Super Healer

Chapter 728

The morning came, the whole imperial city began a new day, the new life of ordinary people began a busy day.

Xinzi stayed up all night. Now she is sitting in the garden and looking at the ordinary people who are busy passing by through the fence. She looks more gentle and envious. But she can feel a trace of helplessness and murder in the depth of her eyes.

Mitu Masai stood in the distance, did not make a sound, just quietly looking at Xinzi, who has been sitting in the cold wind for two hours, at the same time, he has a little dignified in his heart.

Last night, all the experts were sent to attack Chu Feng, but only half of them came back. Half of the dead were not in the hands of the elite Fengmen, but in the hands of the official police.

For a while, the members of Weiss exchange hall who knew the news were all nervous. If the official of the holy pilgrimage did not take action, they could still play a game with Chu Feng. If the official of the holy pilgrimage stood behind Chu Feng, Weiss could only end up with failure and no result.

In the quiet silence, Jingshan, with wind and snow, came to Xinzi from the outside. After holding his body, he said respectfully: "Your Highness, I have found out the matter. It is said that the police sent out police officers only after receiving a report last night.

only the 30 policemen who started to arrive at the scene were thought to be Jiahe master, supported by the wind door, injured more than ten people by mistake, which caused the tragedy of last night

Xinzi eyebrows gently raised, light said: "Fengmen people can die in the hands of the enemy in the war, but absolutely can't die in the hands of the army and police for nothing. No matter what the result is, it's good. Chu Feng, who can't vent his anger to the official of the holy Dynasty, will surely attack us."

"Is it an accident or is someone pushing it all up in the dark and making me lose an opportunity?"

Xinzi used special means to make 400 people arrested by Chu Feng die, in order to make Chu Feng face the accusation of human rights and then achieve the goal in his heart. But at the moment, more than 20 people in Fengmen died worthless at the gunpoint of the military and police. Xinzi almost could have foreseen Chu Feng's revenge.

Jingshan naturally understood the meaning of Xinzi and thought about it and said, "Your Highness, maybe it was really an accident."

Xinzi raised a faint smile and said: "at first, I thought it was an accident, but after thinking about it, the possibility of accident is very low. Considering the events of the previous period, I seem to have to suspect that it is the person in charge who has given Chu Feng trouble, and is also making us uncomfortable!"

Jingshan frowned deeply and said, "Your Highness, if there is a person in charge of the holy pilgrimage behind this, do we need to do something?"

Xinzi closed her eyes and thought about the current situation. After a while, she opened her eyes and said, "let all the potential Jiahe masters leave the Shengchao quickly. Chu Feng has no way to resist the official of the Shengchao. Then he must vent his anger. He will definitely lock these people out by any means."

"If you don't leave early, you'll never be able to leave."

As soon as Jingshan's body was shaken, he did not doubt Xinzi's inference. He quickly took out the phone to make a call. Just as soon as he took out the phone, he rang and pressed to answer. Jingshan's face changed and he said, "five thousand members of Fengmen surrounded Meihua Trading Co., Ltd., and Chu Feng appeared at the scene in person. He was very angry."

Xinzi stood up, beautiful eyes a coagulation, exhaled a breath, turned and said: "go, can only look like this!"

Central business circle!

Five thousand members of the wind door seem to fall from the sky, and generally surround the left area of central. They are only allowed to enter and not to go out. Every company and shop is immersed in depression. Fortunately, the damper is just blocked and nothing is done. Otherwise, people are already in panic.

Meihua Trading Co., Ltd. is an overseas branch of Weimei Meihua group. Behind it stands the plum blossom club, which is not a secret in some circles.

But at the moment, the 1000 members of the wind door outside the plum blossom Trading Co., Ltd. are paying special attention to this place. Not only can they not enter it, but also the same person can not walk out. A fierce breath completely covers here.

A car slowly came and stopped 20 meters away. Chu Feng sat quietly in the car with the window down. Chu Feng looked at the company building with more than 30 floors, and said faintly: "except for the Weisi people, all the others have been cleaned up for me. Even the aunt who sweeps the floor can't stay in it."

"At the same time, control well, and don't let the rest of us have a chance to run out."

Xia Yan already knew what happened last night. He nodded slightly and went to the front. More than 20 people died. Although he did not appear in the wind door, Xia Yan knew who he was. Half of the people died at once. How could he not feel pain in his heart.

When the car window closed again, ye Zixuan frowned and said, "do you want to do it? Pull out so many people in the daytime, and still in the Imperial City, you don't want to live? "


Chu Feng gently threw out a sentence. There was no other fluctuation in his words. He closed his eyes and kept calm and said, "and this is just the beginning. The storm is still behind, because I am crazy!"

Ye Zixuan looks stunned and wants to ask Chu Feng what he is going to do next. He just remembers that more than 20 card members who did not die in the hands of the enemy but died in the hands of the military and police last night shut up wisely. Chu Feng is still calm now. It is the biggest concession that he hasn't asked the Zhou family for an explanation.After all, there is a hidden rule in the whole world. When the safety of ordinary people is not threatened, there will be gratitude and resentment in the river and lake. Although the official action last night is justifiable, it has broken the balance. On the other hand, it is still the Weisi people. It is conceivable that Chu Feng's heart is full of anger.

More than ten minutes later, Xia Yan came back, stopped by the car and waited for the window to fall down. After that, he said, "all of them have been cleared out and left here. Now all of them are Weisi people who rent the highest floors of plum blossom Trading Co., Ltd."

Chu Feng looked at the time, then looked at the building and whispered, "tell the people inside that I'll give them 20 minutes to hand over the Jiahe master last night. Otherwise, when the time comes, inch inch inch soil, inch inch inch blood!"

Xia Yan's expression is coagulated. There are not only Jiahe masters who may be hidden, but also hundreds of ordinary Weisi people. Chu Feng's words are undoubtedly chicken and dog.

I want to remind you that Chu Feng has rolled up the window and only one sentence floated out of the car: "go to work. More than 20 members of the playing card have died. If it wasn't for their attack last night, they wouldn't have been taken advantage of. Before I go to calculate the general ledger, I always have to give the dead a little account first."

Xia Yan looks stunned, and finally nods to leave, conveying the meaning of Chu Feng.

The car fell into silence. From last night till now, Murong Bing did not say a word. At this time, he just played with his nails in the back. Occasionally, he looked at Ye Zixuan, whose face was not very good-looking. Then he looked at Chu Feng, shrugged his shoulders and hung a smile, but he did not speak.


A member of the damper ran to Chu Feng's car and respectfully opened his mouth: "the wind is less. There are three cars of Weiss exchange hall outside. Please come in and meet you."

Chu Feng opened his eyes and thought about it. He opened the door and looked at the light opening of the three cars outside: "release!"

After a while, three cars came to Chu Feng. One of them opened and Xinzi stepped down. Before he reached Chu Feng, he opened his mouth and said, "I ask you to remove 5000 people at once. It is a challenge to Weiss to surround the foreign company like this."

"What's more, you and I don't want to see what happened last night. It's unreasonable for you to do so!"

With a faint look at Xinzi, who is intriguing with himself but has other meanings, Chu Feng replied quietly: "I only know that last night there was no attack and killing, so my brother will not die, and there will always be someone who has to pay a little price."

Seeing Chu Feng's appearance of not killing people, Xinzi bit her lips and said, "Chu Feng!"

Chu Feng didn't have much fluctuation. He turned his eyes to the building and said, "I've already spoken. Hand over the person who attacked and killed last night. When this incident has not happened, we can have a pleasant chat, or you will know the consequences."

"Asshole, it's too arrogant!"

Xinzi did not speak, a military officer of Weis could not look down. Xinzi was the inner Prince of the royal family. In their hearts, Xinzi was like a God's residence. At the moment, he seemed to be ignored when he talked to Chu Feng, and his anger rose in his heart.

Two steps ahead, he came to Chu Feng and said, "I want you to apologize to your royal highness immediately, and remove your people. This is Weiss company, not your holy pilgrimage. You can't bear the responsibility!"

Xinzi's face changed and he said, "Sakata!"

But it was too late. When Xinzi spoke out, chufeng's mouth was filled with a warm smile, but under this smile, he put his foot on the so-called military officer Sakata. The latter's body of 150-60 Jin immediately flew forward, accompanied by blood.

But all of this did not stop. Chu Feng turned around and took a knife from the next door member's hand and threw it out at will. As soon as he fell to the ground, Sakata's throat was pierced by a knife.

When the face of the Weisi people who followed Xinzi changed greatly, Chu Feng said coldly and mercilessly: "there are still 13 minutes left. If you don't hand over the man of last night, you will not leave a dog or a chicken!"

But because of the bloody shock of the Weisi people, ignoring Xinzi's ugly and pale face, Chu Feng gently threw out a sentence: "in addition, who yells at Ben Shao again, I can only let him die with grass mustard, and still die in vain."

The words of killing and cutting made the scene completely quiet, and the eyes subconsciously looked at the dead Sakata, so he was killed?

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