancient times."

Chu Feng's heart beat hard for a moment. He thought that he just opened his mouth in amazement: "then you were talking to Chang'e just now. She can hear our conversation. Then she must know that I am going to destroy her body?"

Murong Bing nodded: "yes, so the first thing that she wakes up, perhaps is to kill you, the first man who saw her body."

Chu Feng swallowed his saliva hard, and forced to suppress the shock in his heart and opened his mouth: "then if she really waits for that opportunity to wake up, what will happen?"

"Even if it's not a God, it's the best in the world!"

Murong Bing said with a wry smile: "because she has accumulated the strength of Baishi. As long as she opens her eyes and comes out of the sarcophagus, it will be the perfect state of Tianfan's later period, the ultimate demigod."

Chu Feng felt his scalp numb. If so, even if he was willing to kill Lin Yulin, he would only stop Chang'e from becoming a God, but he could not stop her from becoming a demigod. His eyes coagulated and said, "then when she can move freely, it will not be difficult to find six lives."

Seeing Chu Feng's solemnity, Murong Bing nodded back and said, "yes, the noumenon is not free. It's easy to say that when the noumenon is free, it's very easy to find Liusheng. The reason why Chang'e is conscious of these things is that she needs to wake up and call six lives to one."

Chu Feng breathed out a breath, took Murong Bing's hand, temporarily dispelled the depression brought about by this incident and said, "well, let's talk about it. Now we don't know what the opportunity is. You'd better see my aunt first."

Murong Bing followed Lin Yulin's room. The latter was already asleep. Murong Bing walked over with one hand on Lin Yulin's body, and frowned deeply when she finally put it away.

Without saying anything, Chu Feng did not ask, until he walked away from fengteng garden a kilometer away, Murong Bing stopped and said, "I'm not sure if your little aunt is the one hundredth of Chang'e's sixth generation, but I can be sure that Jade Scorpion was not born from the split personality, but was born with her."

"That is to say, when your little aunt was born, she was born with her, twin souls!"

The stone in Chu Feng's heart is not a bit relaxed because of Murong Bing's words. On the contrary, he is born with double soul. If he didn't bring Murong Bing this time, maybe he would never know that one person can have two souls and share the same body.

Just wanted to ask something more, Chu Feng's phone rang. Seeing the phone call from Zhou Xiaoxuan above, he was curious that he still called so late and pressed to answer. Then he hung up and said, "go to the funeral home!"

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