Super Healer

Chapter 731

Although the shooting in fengteng hospital was in the late night, it was known by the person in charge that although the night of the imperial city was still quiet, we could feel the blood and rain coming, and all the people who attacked this night would be sympathetic, because the next must be the Revenge of Chu Feng disabled cool.

As for the people who can not be found, we don't think so. Now, the Chu wind in the North underground world is in charge of numerous resources. There will be countless people who will kill when waving. It is very simple to find out the attackers.

Moreover, it will not be too difficult to find out that the guns were used tonight. Everyone looked at the next development with wide eyes open, and some people were secretly happy about the wind door.

In different opinions, the fleet of Chu Feng stopped in the garden of fengteng hospital like an arrow.

The door opened, the dark Chu wind appeared in everyone's eyes for the first time with such a ugly face, but it is no doubt that criticism from foreign media and the life and death problems of 400 Weiss people must have made Chu Feng upset. At this time, such things still happen. Chu Feng is not angry and impossible.

At least this is the guess of others. As for what Chu Feng is thinking, no one knows.

Walking into the hall of the hospital, Chu Feng stopped and looked at the poker members lying there with at least ten holes. His face was gloomy and retreated like tide. He stood two steps before walking and stood beside the body of a man. Chu Feng breathed deeply and breathed the air pressure to make his heart restless.

In such a large hall, only the footsteps of Chu wind walking, Xia Yan stood at the Chu wind at the moment, without saying a word. As the longest person with Chu wind, he could feel the grumpy and killing machine in Chu Feng's heart at the moment.

And none of these can guide, only Chu Feng can control himself.

Finally, Chu Feng stood in front of a body with a grave, squatted down and reached out to smooth the open eyes, and whispered: "nigger, go all the way!"

Standing up, Chu Feng closed his eyes deeply and breathed heavily. When he opened again, he squinted his eyes and scanned the body. Finally, he said, "what about the red ghost?"

He took over the poker Legion from Murong ice, and it was 54 people. Twenty-five were killed by the military police in the last night's operation. At this moment, there are 28 people lying here, and one is the red ghost, but they are missing.

Yezixuan was the first to come here. Chu Feng started to come and whispered back: "the red ghost is not here, it may be hidden!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly, walked a few steps forward, left eye through all scanning the whole wind Teng hospital, finally in a small sundry room like room saw a figure, the look of the next moment Chu wind burst out, blinking disappeared in front of the people.

Ye Zixuan was stunned and did not know where Chu Feng was going, but he kept calm and turned back to Xia Yan and said, "take these bodies away and put them with yesterday's Poker members. I believe Chu Feng has his idea!"

Xia Yan nodded and arranged for 28 bodies to be cleaned up, and at the same time, he mobilized staff to repair the damage caused by the shooting tonight. Otherwise, the hospital would be opened in a few days, which would be very troublesome.

After all this was arranged, ye Zixuan was only searching for the direction of Chu wind leaving, wondering if Chu Feng found anything.

In the small room, Chu Feng came here and kicked open the locked door. At the moment when the door was opened, a figure came out, and the cold light passed by. Chu Feng had known that two fingers had already reached the dagger that hit him and said, "it's me!"

The figure was a little bit dismayed. When the dagger fell on the ground when the Chu wind was clear, the people also knelt on the ground. It was the red ghost who didn't know where to go. The voice said with guilt and shame: "sorry, I can't protect my brothers, and let them all die under the bullets!"

Chu Feng looked at the red ghost kneeling on the ground, all his body stained with blood, obviously also suffered injury, and sighed and said: "if you can, you don't want them to die, stand up and let Xia Yan arrange you to cultivate, the justice of the dead brother, I will recover!"

"And, is this the vez tonight?"

This is Chu Feng in the news when the first view, his day blood washed plum blossom Trading Co., Ltd., the night Weiss like a French to kill poker members, it is not impossible.

Red ghost stood up with the help of Chu Feng, shook his head and said, "although it was too dark to see things, I can be sure they are not Weiss. It is intuitive that someone with the help of the Weiss wants to start to us. One is to kill us to weaken the strength around you, and the other is to worsen our relationship with the Weiss."

Chu Feng squints, claps the red ghost on the shoulder when ye Zixuan comes at the end and says, "go, have a good rest, there is no poker card, but as long as you are still there, there will be a day when you can stand up, I need you!"

Red ghost also saw the arrival of yezixuan, knowing that he didn't want to say too much in front of Ye Zixuan. He nodded and staggered forward, clenched his lips and warned himself to live, only then could he better revenge the dead.

Ye Zixuan came over and looked at the red ghost who left. Surprised how Chu Feng knew she was here, she also whispered: "is there any clue?"Chu Feng walked by Ye Zixuan's side. After seven steps, he stopped and looked back at Ye Zixuan, whose face was stunned. "If you really want to follow me for a lifetime, dig out the attackers and behind the scenes in an hour, or I will doubt your motivation to follow me."

Chufeng left indifferently. Ye Zixuan was in charge of Yinfeng, holding the most powerful intelligence department of the holy Dynasty. If he didn't know about this, Chu Feng didn't believe it at all, and even doubted whether ye Zixuan's purpose of staying at his side was intentional.

Ye Zixuan's face changed again and again, and finally turned into a murmur: "son of a bitch, how can I be just a person, can't always pay attention to your affairs?"

Dissatisfied with Chu Feng's politeness to himself, ye Zixuan murmured and scolded in her heart. At this time, her phone also vibrated. She took out the phone call from above. She looked up to see that Chu Feng seemed to have left. She pressed to answer the voice of Ye Enzheng: "Zixuan, no matter how, don't let Chu Feng find out the attacker tonight."

Ye Zixuan is still thinking about how ye Enzheng called so late. At the moment, he was surprised and asked, "grandfather, why can't you, are you?"

At the other end of the phone, ye Enzheng said with a bitter smile: "no, it's just that there are hundreds of guns in the imperial city. Do you think it's the people from outside to do this thing? So don't be known by Chu Feng. Otherwise, we will be caught in the conspiracy of secret people, and we and Chu Feng will go further and further."

Ye Zixuan narrowed her eyes and nodded back: "I know it!"

Hang up the phone, ye Zixuan just step out, see Chu Feng do not know when standing in front of her, think of the phone just a little unnatural opening: "how are you here?"

Chu Feng has heard the phone call just now. Although he doesn't know what ye Enzheng said, he has captured some things from ye Zixuan's words. Without answering Ye Zixuan's words, Chu Feng took the phone and called out and said, "Li Ji, if you still think I'm a brother, check all the soldiers who come out of the Imperial City tonight."

"Don't ask me what I'm going to do, you just need to tell me, OK?"

Chu Feng seemed to have got the answer he wanted. After hanging up and looking at Ye Zixuan, Chu Feng said coldly: "tonight's operation will remove the possibility of the Weisi people. It's ok if you don't check it for me. Don't blame me for killing a thousand thousand!"

Ye Zixuan felt Chu Fengli's killing opportunity. When he turned around, he suddenly hugged him from behind and said, "asshole, what do you want to do? This is obviously a conspiracy. If you do, you will only laugh off the big teeth of the people behind the scenes. Why don't you just turn around?"

Chu Feng felt Ye Zixuan's embrace and helpless words, and his tone was also softened a little: "I naturally know, but I also know that dozens of brothers and sisters have died. If I don't hold up the butcher's knife to kill the people involved, there may be more brothers dying in the conspiracy in the future, so I have no choice."

"What happened tonight, what happened last night, I will definitely investigate to the end, who participated, who I killed!"

After breaking away from ye Zixuan's arms, Chu Feng strides forward. Ye Zixuan feels Chu Fengli's murderous opportunity and struggles with her eyes. Finally, she compiles a short message and sends it out, which quickly keeps up with Chu Feng's pace.

All the corpses in the bloody hall had been removed. Xia Yan stood in his place and saw Chu Feng come out. He stepped forward and said, "I've arranged for 30 brothers to escort the red ghost back to fengteng garden for a rest. At the same time, the doctor was invited to go. All the corpses of playing cards are now gathered in the crematorium!"

Chu Feng nodded and his eyes showed a touch of sadness. Not long ago, his brother who was fighting side by side had died. At the moment, Chu Feng could not bear it. He took a deep breath and said, "transfer their information from the red ghost and give them five million yuan to their families. Those who have children give the best care, and those who have parents respect their filial piety."

"I can't protect them when I'm alive, and I can't let them close their eyes after death!"

Xia Yan nodded gently, and it was hard for anyone to die: "the wind is less. I will follow up on this matter personally and let Jingyin carry out it. I will not let the dead brother feel uneasy in the spirit of heaven!"

When Xia Yan's voice dropped, ye Zixuan came from behind, and his voice also came softly: "I don't know who is behind the scenes, but the person who found out the operation tonight is from the third guard team of the commander of the Chinese guard army!"

"Su Qin's people?" Chu Feng Mou son a cold, then strides toward the outside, the voice is full of Xiao Sha: "Xia Yan, let the crematorium fire first, direct memorial to the dead brother!"

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