Super Healer

Chapter 752

In the garden, the members of the damper looked warily at the man who came down from the car with one hand hanging in front of him, with a faint hostility.

Su Qin led the 5000 guards to surround fengteng garden, and shot and wounded 55 members of the wind gate. If Li Ji hadn't done it, it is estimated that the guards have not retreated. For those who have hurt them, the Fengmen members instinctively reject them.

But Su Qin was so calm standing there, ignoring the cold eyes cast by the members of the wind door around him.

Today, when he left fengteng garden, he was called back by the old man. Originally, he thought he was going to meet the storm, but he didn't want to be the old man's earnest words, pondering and regretting. After dinner in the evening, Su Qin directly drove to fengteng garden, trying to make up for a mistake and regret.

Chu Feng and Huang Jingyin came out of the main building and saw Su Qin standing there. Chu Feng said faintly, "commander Su, things are clear. It seems that the place you should appear is a writer, not here?"

"Are you not reconciled to the separation of my heart talk and me? It's very sad to lose my little love and still want to kill me?"

The light words of Chu Feng made the members of the wind gate around him flash their blades. The meaning is very clear. If Su Qin still wants to attack Chu Feng, they will definitely make su Qin pay a heavy price.

Su Qin sighed and bowed his head and said, "I'm sorry."

People around were stunned, but in Su Qin's words, the knife in his hand dropped a little, and the hostility dissipated a little. They knew how difficult it was to say "sorry" from Su Qin's mouth.

Chu Feng was also a little surprised by Su Qin's words, but he was still calm after a simple fluctuation. He believed that Su Qin would tell him the purpose of coming here tonight.

Looking up, Su Qin quietly said, "I was wrong. I came here tonight to make up for my mistake. I have lost it once, but now I wake up and don't want to miss the second time. Do you understand my mood?"

Although Su Qin has not said what to do, his meaning has been revealed in his words. Looking back at the main building, he sighed softly and said, "I understand, but I can't make decisions."

Su Qin came here tonight. Chu Feng already knew that it was for ye Xinlan. Intellectually speaking, Su Qin's doing so should be supported by Chu Feng. He should correct his mistakes. For a man like Su Qin, it would be more difficult to make such a decision to admit how much courage it takes than to ask for his life.

But emotionally, ye Xinlan is pregnant with her own child, and Chu Feng doesn't want her to forgive Su Qin. She just faces Su Qin who comes to her door. Chu Feng can only say this in the end. Otherwise, he does not doubt that Su Qin will fight against Su Qin again.

"I know, just hope you don't stop me!"

Su Qin didn't ask Chu Feng to do anything. He just looked at the balcony on the third floor in the dark. He could feel the person he was looking for. He said softly, "I'm sorry for her. No matter what I want to do today, I'll do it. As long as she can forgive me and come back to me."

Chu Feng frowned and wanted to say something, and finally turned into a silent sigh. All the members of the wind door withdrew. After a look at Su Qin, Chu Feng went directly to the pavilion in the distance. Some things could only be hidden in my heart and could not do anything.

Su Qin saw that Chu Feng didn't stop him. Thanks, Xie went straight into the main building. Soon he came to the big balcony on the third floor. He sat there quietly and did nothing. He just put his hands on his stomach. Su Qin wanted to call out, but it turned into three words: "I'm sorry!"

Ye Xinlan already knew that Su Qin had arrived and why he had come, because half an hour ago, ye Enzheng had already called, and the misunderstanding had been clear. She and Su Qin had been husband and wife for more than 20 years. Who had no mistake?

The meaning is very clear, that is to let Ye Xinlan forgive Su Qin's reunion. If it was at the beginning, ye Xinlan would listen to ye Enzheng, but touching the bulging belly, ye Xinlan only replied to ye Enzheng with a word, which she needed to consider!

Hearing Su Qin's words, ye Xinlan understood that he was sincerely apologizing. His heart was sour, and his eyes leaped over the balcony to see Chu Feng sitting alone in the pavilion. His heart was full of bitterness.

If she didn't have a baby in her stomach, even if Su Qin and Qin Yue colluded, ye Xinlan would forgive him. Which man didn't make such a mistake?

Just a child with chufeng in his stomach. Although he is just a transitional mother, there is no denying that he has a taboo relationship with Chu Feng. With a sigh, ye Xinlan whispered: "you didn't apologize to me. I caught that disease myself, and you are a normal man."

"I believe I'll do the same from your point of view, so I just start to hate you, and then I won't!"

Hearing Ye Xinlan's words, Su Qin showed a smile and walked forward two steps to open his mouth: "does that mean that you have forgiven me and are willing to be with me again?"

Ye Xinlan closed his eyes, then opened to look at Chu Feng that slightly lonely and lonely back, hand in the stomach gently stroked, there is a contradiction in the heart.At her age, any betrayal is not a big mistake as long as it can be corrected. After all, it has been more than 20 years. She is just a child in her stomach. She does not know how to answer Su Qin. After all, they have a common son, Su Mobei!

Su Qin looks forward to looking at Ye Xinlan. Seeing her silence, he doesn't notice where her eyes are looking. He looks at the bulging belly and says, "I don't mind if you have a child. My heart talks with me. Mobei also said to me that as long as it's your child, I will treat him as much as I treat him."

"As long as you come back to me, I will never be sorry for you in this life, and I will love you all my life!"

Ye Xinlan knew that Su Qin had misunderstood her meaning, but she couldn't say it. The child in her belly was Chu Feng's. although they didn't have that thing, who would believe it?

After thinking about it for a while, ye Xinlan shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, I like the silence now, and I just want to take this child to spend my life quietly. It's not that I don't forgive you, but it's unnecessary. You and I are both of this age. Look at it a little bit!"

The hope in his heart was broken by Ye Xinlan. Su Qin walked forward and asked: "why, although we have no emotional basis to walk together, but more than 20 years have passed, why can't you forgive me?"

"I forgive you, but I don't want to be with you anymore."

Ye Xinlan closed his eyes and held back the secret in his heart and said, "as you said, more than 20 years have passed, but it is a mistake to start. Then let it come to a complete end. It is good for you and me. You can take it as I can't accept the man who betrayed me!"

Su Qin's body shook, full of hope, but he got such an answer. It's a bit different from ye Xinlan he knew, but he really hurt this woman.

But Su Qin finally gave up and sighed: "I will wait for you. You are right. We have no emotional foundation, but we can't deny that we are the most suitable people to live together. Take good care of yourself!"

Looking at Ye Xinlan again, Su Qin turned away. He was a proud man. He learned from the old man's lesson that he could come tonight. But ye Xinlan refused. He would not come. He knelt down to the agreed position. He believed that as long as he persisted, ye Xinlan would return to him.

In the garden, Su Qin came down to the pavilion and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, because the villain's plot hurt the members of the damper. I hope you can say sorry for them. I've asked qido to make it clear that she was deceived by me, but I know she has you in her heart."


Looking back at the big balcony on the third floor, Su Qin said with a little pain in his eyes: "take good care of her. The person I'm sorry for in my life is her!"

Chu Feng stood up, looked at Su Qin's back, touched his nose and looked at the direction of starting the car to leave fengteng garden. "If you know that she has my child in her stomach, you won't say sorry!"

Feeling kengdai shaking his head, Chu Feng went back to the main building and came to the big balcony. He looked at Ye Xinlan, who was depressed in his heart. After sweeping his left eye around, Chu Feng went over and sat beside her and said, "if you want to go back, you can choose to go back."

"If it's because of the child, as long as you're happy, you can take it off, and he shouldn't have appeared in your stomach."

Ye Xinlan opened his eyes and looked at Chu Feng from the side of his head. Then he looked into the distance and whispered back to the night: "the child can be taken away, and I can go back, but what happened is indelible. I had your child in my stomach. Can this also be regarded as something that doesn't exist?"

Chu Feng looked at Ye Xinlan and said with a wry smile, "I can't blame that. You should have pushed me away."

Ye Xinlan's face flushed and he said, "it's clear that there is no such thing with Chu Feng, but he is misunderstood. He always feels uncomfortable. He looks at him angrily and says," I won't talk about this matter in the future. I'll give birth to this child, but his surname is ye. Don't let the Su family help you cultivate your child! "

Chufeng smiles heartily and thinks Ye Xinlan is not in a good mood because of Su Qin's affairs. However, seeing her can still scold herself at the moment, Chu Feng knows that ye Xinlan has thoroughly opened up a lot of things.

Suddenly he turned around and sat on Ye Xinlan's chair. He lifted the woman up and sat on her thigh. He looked around and was relieved when no one could see him. He turned back and glared at Chu Feng angrily: "what are you doing? The heart language is not there, but when seen by others, you and I will be salivated to death."

Chu Feng didn't seem to hear it. He leaned his head over Ye Xinlan's stomach and whispered, "baby, do you hear that? Your mother says Dad like this, I'm a loser. She's reasonable to eat tender grass. She's really thick skinned!"

Ye Xinlan's angry expression was stunned when he heard Chu Feng's words. Then he burst into laughter and slapped Chu Feng. He scolded, "little bastard, get out of here quickly. It's not good for people to see it!"

Chu Feng almost held Ye Xinlan in his arms, as if he were a little girl and coquettish: "no, you are my man. It's normal for me to hold it. My heart is gone. Fu Dina is a foreign horse. No one is going to your room tonight!"Ye Xinlan looked sluggish and blushed like a big apple. He swore in a low voice: "you don't want to be a jerk!"

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