Super Healer

Chapter 740

At least Chu Feng felt like this when he got off the bus. Tut said, "it's going to bring Qiao a lot of money in a year. It seems that I'll take a quick step to kill the Huangfu family and take 30% of it. This is a money spinner!"

Murong Binggang was about to drive to the parking lot to wait for Chu Feng. He rolled his eyes and said, "you still care about this because of the war between Kato and you. But I'm afraid you can't even look up to 30% by then."

"Ha ha ha, who would hate to have more money?"

Chufeng laughs and goes straight to the gate of the water bath paradise. With the experience of the first two times, chufeng directly takes out the transparent card and puts it on the card machine at the door. After the confirmation sound rings, chufeng goes straight in, leaving only the welcome and security guard at the door staring at the display on the card machine.

A fat security guard looked back at the disappearing figure and swallowed his saliva: "he is less windy and younger than expected."

Several welcome ladies also looked at the photo information slowly disappearing on the card machine. Qi Qi nodded. One of them said, "it's really young, and he's a little cool and sunny. The two styles of such contradiction are not contradictory at all. It's a pity that he didn't look at me just now."

Words out, immediately in exchange for the rest of the scorn.

Whether it is Lin Huali of Jianghai or Zhang Shaohan who claims to be a Chinese and upper beauty, this one is not bad at the moment.

Ganlu was stunned, but then she burst out a smile. She took Chu Feng in her arms and said, "where does the wind want to go? I'll send you!"

"Third floor, rose bathroom!"

Chu Feng looked at the woman with a meaningful look and said a word. Manna nodded and took Chu Feng to walk in the surprised eyes of everyone. Instead of entering the elevator, he took the stairs. Chu Feng's smile was gradually growing stronger.

Go up the stairs on the second floor. At the corner of the third floor and the second floor, manna stops to release Chu Feng's gorgeous turn. Her long legs stretch out on the not very high railing and wink at her mouth like silk: "the wind is less. Don't you want to try it? There's no one here!"

Chu Feng's eyes flashed a touch of playfulness, not because of manna's active retreat, but go forward a step close to manna, big hands fall on that really smooth tender thigh.

However, Gan Lu's body is slightly stiff. She looks down at Chu Feng and is completely close to her. If not both sides are still wearing clothes, it would be like a certain posture to carry out a war, and even feel a little strange on top of privacy.

Face unnaturally red up, not yet open mouth, manna face slightly changed, Chu Feng's hand is not simply stay on the thigh, but directly up

To deal with Shao Shao's, don't you dare to hold out your hand

Chu Feng amused a smile, took back the hand, then stepped back, looked at the woman in front of her mouth: "I thought you should keep silent all the time!"

Manna took back her legs, and the ruddy face did not disperse. She even felt a little strange on her physiology. Her face was even slightly red. She looked at Chu Feng and asked, "little wind. Can you tell me how you can see that I have known you for a long time?"

"You're so enthusiastic!"

Chu Feng can't feel the malice of Ganlu. In addition, she knows Zhang Shaohan, who was shot by himself but didn't shoot the bullet. Chu Feng also didn't pull any other reply: "if you change to the person in charge of the other two places, when you see me, they keep a distance of one meter and dare not get close, but you are holding my arm straight."

Ganlu nodded slightly. If it was not what Zhang Shaohan said to her, she did not dare to approach Chu Fenglai, but kept a respectful attitude. At the moment, she heard her speech and said, "it is worthy of little wind and careful mind."

Blinking at Chu Feng: "by the way, I Shaohan sister wants me to tell you that you owe her a complete shot!"

After finishing this sentence, Ganlu chuckles and turns to go up. Chu Feng stands in the same place and talks with her mouth. Unexpectedly, Zhang Shaohan talks to Ganlu, turns her eyes and murmurs that there is no secret between women, so she goes up.

At the door of the rose bathroom, manna stopped and turned back and said, "this guest has come an hour ago. I didn't know she invited you. I thought she was here to kill time, but she forgot the time."

Chu Feng nodded to let manna back temporarily, pressed the phone outside the door and said, "I'm coming!"

A moment later, the more secure door opened than the rest of the place. Two women in bath towel opened the door and invited Chu Feng to the inside.

Although the number of times to the water bath paradise is very few, the last time is still the same as that of the Golden Swallow. It's just that there is no difference between the pattern and the water bath paradise in the river and sea. The difference is that the area is slightly larger and there are more people here.

Chu Fenghuan took a look at it and said, "where dozens of people can take a bath together, 30 beauties are here. Now there are only two people. Isn't it a bit wasteful?"

When the exhaust fan of the bathroom was turned on, the steaming fog began to slowly disperse. When it was visible, Xinzi put up a smile in the water and said, "the wind is low. Don't men all have the dream of 72 concubines in the three palaces and six courtyards? I know your women can't fulfill your dream. ""So I specially asked for this big bathroom to satisfy your emperor's mind, isn't it?"

The person Chu Feng wants to see tonight is indeed Xinzi, which is also expected. She goes to the water and squats down and looks at the Xinzi who is soaking in the water and shows her shoulder. You can see that she is still surrounded by a thin bath towel and whispers to a careful woman. Chu Feng said playfully, "if you join in, I don't mind accepting your kindness."

In chufeng's playful look, Xinzi showed a strong smile. Chu Feng secretly told us something bad. Xinzi raised her hand from the water and said, "do you hear me? Feng Shao wants to bath with you!"

All the thirty women bowed down and said, "yes, your highness!"

Chu Feng blinked and felt something was wrong. Xinzi jokingly said, "I forgot to tell you that when I came, I specially ordered 30 Weisi women. I didn't think they could bring me 30. I don't know whether to praise or to laugh at myself."

Chufeng is naturally not surprised that there are 30 Weiss women in the water bath paradise. After all, the water bath paradise and heaven and earth contain women from all over the world. Chu Feng knows this, and is curious about what Xinzi is playing with!

Looking back, Chu Feng felt that her eyes were not enough to see. She quickly turned around. However, Xinzi also stood up from the water, gently pulled the bath towel from her body and threw it away. She said, "the wind is less. Thirty one women, or Weiss women, will accompany you to bath. Isn't it exciting? Feel like a national hero? "

Chu Feng allows two Weiss women who have already taken off the bath towel to come forward and take off their clothes. While looking at Xinzi who is slowly returning to the water, chufeng thinks it's natural for chufeng to ponder and open his mouth: "it seems that his highness Xinzi has made a thorough study on the heart of the Shengchao homestead man, but do you think I am a homestead man?"

Xinzi shook her head and said, "fengshao is not a houseboy naturally, but you are a man, and you are still a man..."

Chufeng narrowed his eyes, two fingers in the water to increase a little strength, in Xinzi can not help but sing a voice, asked: "not you and I deal with, who is that?"

Xinzi glared at Chu Feng angrily. She leaned against him completely and said faintly: "I recommended a person to Weiss cabinet. She will talk with you about the next thing. In addition, she releases all the negative news about you abroad."

Chu Feng took a meaningful look at Xinzi, provoked her chin and said, "I just found out now that you are not only powerful at stopping Yin, but also making people carry black pot. In this way, after success, the merit is yours, and there is recommendation. If you fail, it is not your fault. Naturally, someone will carry the black pot, right?"

Xinzi looked up with a little red on her delicate face. Those who didn't know their relationship thought they were lovers: "you see through me, I will have pressure, but why don't you ask me, who is the person representing Weiss now?"

Chu Feng was in his arms and wanted to kill himself, but he didn't want to kill himself. The contradictory Xinzi bit her ear and said, "it doesn't matter who she is. What's important is that she soon carries a black pot on her back and is killed by you, so I know and don't know, there is no big difference."

Xinzi laughed and left Chu Feng's arms and said, "you all go out first. Feng and I have something to talk about. In addition, you haven't seen me today!"

Thirty Weiss women stopped dancing and bowed: "yes, your highness!"

Chu Feng does not worry about watching these women leave, manna will bring him the answer he needs!

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