Super Healer

Chapter 753

However, Xia Yan and Huang Jingyin didn't disturb Chu Feng either. During the busy days and the killing of the literati yesterday, chufeng was just a teenager, and it was normal to be tired. According to his explanation yesterday, he also told the rest of the people to be quiet and quiet and not to disturb Chu Feng to sleep.

What we don't know is that Chu Feng wakes up early, but he is not in his room, but in Ye Xinlan's room.

Ye Xinlan leaned on the bed and looked like a cat. Chu Feng, who was sleeping with his stomach in his arms, snorted shyly: "get up quickly. Do you want everyone to know that you were sleeping in my room last night?"

Thinking that last night chufeng said he would go to his room to sleep, he really came, and could not catch up with him. He was worried that the voice was too loud to be heard. Ye Xinlan could only be held by Chu Feng and slept for a night. Facing Chu Feng's shameless little demands, ye Xinlan refused all of them.

"Keep your voice down, excellent!"

Ye Xinlan saw Chu Feng and laughed. He pushed Chu Feng aside and was hugged by Chu Feng for a night. Ye Xinlan found that he had a sweet sleep last night. He secretly said that there was no man, but ye Xinlan didn't show it.

Chu Feng almost rolled out of bed, rolled his white eyes and sat up and said, "if you don't touch me, you can't hold me. It's just as reserved when you eat me."

Ye Xinlan bit his lips and glared at Chu Feng angrily. The latter touched her eyes and stirred her up. He put aside the topic: "by the way, you said it yourself last night. After you gave birth to the baby, you can touch it for me. Don't be dishonest, or you know, I'm a master of medicine, ha ha ha!"

Ye Xinlan's charming face was covered with a layer of blush. Last night, Chu Feng was just like a little rogue. Ye Xinlan worried about what Chu Feng really did, so he said that he couldn't do it now, and then after giving birth to the child.

But at that time, he cheated Chu Feng. He didn't want to remember that ye Xinlan wanted to be beautiful in his heart. He said back: "we'll talk about it then."

Chu Feng ignored so much, hugged Ye Xinlan, and quickly ran out of bed to laugh: "you will not be able to run away. Anyway, you won't be good with Su Qin. I won't let my child have no mother in this life. You can't go away."

"So be prepared. Last time I was confused, I didn't know what I felt!"

Finish saying that ye Xinlan picked up the pillow, Chu Feng left eye to see no one outside to quickly open the door, the wind general slip away, ye Xinlan holding the pillow there, breathing, finally puff out a sound, put the pillow on the bed, touching the hot face, whispered: "how do I feel I hate can't afford it?"

Looking at the closed door, he thought of being attacked by Chu Feng last night. Ye Xinlan's face was full of red again. Looking back at the window, he sighed: "it seems that your judgment is wrong. Chu Feng is a little villain. If this goes on, what will he really do to me at that time? What should I do?"

Lying directly on the bed, adding the lower lip, you can still feel the residual smell of Chu Feng. Ye Xinlan closes his eyes. Now, in addition to being frank and honest with each other and the final bottom line, Chu Feng has done everything. Ye Xinlan is struggling in his heart and can only take a look at each step.

After washing and gargling, Chu Feng, who went downstairs, had a breakfast and came to the meeting room.

Xia Yan, Huang Jingyin and Yan Luofu Dina are all sitting here waiting. Jesse doesn't accidentally follow her. Even if she treats her coldly, she just doesn't go away.

Chu Feng sat down to look at the time and said, "wait a minute."

After waiting for more than ten minutes, people were curious about what chufeng had to wait for, but Chu Feng didn't say, and they didn't ask. Instead, Jesse kept murmuring in her lonely ear, which made people want to laugh.

About twenty minutes later, the door of the meeting room was pushed open, and Huangfu ruodie, who could walk in the fengteng garden, came in.

Chu Feng motioned to Huangfu ruodie to sit beside him. He had experienced many things. Chu Feng had eliminated the opportunity to kill Huangfu ruodie. Then he said to everyone, "before the meeting, let's talk about one thing first. Xia Yan and Meier have also told me several times. It's difficult to control the daily affairs of Fengmen because of their limited ability."

"So, I decided that in the future, when I was away, Huangfu ruodie would control everything in the wind door!"

Chu Feng's decision made Xia yanruo stand up and follow him from the river and sea. He knew the hatred between Huangfu Ruo die and Chu Feng, and Huangfu Ruo die's identity. He frowned and said, "little wind, I don't agree with you very much!"

Huang Jingyin looked at Huangfu ruogdie and said softly, "I don't agree with you either!"

Gu Ming and Yan Luo both shrugged their shoulders. They only supported Chu Feng. They hardly needed to make an agreement and said, "we have no problem!"

Jesse also raised her hand and said, "I will support whoever my man supports."

In a helpless look, Fu Dina looked at Huangfu ruodie and said, "I believe in fengshao's decision, and I firmly believe that Miss Huangfu can control the wind door. She has such courage and ability."

Chu Feng waited for everyone to finish, just ready to speak, Huangfu Ruo die took his hand, frowned and said, "why don't you tell me in advance?"Chu Feng patted her on the back of her hand, looked at the crowd and said, "I know why you are against this decision. Not to mention the historical enmity between Huangfu ruodie and me, the fact that she is the eldest lady of Huangfu family deserves your concern, but I just want to say one word."

After seeing Huangfu ruodie, Chu Feng said calmly, "I believe she will not do anything harmful to me because she is the eldest lady of Huangfu family."

Xia Yan and Huang Jingyin frown, and begin to feel that Chu Feng was hoodwinked by Huangfu ruodie before making such a decision. At the moment, Chu Feng expresses their concerns. They do not open their mouth. They listen to Chu Feng and continue to talk.

Chu Feng breathed out a breath and said: "the air door now sits in the underground world of the north, but few people can use it. As long as something goes wrong, or if I die, the damper will change. So I recommend Huangfu ruodie. At least if I die, she can let everyone live."

"I'm not blinded by beauty or confused. It's something I've been thinking about for a long time."

When Huang Fu Ruo die rescued Chu Feng from Weiss, he had such a thought. However, the time was not mature at that time. After many experiences, Chu Feng did not say 100% about Huang Fu Ruo die, but he firmly believed that she would not harm herself or even kill herself.

Holding Huangfu ruodie's hand and standing up, Chu Feng looked at a group of brothers and sisters and said, "so I hope you can support me and treat Ruo die as if you treat me. Her ability can make the wind door more powerful. I also firmly believe that she will not do anything to hurt the wind door, even if her surname is Huangfu and her name is Ruo die!"

Chu Feng has said this. Xia Yan and Huang Jingyin both nod at each other to accept. What they suspect is Huangfu ruodie's intention, but they never doubt Huangfu ruodie's ability.

Seeing that the only two people who were against it had no opinion, Chu Feng sat down with a sigh of relief and looked at you and said, "I decided to go to Jiaoyu directly and attend the Jiaoyu cake feast. When you have any questions, Huangfu ruodie will arrange for you. What she said is what I want to do."

Xia and others knew that they were not against it

Huangfu ruodie is sitting beside Chu Feng. She has a strange feeling in her heart. When she has experienced a lot of experiences and even encounters Huangfu Wenren's death, Huangfu ruodie has lost her heart of contention and just wants to be a quiet little woman of Chu Feng. At the moment, Chu Feng gives the whole damper to her, and Huangfu ruodie feels that she wants to cry.

Looking at the young boy who is young enough to affect the whole holy Dynasty, Huangfu ruodie's heart is filled with a smile of joy. This man is enough!

After eliminating the matter of Huangfu Ruo butterfly, Xia Yan said in a low voice: "the wind is less. This time, take me to the corner area."

"That one!" Chufeng naturally knew Xia Yan's mind and wanted to rush to kill the enemy, but he thought about it and said with a smile: "you are not yet in time. If butterfly has just come into contact with Fengmen affairs, you and Jingyin need to help. This is the most important thing. It's more important than going to Jiaoyu. It's about hundreds of thousands of brothers and brothers!"

Xia Yan immediately did not want to open his voice: "no, Meier and Jingyin can also, this time I must go."

Chu Feng kneaded his temple and said, "you can't go this time." To stop Xia Yan from opening his mouth, Chu Feng said solemnly: "because when I come back from Jiaoyu, if there is no accident, the iron hoof of the damper will go south. I need you to stay and prepare for all this, because no one is more suitable than you!"

Xia Yan a Leng, the face of the emergence of war, opening: "to fight against the heavenly king gate?"

Chu Feng took a look at her face, and Huang Jingyin nodded: "yes, there is no war in the north. It's time to integrate the south. In addition, Xiangjiang and Panlong should step up their pace. I hope that before the end of this year, there will be only one sound of the wind door in the underground world of the holy Dynasty."

Xia Yan patted his chest heavily: "no problem, I will be ready. When you come back with less wind, you will crush tianwangmen!"

Chu Feng nodded and looked at Huang Jingyin and said, "you can contact Yihe Mingzi and prepare to go to Jianghai with me at any time." Then he looked at Yan Luo and Gu Ming and Jie Si: "as for you, don't let me down. We should go, so we must take something away and leave something behind."

They all stood up and said in a loud voice, "I understand!"

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