Super Healer

Chapter 745

On the contrary, the main roads and some side roads of the imperial city were full of guards. They did not hinder the traffic, but they carefully examined everyone in the past. It seemed that they were purposeful not to let someone leave the imperial city.

Seeing Chu Feng come down from the car, Su Qin's eyes shot a fierce look. He directly took out his gun and pointed at Chu Feng and said, "little brute, you dare to appear. Don't think you can be lawless if Li Ji is here. The holy pilgrimage is still his own."

Chufeng chufeng smiles gently and flicks a gold needle into Su Qin's wrist at a speed invisible to the naked eye. When the gun landed, chufeng had already stood in front of him and put away the gold needle. Chu Feng kicked out without warning. Su Qin covered his stomach and stooped back to point at Chu Feng.

"Asshole, I am the father of heart talk, your father-in-law, you are really a white eyed wolf, brute!"

In the face of Su Qin's drinking and scolding, Chu Feng seemed not to have heard it. He raised his hand and waved: "ask for some interest for the 55 brothers who were injured and hospitalized. Be fair. Don't kill or maim them!"

Chu Feng's instructions made everyone in a daze. They didn't know whether to do it or not. Chu Fenghuan took a look and knew that the members of the damper were worried about Su Qin's identity, and his mouth was slightly cocked: "please come down the two of you in the car!"

Two men in black came under the control of the members of the wind door. Chu Feng pointed to Su Qin and said, "according to my request, I can beat him up. I can give you a chance to fight for freedom without killing you."

The two men in black who originally attacked and killed Qin Yue looked at Su Qin, who was kicked by Chu Feng. Su Qin bent over and gasped for breath. His teeth burst out. At the moment, they just want to live. Where else can they tell Su Qin about his identity and love.

When Su Qin was knocked to the ground by two men in black, one of the cars opened and Qin Yue staggered up and said, "stop it!"

The two men in black were sluggish, but they didn't feel moved by Chu Feng. When they didn't hear, they continued to attack Su Qin, but they both paid attention not to beat them and killed them. At the same time, they were very comfortable. Su Qin was the eldest son of the Su family. Now they beat him like this. It's hard to say how it feels!

If it was su Qin's normal time, the two men in black naturally had no way, but at the moment Su Qin was almost hollowed out by the Chu wind. How could he resist the violent beating of the two men in black.

Seeing her voice, two men in black didn't hear her. When Qin Yue was worried, ye Xinlan came out of the room. Originally, Su Xinyu had sent someone to pick her up. She just chose to stay. She put one hand on her bulging belly and said, "Chu Feng, how can he be the father of Xinyu?"

"I believe the heart language is here, and I would not like you to ravage Su Qin like this."

Qin Yue's words, Chu Feng can be ignored, but ye Xinlan opens his mouth. Chu Feng is a little upset. He also makes a voice to stop two men in black and squat down in front of Su Qin. He looks at the miserable appearance of Su Jia Huang Shao, and says without any fluctuation: "some things you see, but they are not necessarily true."

He stood up and looked at the two men in black who were afraid of their hands and feet. Instead of the ferocity of attacking and killing Qin Yue, there was only one kind of fear when a mouse met a cat.

Chu Feng was not angry but Wei said: "tell commander Su, whose people are you, what have you done today, why do you do that?"

Two men in black looked at each other. One of them lowered his head and said, "we are from the literary family. We launched an attack on Qin Yue this morning in order to kill her and let no one know some secrets."

Chu Feng nodded, looked at Su Qin's astonished look and continued to ask: "what evidence can prove that you are the people of the literary family?"

The two men in black had no idea of fighting against Chu Feng at the moment, but they were still afraid of death. They took out a certificate from their bodies and handed it to Chu Feng. They said, "this is the certificate of the security department. We are the guards of the literary family."

Chu Feng took a direct look at it, then threw the certificate on the ground and said indifferently to Su Qin: "cannon fodder!"

Leaving a word, Chu Feng walked inside. He got up early in the morning and went to block Qinyue. He didn't eat breakfast. Then he had to do something. When Chu Feng was ready to eat, he went slowly. He put his arm around Li Ji's shoulder, and the two goods went directly into the main building, only to be watched here.

Su Qin on the ground looked at the security certificate without water, believed seven points, raised his head to look at Qin Yue, and finally looked at two men in black and asked in a deep voice: "what secret does Qin Yue know? You want to kill her. What has she done to offend the literati

Two men in black shake their heads. They just know to kill someone who knows the secret, but no one knows what the secret is.

Qin Yue came forward with a soft sigh, squatted down and helped Su Qin to sit up. She said softly, "I know what happened when Chu Feng was attacked in dianlan. I know the behind the scenes instruction of a recent coherent incident. I also know that I come to your side just to separate you and ye Xinlan and stir up the relationship between Ye Su and ye Xinlan."

"I was going to leave, but I didn't expect that he was going to kill me."

Su Qin's body was shaking. He looked at the woman who had been following him for several years in the dark, and had only achieved a good result this year. He took a deep breath and asked, "you are lying to me, aren't you?"Qin Yue had more than three points of guilt in her eyes, but then she became firm. She shook her head and said, "it's vain for me to cheat you at this time. When I come to your side, you just don't check it. If you check carefully, you will know that according to my ability and qualification, how can I be qualified to be your adjutant? Ordinary company commander's adjutant is far behind."

"And that's what he arranged. I don't want to cheat you any more."

Su Qin kept shaking his head. He didn't believe that the woman who said she loved her was lying to himself, but Qin Yue's words were gradually disintegrating. His heart's firmness: "even this time, it's also my conspiracy. Chu Feng didn't do anything to me, everything was made by me, with only one purpose."

Looking at the pain in Su Qin's eyes, Qin Yue whispered, "that's to divide the relationship between Chu Feng and Su's family, so that you don't have a sword in your hand. Otherwise, how do you think that video would appear and still be shot in Chu Feng's car?"

"It's impossible for Chu Feng to take pictures by himself, so that he will have a bad time?"

Su Qin pushed Qin Yue aside, patted his filthy hand, stood up, looked at her with pain in his eyes, or asked in disbelief: "is all this Chu Feng want you to say to me, so that I don't investigate what he did to you. You tell me, that's the truth."

Qin Yue stood up and said faintly, "the fact is that I don't love you. All I do is for the man who is going to kill me now, and to approach you is also for the ultimate purpose. I have never loved you, otherwise you are not curious. If I love you, why have you not been pregnant with your child for so many years?"

"Because I never want to spend my life with you, I don't want to leave seeds with you!"

Ye Xinlan frowns. Although she and Su Qin are divorced, and they were combined because of their interests, they still feel more sympathy when they see the former man being used as a tool by a woman.

He wanted to speak out and scold Qin Yue, but his hand touched the bulging stomach. Ye Xinlan scattered his thoughts and walked back with a slight sigh. Some things have passed, some things have begun, and they can never go back.

Su Qin, who was hurt by Qin Yue's cruel words, may have shed tears if he is not strong. It is just a pain in his heart. It is conceivable that men after 40 believe in love, but when this love has more interests, it is painful.

Qin Yue said intermittently there, regardless of Su Qin's more and more ugly face, just said the words that could fight for her vitality. When people around heard Qin Yue's words, they all subconsciously clenched their fists.

Although Qin Yue is hateful, the people behind him are even more shameful. His first love is thrown out to use conspiracy. What else can such a person do?

"Enough, I believe you!"

The old and the latest things were thrown out. Su Qin didn't think about it before. At the moment, he found that so many things were unreasonable. He raised his hand and interrupted Qin Yue's continued talking. He said in a deep voice: "who is that man of literary school who can let you pay so much for him, at the expense of his body and reputation?"

Qin Yue looks at the main building behind her. Chu Feng has saved her until now and has not asked anything. Subconsciously, she feels that Chu Feng has already known that she just wants to pave the way for him.

Secretly, the beloved thought he was smart, but he didn't know that he was in the game all the time. He took back his eyes and said, "you will soon know who it is."

"People of the literary family?"

Su Qin grinned and spewed out a mouthful of blood. The literary school hated the Su family. Su Qin naturally knew that everything was the result of things many years ago, but the old man didn't allow him to say it, so Su Qin didn't say it. At this moment, subconsciously, Qin Yue was a way for the literati to retaliate against the Su family.

Qin Yue didn't reply any more. She just bowed down and apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I know I owe you. Before I came, I signed the divorce agreement. After that, our relationship has come to an end. Chu Feng and I don't have the kind of relationship you imagined. You hate him, but you just get cheated by others."

"You can suspect that Chu Feng threatened me, but I can only say that my heart is cold!"

After saying a word, Qin Yue stopped talking and went back to the car. Chu Feng, who had a breakfast with Li Ji, also came out. Seeing the scene, she knew that the matter was almost solved. She twisted her neck and said, "I'll do what I should do. Now I'll go to the literary home with the emperor to play autumn wind, prepare wine and vegetables, and then I'll come back and have a drink!"

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