Super Healer

Chapter 729

This is the thought of everyone present and even Xinzi's mind at this time. However, when we feel Chu Feng's firm and unchangeable killing and cutting, we can only suppress and bend in our hearts.

The ability to kill Sakata without hesitation in front of thousands of people proves that Chu Feng's heart is full of amazing killing and cutting. Now anyone who wants to touch it can only die. But if they are asked to hand over Jiahe master, they can't do it. After all, not only Chu Feng lost last night, but they also lost half of them.

But Chu Feng also put his words there. If it was not Jiahe master who attacked and killed him last night, he would not have been killed by the official, and the Weisi people would have suffered a lot.

Xinzi took a deep breath. She didn't want to intensify the conflict with Chu Feng, but she also knew that if she handed over those dozens of Jiahe masters, she would be killed by the people's saliva. After thinking for a while, she stepped forward and said in a low voice, "the wind is less. Let's make a deal. How about this matter?"

Chu Feng took back his eyes and cast off Xinzi's light mouth: "say!"

Xinzi bit her lips and whispered that she was unlucky. She took out her mobile phone and transferred some photos. She lowered her voice and said, "I know that the 400 Weiss people you have detained have died. I can stop investigating this matter and cover it up for you, as long as you withdraw today!"

Chu Feng took a look at the photo on the mobile phone quietly, and the corner of his mouth picked up a sneering smile: "Your Highness, are you threatening me? What's the matter? You and I know it. You're so sure you haven't left any flaws? "

"And can you really afford to die of 400 Wes?"

Xinzi's face changed slightly, but she quickly recovered to nature and said, "can I afford it or can't afford it? It's my business. I don't need to worry too much about less wind. Now I just want to know if it's ok?"

Chu Feng's mouth slightly tilted, his eyes projected on Yin Han and said, "I don't accept any threat!"

Xinzi was stunned. Then she bit her lip and bowed her head to one side and handed over those Jiahe masters. She would certainly be impeached by Meihua club. But if she did not hand over to let Chu Feng send people to attack directly, the public would spray her to death.

She looked back at Chu Feng angrily. All she had done was to prove that she could cooperate with Chu Feng on an equal footing, but from the beginning to the present, she was oppressed by Chu Feng, and she was unwilling and had a little resentment.

Mitu masichi didn't know what Xinzi and chufeng had said. He just looked at the time getting less and less. He took a few steps to Xinzi's side and lowered his voice and said, "Your Highness, would you like to ask for instructions at home?"


Xinzi frowned, but then she thought of something. She dialed the phone and waited for her to be connected. After seeing Chu Feng, Xinzi walked to one side and got on the car. Then she said, "grandfather, I'm sorry, I did a stupid thing. At present, the plum blossom Trading Co., Ltd. is surrounded by Chu Feng. Hundreds of people are in danger, but I don't know how to choose."

There was a silence at the other end of the phone, and a voice of vicissitudes came: "we already know that you are not wrong, but you are a bit eager for quick success. If Chu Feng was so easy to kill, he would have died in Weis, so you can't blame all the things on you!"

"I have already said hello to the plum blossom club and the mansion. You can take full responsibility to deal with this holy pilgrimage. You can lose or even die, but you can't lose the dignity of the Empire."

The stiff expression on Xinzi's face eased a little. If there was an old man, she would do things more leisurely. She also showed a little smile on her face and said, "I know what to do. The dignity of the Empire will never be lost in my hands, so that Chu Feng will not pay a heavy price, but I believe it can be done next time."

The voice of the old man faintly spread: "you have a sense of propriety, Yu people have died, you can go to find your sister-in-law, she may bring you a little surprise."

"Keiko Yamazaki?"

Xinzi was shocked, but she had already hung up and held her mobile phone. She almost forgot a person, that is, the emperor's younger imperial concubine, Keiko Yamazaki, who had brought the holy pilgrimage. She thought about it and sent out an encrypted message. Then she called out and said, "I sent you one thing. I have only one request and a promise for you."

Xinzi's beautiful eyes are firm at this moment, just like a man, an irresistible killing opportunity emerges: "resolve the embarrassment we Wes is facing, and when I come to power, I will return you to freedom!"

There was a silence on the phone, and at last there was only a soft voice: "deal

At the end of the call, Xinzi just got ready to get out of the car, but saw Chu Feng's right hand gently raised, and then fell heavily. Her heart was pulled up for no reason, but then relaxed. Staring at the road was not very strong, but it could definitely hold up a sky's back. Xinzi clenched her pink fist and whispered, "one day, I will sit on the same level with you!"

But at the moment, in the scene of the Vish anger but helpless look, 1000 members of the wind door took out a sharp knife, trained pressure toward the building, a killing is about to begin.

The window fell down, and Xinzi's voice came from inside. With helplessness and murder, Jingshan and others were stunned and wanted to say something, but they saw that there were members of the wind door all around, and the official of the holy Dynasty chose to be silent. They could not do anything here.With frustration and helplessness, all the visitors of the exchange hall came and left. The dead body of Sakata on the ground was not cleaned up, because it was OK to clean up with the rest of the people.

Chu Feng looked at the three vehicles far away. He took out the phone and called it out. After he got through, he said, "Qing, give me a call to Wenzhou. No matter what's bad for me, don't stop it or suppress it. Let the Weisi people wipe me to their heart's content."

Without saying why, or even not giving a reason, Chu Feng cut off the phone and counted the time. His mouth was slightly cocked: "there are still two days left, Xinzi, Xinzi, don't let me down!"

There was a scream in the building. Ye Zixuan couldn't bear to sit in the car, but she didn't know how to stop Chu Feng at the moment. She thought of Jiahe master hidden in the building. In addition, there were hundreds of ordinary company employees. Ye Zixuan couldn't bear to close her eyes.

Chu Feng's blood and cruelty once again shook her heart.

But standing outside the car, chufeng just listened to the sound of screams and killing without much emotion fluctuation. There was only a touch of melancholy and a faint inaudible opening: "rest in peace. The first group of buried people have been sent. Next, I will dig out the last push hand to let you have a thorough rest."

Thirty kilometers away, in an Audi, a bespectacled man took off his earphone on his ear and said, "I thought Chu Feng would be angry with the attack and killing of the Wes, but I didn't expect that the revenge was so radical. However, there was no way to compete with the official, so he could only take out his anger at the Weis who had no foundation in the holy Dynasty."

"The unfortunate Wes, who attacked and killed Chu Feng for a time, also suffered from humiliation and cleansing. Pitiful

If Chu Feng was here at the moment, the people sitting next to the glasses man would certainly recognize it. It was Jingde who once had contradictions. When he heard the glasses man's words, he laughed: "that is, no matter how powerful the underground emperor is, it will be black after all. No matter how strong it is, it can't beat the Kingdom machine."

Jingde raised his face and continued: "this time, we only used a few measures to make Chu Feng suffer from a dumb loss, and lost more than 20 absolute elite. It also made him estrange from the Zhou family. It is perfect!"

"However, Chu Feng did not dare to attack the Zhou family. Will this matter be settled like this?"

Jingde eyes a Zheng, asked: "now the situation has been like this, we still need to do anything to add to the icing on the cake?"

"So you'll be satisfied. No wonder you're just a vice captain, and you're being held down by Zhou Xiaoxuan."

The glasses man disdained a smile, the face of Sven emerged a cold kill: "the time to change is coming, in order to seek the maximum interests, we all need to work hard, according to my information shows that last night, more than 20 members of the damper who escaped last night are now hiding in the fengteng hospital which is about to open."

Jingde eyebrows a pick to feel what time, glasses man meaningful said: "so, today, Chu Feng can vent anger last night's things, kill hundreds of Weisi, then Weisi people can also because of chufeng today's killing revenge on the people who ran away last night?"

Jingde was silent for a moment, raised his thumb and sighed: "it's really political. This move is high. I'll arrange it when I go back. This time, I should be able to take the second step."

The glasses man nodded and said: "yes, over the years, the red family has begun to be a little united, especially the third generation of Li Ji. They are even more united. This is not a good news for many people, and Chu Feng is a factor affecting harmony. It is a good chess piece. If you make good use of it, you can break the situation of red family unity."

"At that time, the whole imperial city will not be our world? How to fight with us and fight for our family? At the same time, we should have some chips and abilities

Glasses man's words are full of self-confidence, can't help but let the heart a little uneasy Jingde also followed the generation of strong self-confidence, ha ha ha of laughter said: "yes, in addition to the family background, Li Ji they have more than us, nothing more than more than more halo."

In Jingde's eyes, there is hatred: "especially Zhou Jingxing. If it is not the eldest grandson of the Zhou family, how can he become a vice minister and become the youngest senior official at the ministerial level after the change of office?"

The glasses man nodded his head to agree, but there was a sneer in his eyes!

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