Super Healer

Chapter 744

It's eight in the morning.

Two important Red Flag cars drove into the Imperial City sanatorium. This looks very ordinary, but it is indeed a very important place in the whole holy pilgrimage. Some people are slightly surprised to see them. They don't know how they have time to come here today.

In an independent courtyard, an old lady with white hair is slowly clearing the snow in the courtyard. When she is older, she will fall down if she is not careful.

The two old men came down here surrounded by the guards. However, they saw the old lady shoveling snow seriously and waving to stop the guard who was going to speak. They waited quietly and looked at the old lady with reverence in her eyes.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the old lady put down her shovel, looked at the flowers and plants completely covered with ice and snow, and threw her back to the people behind her: "it still needs a little time for the wind and snow to dissipate, the flowers and plants will bloom with new vitality, and a spring is really coming!"

The two old men standing there turned around and asked to follow for a while. It was Zhou tianchu and Su dingzheng. At the moment, the two men came to find Cai Jinhua, the adopted daughter of the founding leader!

Hearing this, Zhou tianchu went up and helped the old lady who turned around and said softly, "old lady, the wind and snow will pass, but in this snowstorm, do we want to do something?"

Zhou tianchu helped him into the room and asked people to prepare tea. Cai Jinhua said faintly: "you should ask which side you want to stand on, don't you?"

Zhou tianchu grinned bitterly and looked at Su dingzheng. The meaning was very clear, but Su Ding didn't see his eyes turning aside. His heart was also tangled.

Cai Jinhua smiles, which can't see Zhou tianchu and Su dingzheng's careful thinking. He sighs softly: "I know why you are curious why Su Qin sent troops to surround fengteng garden. I have no objection but support. I can only say that Su Qin is very angry, and I need to give him a channel to vent to evacuate the stuffy heart."

"Otherwise, the forced suppression will only make su Qin more angry, understand?"

Su dingzheng and Zhou tianchu nodded. Now everyone knows that Su Qin is very angry, and because of Qin Yue's affairs, no one knows exactly what it is. This is also the reason why they came here today. They want to know why the old lady withstood all the pressure above and made Su Qin so headstrong.

When Cai Jinduan doesn't want to talk to me, he won't let me know if he doesn't want to make enough water for me

In the middle of CAI Jinhua's words, the two old men laughed bitterly. Zhou tianchu said, "old lady, we know that you are plotting strategies. But Su Qin surrounded the fengteng garden, but Chu Feng was very strange. He didn't speak and hid. We felt something was wrong. After all, his identity was not simple!"

Thinking of Chu Feng's future status, or the only successor of Longmen, Zhou tianchu felt powerless!

Cai Jinhua held up Su dingzheng's tea, his turbid eyes twinkled with wisdom and said, "Su Qin is angry, Chu Feng's way is very correct. If Chu Feng competes with him when Su Qin surrounds fengteng garden, do you think things will just be overstocked as now?"

"No, certainly not. One of Su Qin and Chu Feng will die."

The old lady put down her tea cup and stood up. She went to the door and looked outside and said softly, "so I asked you not to suppress Su Qin. Now I also ask for one thing. Once Chu Feng counterattacks, you don't know!"

Zhou tianchu and Su dingzheng's calm look changed. They stood up directly. Their faces were full of surprise. They didn't seem to understand the old lady's meaning. Did they want Chu Feng and Su Qin to fight for each other?

Cai Jinhua turned to look at the two shocked people and said with deep heart: "I have lived more than 20 years for you. I have experienced and seen more people than you. The founding leader once told me that those who do not kill are not necessarily good people, those who kill people are not necessarily bad people, and what they see and hear will not be the truth."

"There is only one truth, that is, what is good for the kingdom is the truth."

When Su dingzheng and Su dingzheng frowned deeply, Cai Jinhua threw out a sentence: "and I have absolute trust in Chu Feng. No matter what he does, I always firmly believe that he will not cause any harm to this land, at least will guarantee the interests of the kingdom. Of course, you are in power. I only suggest that you take power."

When Su Ding was about to say something, Qian could not help but come in from outside and began to bow: "commander, old lady, Chu Feng has appeared and is on the way back to fengteng garden. At the same time, Li Ji directly issued the supreme military order of the imperial guards. The Imperial City is under martial law. It seems that some people will not leave the imperial city. The atmosphere is not very good!"

Su dingzheng clapped his hand on the table and said, "what does Li Ji want to do, rebel?"

Cai Jinhua came back quietly and sat down. His thin hand was lifted up and gently waved: "go, there are a lot of dead branches in the hundred years since the founding of the Shengchao. I believe that the cooperation of Chu Feng and Li Ji will bring hope and future to the Shengchao."

"My suggestion is that you don't know what happened today!"Su dingzheng and Zhou tianchu looked at each other. Subconsciously, he felt that the old lady knew something but didn't tell them. But he also understood that it was extremely difficult to dig out the news from the old lady's mouth. After bowing down, they left together. Chu Feng appeared and Su Qin's soldiers pressed fengteng garden. They both felt numb.

Cai Jinhua looked at the two cups of tea that had not been drunk on the table, and said with a smile: "you are all old, but you can't be stable, but Chu Feng, don't let me down!"

At the same time, in the courtyard of fengteng garden, Su Qin was sitting on the beach chair with a gun in his hand. Every time Qin Yue didn't get a call, he would put his anger on the heads of the members of the damper. Up to now, more than 50 members of the damper have been injured by him and have entered the hospital.

Xia Yan was in charge of fengteng garden. According to Chu Feng's account, Su Qin let him go even if he overturned the whole fengteng garden, so he once suppressed the lonely life and irritable Jesse. To say that the quietest and most leisurely part of fengteng garden was Tiandao old man.

Since Su Qin surrounded fengteng garden, he never went out of the hut. He just sent people to send in wine and meat. He said that he played hot pot to drink and watch the opera, which made the members of the Fengmen laugh bitterly.

When we didn't know when chufeng would appear, the roar of cars came from afar, and the sound of motors was very loud. Soon after, a military Humvee appeared directly in the sight of the people. The guards who wanted to block the Hummer license plate directly deflected the muzzle of the gun and did not dare to block it.

The military Hummer drove into fengteng garden as if nobody was there, and drove straight to the direction where Su Qin was sitting. There was no brake and no intention of stopping. When the guards saw the corners of their mouths violently twitching, what did this madman want?

Originally angry Su Qin watched the Hummer hit him, narrowed his eyes and looked at the approaching Hummer. He was afraid to bump into it. But when he didn't stop at five meters, Su Qin yelled at a madman, and could no longer pretend to be calm. He jumped up and rolled out.

The members of the damper breathed out a sigh of relief, which seemed to have been suppressed for two days and dissipated a lot.

However, the Hummer did not stop. It directly pressed more than ten meters from Su Qin's Beach chair before stopping. A figure stood up, straight as a javelin piercing the sky.

He jumped down from the Hummer, twisted his neck and walked toward Su Qin. He scolded and yelled: "you old man, you did the work for me. I haven't surrounded fengteng garden. Are you a wool? I'm still running fast. If you slow down one second, I won't kill you! "

Su Qin stood up from the ground in embarrassment, staring at the comer angrily in his eyes and said, "Li Ji, are you insane? Do you dare to bump into me? Do you dare to offend me?"

Li Ji walked up to Su Qin with his fingers shaking. He patted Su Qin's face and said, "before I came here, I was awarded the rank of general by Marshal Su, the supreme commander. Ben Shao is now the youngest general since the founding of the holy Dynasty. He is in charge of 200000 troops. I'm committing the following crimes?"

"Take out your officer's certificate and I'll see if it's admiral!" Li Ji said

Su Qin's mouth twitched violently. He looked at the certificate without water, the rank of the general, and told him what Su Ding was doing. Where could he get these things? He was only a major general, but he was a little higher than Li Ji. Now Li Ji became a general directly, and it was on his head.

Seeing that Su Qin didn't speak, Li Ji didn't give up like this, and roared in a loud voice: "commander of the Soviet army, don't you know the etiquette of a soldier if you don't salute the officer?"

Su Qin was eager to give Li Ji a good beating. He came here to find Chu Feng uncomfortable. Now he was oppressed by Li Ji. He was unwilling, but he also stood up and saluted: "Hello, sir."

With Su Qin's salute, the guards around him also put down their guns and lowered their arms. Qi Qi saluted in a loud voice and said, "good command!"

Li Ji looked around and said, "good hair!"

"You surrounded my brother's nest, which made him homeless and reduced to the street. I'm very unhappy. Now put your guns away and run away. Otherwise, I'll give you a peanuts and carry out the order immediately!"

Although they were brought by Su Qin, Emperor Li Ji is now a general. He quickly put away his guns and carried them behind his back. Thousands of people quickly retreated, slowly retreating in Su Qin's angry and helpless eyes.

Su Qin clenched his fist, and when everyone had gone away, he said, "Li Ji, how can I be your elder? Are you very happy when you hit me in the face like this?"

Li Ji curled his mouth and did not care about the way back: "you do not want to face, but also blame me for hitting your face?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Li Ji did not hide or avoid, took out his mobile phone and said in a loud voice: "brother, your ex father-in-law's soldiers have retreated, come and abuse him!"

When Su Qin heard the speech, he felt his Qi and blood surging and puffed out a mouthful of blood. He cried shamelessly in his heart!

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