Super Healer

Chapter 779

Coupled with the panting appearance of fudina, it also seriously slowed down the speed of the March.

Chu Feng looked back at the back. Now Yuejun's men are six kilometers away. In addition, it's daytime. They have a blade to open the road. Their speed is getting faster and faster. Maybe they will catch up in two hours at most.

Take a look at Fu Dina's appearance. Her clothes are all cut through the jungle, and her flawless skin is revealed. Especially her predecessor is also cut by the Bush, and the deep snow is looming. But now, where is Chu Feng in the mood to enjoy these things?

Suddenly, I feel a little regret that when killing those robbers, why didn't you take some weapons on your body? At the moment, you don't have to be so passive. If you look at the mobile phone without any signal, Chu Feng feels inexplicably heavy. If you are alone, Chu Feng is confident that more people can escape.

But now there are Yihe Mingzi and fudina, Chu Feng will be hesitant.

Looking back at the back, chufeng frowned slightly, because the Yuejun who came after him seemed to be retreating. Chu Feng didn't believe that they gave up after killing for one night.

However, he retreated when he couldn't give up. Chu Feng smelled a breath of danger and suddenly thought of something. Chu Feng looked up at the sky with his left eye. In an instant, he went out for dozens of kilometers. His face changed slightly and he said, "go, Yuejun has sent out bombers!"

Yihe Mingzi was stunned and murmured in his heart that I was also very tired. Why don't you carry me back? Slaves also have human rights.

Although Chu Feng ran away with Fu Dina on his back, Yihe Mingzi could only slander in his heart and quickly followed up. Because he didn't have to wait for Fu Dina, the speed was much faster than the beginning, but Chu Feng didn't feel relaxed because of this.

Just a kilometer away, the sound of the bombers came from the air. Fu Dina and Yihe Mingzi changed their faces and forgot to think about how Chu Feng knew that the bomber had been dispatched.

After the roaring sound, bombs were falling in the air, and Chu Feng called out "Damn it". His left eye kept receiving the picture of the next five minutes, and there was a loud explosion behind him. However, Chu Feng could leave the explosion area at the moment before. Yihe Mingzi felt amazing after him.

Chu Feng understood that the people on the bombers did not know where they were. They could only carry out indiscriminate bombing. Although such a situation would not be killed by concentrated fire, it was easy to be killed by indiscriminate bombing.

This time, Yue's army sent out ten bombers to carry out indiscriminate bombing within ten kilometers of the other party, and Chu Feng's living space was virtually compressed.

With Fu Dina on his back, he shuttles through the woods constantly. Chu Feng's eyes are silent, and he is not troubled by those bombs. He knows that as long as he has been subjected to the first round of bombing, he can be more leisurely in the back.

All of a sudden, Chu Feng lies down on the ground and throws Fu Dina under his body. He shouts at Yihe Mingzi. The latter doesn't think about anything and goes down. Almost at the same time, a bomb falls down from the position ten meters in front of him and rings out loud.

The heat wave swept the three people of Chu Feng in a state of confusion and disheartened. They were also hit by the stones from the bomb, which made them painful.

As a bomb fell, and then there were bombs falling around, and the trees were burning in the explosion. Although the forest vegetation was full of water and the combustion was limited, the smoke was still very uncomfortable. Although it could block the sight of the bombers in the sky, it also made the chufeng people suffocate by the smoke at any time.

After more than ten bombs exploded, the bombers moved to other places for bomb dropping operations. Chu Feng was relieved and was glad to have a left eye. Otherwise, he would have died in the bomb just now.

Breath out, not ready to stand up, Fu Dina on the weak mouth: "less wind, you can take your hand away?"

Now, there's a real surge.

She quickly moved away from her eyes and stood up. In the dark, Fu Dina was the same size as a girl. Chu Feng was embarrassed and looked into the air. The five minute picture continued to project.

His face was gloomy and said, "damn Yuejun!"

At the moment, chufeng naturally didn't know that Yihe Mingzi was studying fudina grape. He just moved quickly. His left eye had seen that three minutes later, three military planes would come to this area to drop personnel and observe more than 100 people. Chufeng didn't want to stay and fight those with submachine guns.

When the bombing gradually subsided and the ten bombers returned, three planes loaded with Yue's army also came to the air above the bombed area. People constantly jumped down from the above, and more than 100 people fell in different positions.

Chu Feng occasionally looked back and found that the Yuejun who had been evacuated had followed up again after the bombing. He scolded him secretly. Chu Feng quickened his pace. Although Yue's army can do whatever he wants in his own kingdom, he will be restrained as long as he goes out for dozens of kilometers to enter Sanwu area.

But not a kilometer out, Chu Feng put down Fu Dina on his back and looked at the front calmly. During the airdrop, some people had already reached the front. Some people went forward to search and some people went back to search. It was obvious that they would not let go of an inch of land.Let Fu Dina and Yihe Mingzi hide for a while. Chu Feng grabs a tree like a monkey and climbs up the 20 meter tall tree. His body jumps between the big trees with Fu Dina's surprised look, but he doesn't make any sound at the same time.

Within his sight, Chu Feng has seen a Yue Jun with a submachine gun and a red belt on his head coming forward. His eyes were smeared with intent, and his left eye looked at the rest of the direction. The nearest Yuejun was 400 meters away from here. The corner of his mouth was cruel. Chu Feng jumped down from a height of 15 meters.

Yue Jun was just looking at the situation ahead. When he felt a crisis approaching his subconscious head, his hands had twisted his neck and directly pinched out his vitality.

Chufeng landed steadily and tried not to make any noise. He waved to Yihe Mingzi and asked them to come up. Chu Feng searched the Yue army, gave all the submachine guns and bullets to Fu Dina, handed a military dagger to Yihe Mingzi, and put two bombs on his body.

Chu Feng looked at more than ten Yue troops within 500 meters. He knew that the possibility of three people walking together was very small, even if he had left eye. He would also attract the attention of the people behind him to find an accurate direction for them to pursue.

After a short time, Chu Feng made a decision to open his mouth: "you two continue to move in the direction of the treasurer town. I will attract these Yue troops, and I will give you two hours' time."

As soon as she said it, she shook her head. "No, it's too dangerous."

Chu Feng naturally knows the danger, but he may have life on his own. If three people are doomed to have little vitality, it's better to let Fu Dina and Yihe Mingzi leave safely.

"I have decided that you should wait for me in the treasurer's town and tell them that nothing can be done before I get the news of my death. After I am sure that I am dead, Jiaoyu will not go back to the holy pilgrimage."

After that, he didn't give Fu Dina a chance to say anything more. Chu Feng jumped into the trees on one side and quickly disappeared in front of them. Fu Dina wanted to open her mouth, but where was Chu Feng's figure, she stamped her feet in anger.

This is not the time for fighting. Surprised that chufeng is willing to ignore the danger for them, Yihe Mingzi pulls Fu Dina and says, "don't waste the master's mind. Let's find a place to hide. When the master leads Yue Jun to the other directions, we will go to the small town of treasurer at full speed."

Fu Dina was worried about Chu Feng, but she could only do so at this time. Heyi and Mingzi found a thick bush to hide in it, waiting for Yue Jun to be attracted.

As time went by, Chu Feng went back to a kilometer away. He saw that Yihe Mingzi and Fu Dina were hiding temporarily. The rest of Yuejun could not be found until they were still some distance away. Chu Feng knew that he had to do something quickly, otherwise Yihe Mingzi would be found.

Quickly up to a tree, Chu Feng looks ahead, about 600 meters away. Because of the bombers' bombing, those Yue troops are catching up faster, without too much obstruction.

Open his mouth to the air: "ice, send me a bomb, get me two guns!"

Take out the only two bombs, one of them, to appear beside Bingqing, teach her how to use it, Bingqing immediately flashed to the tree, a few flashes between disappeared in Chu Feng's line of sight.

More than ten seconds later, the sound of the bomb explosion came from hundreds of meters away. Chu Feng saw it in his eyes. He threw the bomb into the crowd and killed more than ten people. He quickly appeared and picked up two guns. Before Yue Jun, who was dazed by the bomb, did not return to his senses, Bingqing had disappeared.

The explosion of the bomb immediately attracted the attention of Yue army. The remaining Yuejun roared: "they are here, I see a woman!"

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