Super Healer

Chapter 738

Su Qin got out of the car with a gloomy face, but when he saw the situation at the scene, he couldn't help but be surprised. He had received a document and ordered his troops to come here. But before he came, he didn't know there was still killing.

Looking at the corpse covered with blood, Su Qin waved two guards to pull a living man. Su Qin asked in a deep voice, "what happened? Who are you?"


Just after asking, a guard came running from the side, pointing to a corpse in the distance, with a dignified look: "minister Jing bairan of the police department!"

"King Boran?" Su Qin was stunned, and then he was shocked. He didn't have time to ask what happened. He ran to the distance and saw Jing Boran lying on the ground with his throat pierced and his hands cut off. He looked shocked: "Cha!"

Soon, the guards moved up and squeezed news out of their mouths. Then a guard came and said calmly, "commander, according to the cross examination of the living people, Minister Jing Boran mobilized 500 people to attack Chu Feng in order to avenge his son. Before we came, Chu Feng and a woman ran away."

Su Qin narrowed his eyes and looked at his shoulder which had been pierced by his fingers last night. At the moment, he was still in a faint pain. His expression was gloomy and said: "Chu Feng, more and more excessive, do you really think that you are the master of the holy dynasty?"

Turning around and looking at the corpses on the ground, Su Qin finally said, "clean up these corpses, and use another 5000 people to surround fengteng garden for me. You can be arrogant, but you can't do without bottom line and morality!"

Thinking of the files in the mobile phone and the dazzling video, Su Qin's eyes spurted fire and wanted to kill people.

On a hill in the distance, a figure disappeared in place with a sigh. When Su Qin turned to get on the bus, he just saw it. When he went to look again, he found that there was no one. Blinking his eyes, he felt that he was wrong. So Su Qin ordered the car to leave directly.

After Chu Feng and Murong Bing left, because Chu Feng was covered with blood, they couldn't get to the car either. They ran on the road quickly. After a few kilometers, they met the car sent by Xia Yan. They took off their blood stained clothes and threw them away. Chu Feng's face was gloomy and ugly. He knew that he was finally played by Qin Yue!

All the way, Murong Bing didn't disturb Chu Feng at the moment. He followed him all the time. Today's things have been seen. He knew that Chu Feng was played by Qin Yue.

It can be expected that the appearance of Jing Boran must have been arranged by Qin Yue. However, the latter was worried that Jing Boran and others could not threaten Chu Feng. Therefore, he used a cruel move to not only let Chu Feng fall into a greater crisis, but also seriously damaged Chu Feng's reputation.

Although a little angry at such a means, let Chu Feng eat its own fruit, but Murong Bing or heartfelt sigh: "this is a smart woman, strategy is not inferior to any wise man."

As long as he is a bloody man, he will not allow his woman to be touched by others, even if he holds his hand. What's more, Chu Feng not only does that, but also tears off all the clothes of Qin Yue, and Su Qin is a man of iron and blood with more than 20 years of military age.

With her eyes closed, Chu Feng thinks about how to solve the current situation. It can be concluded that Qin Yue must have filmed the video secretly, and the situation at that time seemed to be on her. It's unreasonable to say!

Thinking about Weiss, Chu Feng secretly said that he was in bad years. He edited a short message and sent it out. He wanted to go to the corner area to enjoy the scenery and get familiar with it. A series of things, whether or not to go to the corner area is already a variable.

Half an hour later, the car stopped in Guanghan garden. Today's su Qin must be a lion in a rage. If he returns to the wind, he will surely never die. In that way, he will fall into the trap of Qin Yue, which is not what Chu Feng would like to see.

As long as you don't appear, no matter how big your anger is, you can also take advantage of this time to seek a little solution.

When he got out of the car and passed by the garage, Chu Feng stopped and looked at the closed garage. He could not forget what Murong Bing and himself said. It seems that Chang'e has died, but his consciousness still exists. When he thinks of his little aunt, chufeng's mouth is full of intriguing smile.

In Murong Bing's astonished look, Chu Feng went to the garage barehanded, opened it directly, found a large cloth to open the sarcophagus, pulled up Chang'e's mouth corner in the sarcophagus, drew up a smile and said, "Bingbing, do you think I've given Chang'e now, will you change something?"

"For example, anger makes Chang'e lose her sense, and maybe she can't do something in the end?"

Rao is Murong Bingxin wisdom is strong enough. Hearing Chu Feng's words, she also rolls her eyes and hums: "please, she doesn't breathe now and doesn't have a heartbeat. Your appearance makes me feel very evil, like the man in the morgue on the news last year!"

Chu Feng shrugged his shoulders and wrapped Chang'e with a large cloth, and said, "I have been standing on the edge of hell for a long time. Playing with Chang'e is the first person in the world. It's sweet if Yi!"

In Murong Bing's look of disbelief, Chu Feng carries Chang'e out, and the Jade Scorpion group members on guard are also surprised. They don't know what Chu Feng is carrying. Murong Bing walks out of the garage and looks at the figure who has entered the villa and says: "don't want to solve the current problems, want to play Chang'e?""My husband really has a strong taste. If he knows my identity in the future, he won't be so excellent, will he?"

Chu Feng, who enters the villa, naturally doesn't know what Murong Bing is talking about. He just nods to Lin Yulin and LAN Mei ER in the hall and goes straight upstairs. He comes to one of the rooms and walks in with Chang'e on his shoulder and throws her directly on the bed.

Murong Bing's mouth twitches a little, but seeing that Chu Feng wants to take a bath, Lin Yulin and LAN Meier follow up curiously. They can only leave the room and do not let them in and find out what!

The last time the fire left Chang'e naked. At the moment, her perfect body appeared in front of Chu Feng, which made her breath a little thick. Finally, she moved her eyes and walked into the bathroom. The blood on her body was dry and sticky.

About 20 minutes later, Chu Feng came out of the bathroom and took a good bath to get rid of the bloody man. He came around with a bath towel, but saw Chang'e frowning. Finally, he opened the door and went to Lin Yulin's room to find some clothes that were pleasing to the eye.

After coming back, Chu Feng locked the door, pulled up Chang'e and dressed her without any hesitation. On the other hand, he said, "everyone says you are Chang'e. although there is no formal confirmation, I still believe that you are in ancient costume, but I don't know what you will look like in modern clothes."

Then put a short skirt slowly set in Chang'e's body, Chu Feng this just stood up to look at a new woman with a few more amorous feelings.

Chu Feng walked over to pick up Chang'e and loosened her hair. Originally, she felt that her hair had been fixed and deformed for countless years. However, at the moment of release, 3000 green silk fell, and the length of the tail was about 20 cm. It was a natural micro curl, just like that of a female star.

At this time, Chu Feng formally looked at Chang'e, who was full of modern flavor. Although her eyes were still closed, her body was also cold, without breathing and heartbeat. Just removing these would only make people feel that she was still alive.

The room fell into silence after Chu Feng's voice fell into silence, and it was a very depressing silence. For a long time, a sigh sounded, with helplessness and a trace of Murder: "decades ago, I only recovered my consciousness, but I still need something to wake up."

"Young man, can you help me?"

Hearing the voice from nowhere, Chu Feng's heart shook violently and kept calm and said: "do you think I will help you? Besides, are you really Chang'e? "

The voice was silent for a few minutes before it rang out: "if I were, what would you do, not what would you do?"

The voice was silent again. Chu Feng's words were very clear. If this is really Chang'e, he will eat it. If not, it doesn't matter, he also wants to eat it. It is almost a rogue saying that anyone who comes here is speechless.

Waiting for the reply of that voice, Chu Feng's phone on the desk rang. After picking it up, Xia Yan's solemn voice came: "the wind is less, Su Qin is crazy. With 5000 people around fengteng garden, he directly shot and injured dozens of our brothers. He threatened to destroy the whole fengteng garden if you don't show up!"

"At present, Miss Suen and miss Sujing have to go to the hospital for a serious bruise, because they have to go to the hospital because they are not injured by the car!"

Chu Feng's eyes narrowed. He didn't expect that Su Qin's action was so fast. He relaxed a little when he heard Su Xinyu. He said lightly: "this matter makes Su Qin go to make trouble. I won't appear for the time being. Don't worry. Even if Su Qin really dares to destroy fengteng garden, it won't be allowed."

Account for a while, Chu Feng hung up the phone, the voice also timely spread: "I am Chang'e!"

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