Super Healer

Chapter 730

Chu Feng was unable to force the Weis to find out the master of Jiahe who happened last night, and directly used the most bloody means to wash the floor where the trading company was located. When the number of dead people was counted out, all parties fell into silence.

If Chu Feng killed hundreds of people in Wes, they would not be so shocked. However, it is in the holy pilgrimage and in the imperial city where the power center is located. It is hard for everyone to accept such a thing. This is not only provoking Weiss to be more angry, but even provocating the Holy Pilgrim official.

Only after thinking about last night's affairs, we were all silent. The official's behavior last night was equivalent to interfering in the gratitude and resentment of the rivers and lakes. Chu Feng's anger was expressed by violence, which seemed to be understandable.

Just no matter how good, Chu Feng's practice, has been regarded as and Weiss completely labeled as immortal.


While all parties were still digesting the matter of blood washing in the morning and wondering how Weiss was so quiet this time, a surprising news came out. A report about Chu Feng was sent abroad, and dozens of photos were posted to prove that it was the 400 Weisi people detained by Chu Feng.

The only difference is that the report says that 400 people have been killed in chufeng pit!

After the news came out, human rights organizations issued a serious protest. In the evening, a large March of 100000 people broke out in Weisi, demanding that Weisi officials and the holy court punish Chu Feng's evil deeds, so as to dissipate the negative influence brought about by the death of Yuren and Miyano in an instant.

Weiss changed from a despicable image to a victim.

However, this time, the official of the holy pilgrimage was silent. They didn't even make any diplomatic speeches. They just secretly spread news. The gratitude and resentment between chufeng and Weiss did not express any opinions.

In other words, what kind of person is Chu Feng? It is also the matter between Chu Feng and Wei Wei. They have no right or right to punish Chu Feng.

Because when the March broke out in Weiss, there was a march in the mainland of the holy Koreas, which was even more spectacular than the 100000 people of Weiss. It affected dozens of provinces in eight regions and involved tens of millions of people. All of them were the products of so-called angry youth.

However, with the help of official means, Weiss will not use any means of official production to kill the madman.

Such a news release, combined with the demonstration of tens of millions of people, Weiss first compromised. The demonstration of 100000 people dissipated in a short time. At the same time, it also made people sigh about the status of Chu Feng in the holy pilgrimage. It also implied that there were so many angry people in the pilgrimage. It was indeed impossible for the government to suppress such a concerted effort of tens of millions of people.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were on Weiss. What would they do next when they could not suppress Chu Feng by official means?

Into the night!

After a busy day, Chu Feng went back to fengteng garden and ate something in the restaurant. Chu Feng went to sit on the balcony without anyone bothering him. At present, there are too many things involved in the outbreak. Although the official has made clear its attitude, it will never happen again last night.

However, the death of 400 Weiss is a knife hanging on Chu Feng's head. No matter how many millions of people support Chu Feng and kill 400 unarmed people in the world, Chu Feng's notoriety cannot be washed away.

Quietly close your eyes, until you hear the sound of footsteps behind you, then open your eyes. The corner of your mouth picks up a smile and says, "your footsteps are a little heavy. Is there any bad news?"

Ye Zixuan was the one who came. Seeing that Chu Feng was still very leisurely, he sat down with a wry smile and said, "yes, it's amazing that tens of thousands of people support you, but the reports and photos without water still make the kingdom of the western regions stare at you. They have no way to do anything to you because the people are not good to you."

"But fifteen minutes ago, the kingdom of the western regions headed by Tianchi issued a statement to resist all the Chu wind."

Chu Feng just laughed it off, which was no surprise. No matter how favorable the domestic voice was to him, after all, Wei went out with the image of a victim in the holy Dynasty. In addition, the kingdom of the western regions was wary of the holy Dynasty, and he would spare no effort to attack himself. Therefore, it is not surprising.

"Besides!" Seeing that Chu Feng still had no sense of crisis, ye Zixuan frowned and said: "the death of 400 Weiss people has spread to the whole world under the operation of people with a heart. It is more profound than the heroic stele you created in Weiss and the Zhaoyun Island incident, which makes it difficult for you to step forward."

"In other words, you will not only be condemned, but also suppressed, as long as it is confirmed that four hundred Weiss are indeed dead."

Chufeng shrugged his shoulders and said, "Xinzi can't play such a trick. It seems that Weiss has sent out other people to deal with me!" After a pause, Chu Feng thought of the sudden outbreak of the March today and said with a smile: "in addition, who created that microblog? Have you found it? If it's not for the call, I guess the pressure is greater now."

Ye Zixuan softened her expression a little, and lifted a touch of appreciation at the corner of her mouth and said: "yes, without this microblog with more than 100 million fans gathered there, it is impossible for tens of millions of people to march in a short time. As for the information, I have also found it, and blocked its origin address. I believe that this person is what the Weisi people want to kill most at the moment.""Well done!" Chu Feng nodded gently, took a encrypted message sent by Ye Zixuan and opened it. He said with a surprised smile: "it was her. I almost forgot. I didn't expect that she still has the ability to play public opinion like this. It seems that it's time to have a look at her!"

"And make sure she's not known to be the one who did it, even if she's in charge of the pilgrimage!"

Ye Zixuan knows the meaning of Chu Feng. They allow public opinion to exist, but can never allow uncontrollable public opinion to happen. The microblog owner built in the name of Chu Feng is an uncontrollable factor. She can make tens of millions of people march in a short time today. What will she do tomorrow?

Nodding back: "don't worry, I deleted all the information about her, can't be recovered, and trace the source address, also can't find her!"

Chu Feng nodded his head and leaned back on the chair and breathed out a comfortable breath: "that's good. There are two days left for all the crisis. But before this, I need to do something to calculate the old accounts. Please send someone to take good care of Jingde and Jingrui. Before going to Jiaoyu, it's time to solve them."

Ye Zixuan frowned, but he knew Chu Feng's intention to kill. For more than 20 members of the playing card who died in vain, it would be even if it was an accident. But the person involved was Jingde, so there must be a conspiracy.

Standing up, ye Zixuan said softly, "don't be too tired. Take a rest early. I'll arrange the things you tell me, and pay attention to your own safety."

Chu Feng looked at Ye Zixuan and said with a smile, "if my wife warms my quilt tonight, I think I must be in a good mood. Maybe I can kill ten tigers tomorrow!"

Ye Zixuan himself was just a concerned word. He didn't want Chu Feng to say such a rogue. He hummed: "you'll die!" Then she turned around and left directly. Before Chu Feng went to Jiaoyu, she needed to prepare something. As for the current situation, Chu Feng was confident, and she didn't need to worry.

The night was already deep. When Chu Feng fell asleep on the balcony with his eyes closed, a building owned by Ma Ma group in central had been changed into a hospital model and would be opened soon.

Only two security guards guard the door. It will take several days for equipment and machinery to be delivered. At the moment, there is no need for too many people to guard. The two guards tightly hold their clothes to resist the cold wind, and then look around to see that there is no one around. They turn back to the security booth to get warm.

In the distance of the night, suddenly two figures ran rapidly in the dark, quietly approached the security Pavilion, lying prone and knocking on the door.

Two women were chatting about a small hair salon. The good security guard was surprised and curious about who knocked at the door. One of the security guards stood up and went to open the door. Just as soon as it was opened, a knife suddenly stabbed into his stomach without any sign.

Another security guard saw that he wanted to cry for help, but his mouth had not opened. The second figure was close to him, and the dagger in his hand stabbed him in his throat without hesitation. The two security guards who were still alive a minute ago lost their vitality and were lying on the floor.

Two security guards were solved. Two dark shadows came out of the security Pavilion and made a gesture to the darkness in the distance. Many figures appeared on the deserted street. They quickly approached here, and then separated from each corner to enter fengteng hospital. Everyone had a gun on their body.

On a car in the distance in the dark, Jing Rui with a sinister look on his face said coldly: "I can't shake the Plum Garden Luo family, but you Chu Feng is not qualified to rob my woman. This time I want you to become the public enemy of the world, and let you slowly lose everything in helplessness and pain, and finally die."

Jingde squinted and clapped Jingrui on the shoulder when he heard the gunshot coming from inside. He said, "let's go. We can't let people know that we are here. Although our identity is doomed to us, if we are caught, Chu Feng will be like killing the Lu family. With the help of Li Ji's power, we can't resist."

"Be careful to sail for thousands of years, so you can go farther and higher."

Jingrui nodded and disdained when he started the car and left silently. He said, "our father is a senior official at the ministry level, and he is also the right-hand assistant of Mr. Zhou. Chu Feng comes out with a classic blue and relies on the Su family to get to today's buns. Don't worry. We can kill him a thousand times, but he is destined not to move us once."

Waving his fingers, Jingrui's face sprang up and said proudly, "it's like a dog is always a dog, and no matter how fierce it is, it can't play its real master!"

Seeing his brother's arrogance, Jingde felt a little arrogant, but he also felt that Chu Feng's birth was doomed to be humble. Some people he could kill, but some people could kill him a thousand times, but he couldn't move a finger of others, and his mouth involuntarily drew a touch of pride.

Twenty minutes later, Chu Feng, who was sleeping on the balcony, was woken up by the ring of his mobile phone. After pressing and answering, ye Zixuan's solemn voice came: "twenty nine playing card members hidden in fengteng hospital died, 28 were killed, and they were shot to death in disorder!"

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