Super Healer

Chapter 739

Su Xinyu angrily questioned Su Qin after she killed dozens of members of the fengteng garden, but Su Qin didn't give an answer. She just asked her to ask the little animal of Chu Feng. When she felt something wrong, Su Xinyu immediately thought of where Chu Feng might go, and was ready to go to Chu Feng for questioning.

During this period, Huang Jingyin didn't want to go to her. She said that at this time, she could only disturb Chu Feng. There was a dispute between the two sides. Finally, Su Xinyu left by force. When she left, she was scratched on the ground by a car with no license plate. When the damper and Su Qin sent people to chase her out, the car had disappeared.

Su Qin put Su Xinyu's injury on the head of the wind door, the reason is that he was angry that he led the army to surround fengteng garden, so he retaliated against Su Xinyu!

However, Su Xinyu was injured. Although she was not her own daughter, she had been raised for more than 20 years. When Su Qin surrounded fengteng garden with five thousand guards, he quickly sent Su Xinyu to the Imperial City hospital for fear of any other problems.

But fortunately, after an examination, Su Xinyu only had a bruise on her arm and a sprain of her lower leg. After two days in hospital, Su Qin was slightly relieved. She only thought of Chu Feng, but the killing still didn't go away.

After waiting for the doctor to check and leave, Su Xinyu looked at Su Qin standing beside him and asked softly, "Dad, why did you do that today? Even if Chu Feng beat you up, you wouldn't pull 5000 people around fengteng garden and shoot dozens of people, right? This will only deepen the estrangement between you and Chu Feng! "

Waving his hand to let the others go out, Su Qin hummed: "if it's just about me being beaten, I'm not so stingy, but Chu Feng is a top-notch dress. He even,,"

Su Xinyu seldom sees Su Qin's rude words. He feels that there may be some misunderstanding. He gently sits up on the hospital bed and frowns and asks, "what's the matter with him?"

Su Qin clenched his teeth, but could not say it in the end. He took out his mobile phone and handed it to Su Xinyu: "you can see for yourself!" Then he went to one side of the window and looked at the outside. The whole person was silent in the violence. You can imagine how angry Su Qin was at this time.

Su Xinyu curiously opened a file transferred out of Su Qin and skillfully entered it to open a latest file, which was a video.

His face was pale, and his mobile phone fell down. Su Xinyu shook his head and said to himself, "it's impossible, absolutely impossible. Chu Feng is not such a person."

Although she said that, Su Xinyu was inclined to believe that it was true. Without saying that there was no video with any moisture, the incident of Lin Yulin alone gave Su Xinyu a warning that Chu Feng was not the kind of person who cared about ethics.

Thinking that his man is likely to have a relationship with Qin Yue, Su Xinyu's eyes unconsciously shed tears, which is a feeling more painful than betrayal.

Su Qin heard the soft sobbing sound, looked back at Su Xinyu buried on the quilt, also did not go to comfort, went to pick up the mobile phone, said: "I have sent this video to old lady Cai, she has not been supporting Chu Feng all the time, now I let her know what kind of animal Chu Feng is."

"In this way, if I kill him, no one will blame me, and the old lady will support me!"

As for sending the video to Su dingzheng, they know that Su Qin didn't even think about it. This is related to Qin Yue's reputation and his man's dignity. The reason why she gave the video to old lady Cai Jinhua was that as long as she knew, some of the accusations and troubles would be suppressed by the old lady.

At the moment, the small effect has also come out. He has sent 1500 troops to surround fengteng garden. Up to now, 5000 people have surrounded fengteng garden. There is no phone call from above. Obviously, the old lady has been involved in this matter.

Su Xinyu's body was stagnant, but he didn't say anything at last. Su Qin looked at Su Xinyu's appearance and didn't continue to say anything. He understood Su Xinyu's heartache, but at the moment, Chu Feng was a shameless villain. For Su Xinyu, long pain was better than short pain.

In a low voice, he said: "you are good to rest in the hospital, I will kill this shameless villain, let him know that his arrogance is to pay the price."

After saying a sentence, seeing that Su Xinyu still doesn't want to talk, Su Qin sighs and leaves. From the beginning to now, he has made more than ten calls to Qin Yue. Only once has he been connected. Qin Yue only said one sentence. She has no face to see Su Qin. Then she cut off the phone and call again. It's already turned off.

In the ward, only Su Xinyu sobbed in a low voice. She was disappointed with Chu Feng and was sad to lose her lover.

The door of the ward opened after a while, and Su Xinyu heard a voice saying, "go out, I want to have a rest and be quiet."

With a bang, the door closed, and the people who came in came to sit beside the bed. It was Chu Feng who avoided everyone coming. Although Xia Yan said it was not a big deal, she didn't see it with her own eyes. At the moment, she saw a trace of guilt and said, "I know you feel bad, but I have a clear conscience!"

Su Xinyu's sobbing voice disappears after a shock, and then he suddenly sits up and looks at the person sitting in front of him. First, he is shocked, then he is angry. He raises his hand and slaps him and pulls it away from Chu Feng's face.

Chu Feng didn't let Su Xinyu's slap fall on his face. He held the woman's hand and said softly, "do you believe in a man who is cheating, and you don't want to believe your man?"Su Xinyu pulled back her hand, and her face was full of sarcasm: "Chu Feng, cheating man, who do you think this sentence is more suitable for? I don't believe you, that video clearly in front of me, you lie on that fox spirit, how do you want me to believe you? "

"Do you want me to deceive myself, those are fake, you Chu Feng just fight with an inflatable doll that looks like Qin Yue?"

With the gun, Chu Feng didn't know how to answer. He breathed out his breath and looked at Su Xinyu, whose eyes were full of disappointment. He said faintly, "no matter whether you believe or not, I can only say that I have a clear conscience!"

Su Xinyu turned her head to one side and said without hesitation: "naturally, you have a clear conscience. If your little aunt can fall in love with someone, what else can't do, and what women dare not move? I really doubt if my mother is not pregnant, in fengteng garden these days, do you want to have the best of her?"

Chu Feng's mouth moved, the dark way a good early, slowly stood up to look at his back to his Su Xinyu: "once black always black, you don't believe I don't matter, but I will prove my innocence, also will let you understand my heart, what position you are."

"Go away!"

Su Xinyu threw out a sentence indifferently and looked back at Chu Feng coldly: "I forced myself to accept the fact that there are many women around you, and I also let myself forget the unbearable love between you and your little aunt. But this time I can't accept it. Although I'm not su family, Su Qin is also the man I called Dad for more than 20 years."

Pointing to the door, Su Xinyu said word by word: "so, I don't want to see you again. Tomorrow morning I will let someone pick up my mother. After that, you are you and I am me, and we have no relationship. If we must say that there is any relationship, then it is that you negate me, you are sorry for me!"

With firm words, tough decisions, and non-negotiable tone, Chu Feng smelled a bad smell. She looked at Su Xinyu with firm eyes and disgust. She frowned and opened her mouth for the last time: "do you really prefer to believe what you see than to believe me once?"

Su Xinyu turned her head to one side and said faintly, "please leave here, I want to rest!"

Chu Feng's heart was cold, his fist clenched and loosened. He wanted to open his mouth and say something, but finally turned into a sigh. He turned to open the door, stood at the door, looked back at Su Xinyu, his back to himself, took a deep breath, closed the door and left.

He doesn't believe you at all. It's useless to say so much. Chu Feng knows he's sorry for Su Xinyu, but he doesn't have much time to pay attention to it.

When he got out of the hospital gate and got on the bus, Chu Feng looked at the Huangcheng hospital through the window and said faintly: "those who believe me will never doubt me and question me. Those who don't believe me will never doubt me. Even if I give too much explanation, it will be in vain. Su Xinyu, maybe we have fate and no division in this life."

Shaking his head and sighing, Chu Feng leaned on the chair: "go!"

The car slowly left the Huangcheng hospital. Su Xinyu was in the ward. She stood by the window and looked at the car that Chu Feng left. Tears ran down her eyes and said, "son of a bitch, how do you want me to believe you? You are a bastard with a criminal record. I hate you!"

Chu Feng, who has already left, is doomed to Miss Su Xinyu's last words. He just sits in the car and looks at the scenery and people behind the window. Suddenly, he is a little envious of those people who rush about for a simple life every day. They live very simply, that is, to live better for themselves and their families.

Once Chu Feng felt that he was one of them, but things went against his wishes. When he first came to the river and sea, he was involved in people who should not be involved. Things that should not be involved are doomed to be quiet. For Chu Feng, it is already an extravagant hope.

Today may be the most sighing day of Chu Feng. With a slight sigh, he rubbed his head and scattered the things he shouldn't think about. Chu Feng looked at Murong Bing, who was very quiet tonight, and said, "why don't you speak tonight?"

"I just changed her clothes. Do you think I really like it?"

Chu Feng rolled his eyes. Unexpectedly, Murong Bing had been entangled in this matter all night. He shook his head with a wry smile and said, "but it can't be said that there is no purpose. At least make sure that she does have consciousness and contains great power. She is really Chang'e and has made a deal by the way."

Murong ice frown a frown, Du mouth, language sour said: "husband, what do you have that I can't help you, you even go and trade with that woman?"

"Some of you really can't help, because you are not Chang'e!" Chu Feng nodded his head seriously and looked at his mobile phone: "go to the water bath paradise, take a bath, meet a person, stretch your muscles and bones, and kill another person!"

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