Super Healer

Chapter 780

There were sporadic gunshots in the jungle, which attracted Yue's approach.

Looking back at the back, Yihe Mingzi and Fu Dina nodded and moved forward quickly. This time, Fu Dina didn't breathe any more. She gritted her teeth and tried to keep up with Yihe Mingzi's steps, so that Chu Feng's efforts could not be ineffective.

At the same time, about two kilometers later, a Yue army ran up to the man in uniform who had been following him, raised his hand and saluted and said, "commander Ruan, there are traces of the enemy one kilometer ahead, one man and two women. They have killed five people from our side. They are now fleeing, but not to the small town of treasurer, but to the south."

The man in military uniform took a look at the telescope and could only see that Yuejun was pursuing because of the dense trees. He put down the telescope and said in a deep voice: "as long as the target is three people, then no matter where they go, they will stay for me. Otherwise, this time, we will all have to deal with the military law!"

That Yue army heavy return a way is, quickly to issue military uniform man's instruction.

More than 100 members of the jungle field corps parachuted in and more than 1000 people who had been pursuing them began to press towards the south. The military uniform man walked and sneered: "if you want to run to the city and use more people to run away, I will let none of you walk out of this jungle and bury yourself here."

One kilometer ahead, Chu Feng carries a gun on his back and holds a gun in his hand. He shuttles through the jungle quickly without Fu Dina and Yihe Mingzi. Chu Feng is more leisurely.

Bingqingyujie doesn't need to worry about Chu Feng at all. If Chu Feng can keep up with her, they can run faster, just like two fairies shuttling through the jungle. The bushes or things blocking the way are hard to stop them. Their speed is very fast, and they can open the way for Chu Feng from time to time.

Chu Feng quickly jumped up to a mound and looked at dozens of Yue troops 300 meters away from his back. Because of the dense forest, they could not see the Chu wind, but just traced the traces.

Chu Feng held the sniper in his hand, and glanced at the corner of his mouth to kill him. With the ability of his left eye, he fired three bullets in a row, and the three Yuejun in sight were blown off their heads.

The sudden explosion of the head also made Yue Jun stop his pace. He was surprised where the bullets came from. There were trees everywhere, but they couldn't see the enemy, but it didn't affect them to hide quickly.

Chu Feng's mouth sparked a smile. Although those people were hiding behind the trees and lying on the ground, it was just like not hiding for Chu Feng. Although the sniper gun in his hand was general, Chu Feng was confident that he could kill the enemy with all his bullets at a distance of 300 meters.

Seeing the opportunity, Chu Feng pulls the trigger, and two Yue soldiers die again. One of them has his head blown off because he is hiding behind a tree, and the other is lying on the ground trying to cover with thick bushes. However, Chu Feng takes his life away from a bullet in the bush.

At the beginning, five people died, which frightened the Yue army who was hiding in the dark. The people who pursued seemed to be sharpshooters.

However, all this did not stop, and the bullets kept coming. Four Yue soldiers died under the bullets again, either by the head or by the heart. In a short time, nine people died, which made those hiding in a panic.

It seems that as long as you show a little bit, it seems that you will die soon.

Chu Feng gave them deterrence, turned to hang the last bomb in his body on a small tree, pulled a filament from his clothes and wound it on it. After finishing, he continued to move forward with ice and jade.

After a few minutes, no one was hit again. The hiding Yue army felt a little relaxed and tentatively came out of the hiding place. He immediately knew that the enemy had exploded several people and must have left. After roaring, dozens of people moved again. The Yuejun behind also followed, and the vast team of more than 1000 people kept pressing on.

When more than ten Yue troops arrived at the mound and saw the footprints, they confirmed that the enemy was here just now.

A Yue army raised his hand to let everyone hurry up. A Yue army jumped on the mound and ran forward. It seemed that he had touched something. Subconsciously, he stopped and looked down. His face suddenly changed and he said, "bomb!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the bomb exploded. The Yue army that made the noise was directly fragmented. The rest of the people who had already climbed to the mound could not escape the result of death. Some of the people behind were also overturned, causing Yue army to lose more than ten people again.

Military uniform man has come to the distance, heard the explosion here, his face gloomy and ugly: "what's the matter?"

The guard at his side ran ahead quickly. After a while, he came back and reported: "the enemy left a bomb on the way we pursued. Just now a person accidentally touched it, and more than ten people were killed and injured!"

Hearing the report, the man in uniform narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists. More than 20 people have died since he found the enemy, and not even a hair of the enemy has been injured. This has nothing to do with the face of Yue Jun, who claims to be the third military power in the world.

The man in uniform yelled: "order to divide into ten teams and press up from ten directions to kill them before they go out of the jungle!"

After the command was passed on, more than 1000 people quickly divided into ten teams to advance, but the speed slowed down a little, for fear of encountering any pitfalls. Only more than 100 members of the forest and field corps still kept their normal speed. They were called the elite among the elite, worthy of the title.Chu Feng looked back and saw a fly in the dark. He picked up a sniper gun and shot three bullets at the back without hesitation. Yue Jun of the three jungle field corps directly exploded his head, so that the rest of the people in front of him subconsciously stopped their pace and emerged dignified.

Later, more than 20 of them found good positions and aimed at the front, but they were all covered by thick woods and could not see anyone. When the ghost happened in the dark channel, more than 20 people pulled the trigger, hoping that they could fish in troubled waters and kill people.

Chu Feng stood in the same place, shrugged his shoulders, and went on without worry. His left eye could go through everything. Even if the mountain was blocked in front of him, as long as he was given enough powerful bullets, he could kill people on the other side of the mountain.

And those snipers shoot with their eyes. How can they kill them?

Three people were running in front of him. Ten teams and the people from the jungle field corps pressed in from 11 directions. Chu Feng looked at the nearest team, which was only 500 meters away from him. If he was not worried about traps, maybe only 300 meters away.

Seeing that there are only dozens of bullets, Chu Feng turned his head and said, "you two touch me, I want to stop bullets!"

Bingqingyujie nods her head and disappears in the same place. Chu Feng takes up the sniper gun and points it at the nearby team. This kind of barrage gun with a firing distance of 800 meters can shoot bullets at the position of 500 meters, which is enough!

This time, Chu Feng didn't simply fire one or two shots, and shot ten bullets one after another. The ten Yue troops all died without any accident. Chu Feng seemed to give Yue army a severe deterrent this time, and changed the bullets to the Yue army within range.

Although there were woods in front of him, Chu Feng did not waste a bullet. In two minutes, dozens of bullets were all shot out, and dozens of Yuejun had died, and the pursuit team was slower.

The news was soon passed to the men in uniform who followed him. He heard that there was a blocker in the other camp who ignored the shelter of the jungle, and his eyes were a little more dignified.

Sometimes the two armies fight with each other as a sniper. A strong sniper may decide the outcome of a war. So far, more than 60 people have been killed. Men in military uniform don't think this is the luck of the other side.

After thinking about it, he ordered: "let the 10 teams of snipers gather together, and the rest of them will step back and wait for the result. This is a sniper's war. In addition, if we allocate the limited sniper guns to the jungle and field corps, I don't believe that more than 100 snipers can't kill one of the other's snipers!"

Within minutes, the order was sent to ten squads and jungle Rangers. The sniper team was formed, led by 30 blockers of the jungle field corps. A total of 150 snipers were carrying their snipers to find their positions in the jungle. Some even climbed up the trees.

The pursuers retreated for a distance, all of which fell into the eyes of Chu Feng. Seeing that more than 100 snipers began to hide in search of themselves, Chu Feng's smile was exuberant.

More than 100 snipers, a local war may not necessarily have so many sniper guns, just to chase and kill himself and others sent out so many of them, Chu Feng did not know whether it was his honor or his own misfortune.

However, Chu Feng would not take it lightly. He chose a big tree surrounded by two people and quickly climbed to it, hidden in the thick branches.

Bingqingyujie came back soon. The two sisters handed several hundred bullets to Chu Feng and said, "this is what you found on those people who started shooting, there are only so many!"

Chufeng's face was full of smiles and said with a smile: "it's enough. Let's play with the shooting."

Let Bing qingyujie's sister hide a little better, so as not to be hurt by stray bullets. Chu Feng quickly loaded ten bullets, and then looked at more than 100 snipers who were hiding everywhere to trace their tracks. He looked at a Yue Jun who was squatting on a tree and carefully observed it. Then he shot out a bullet.

In line of sight, the Yue army's head burst and fell down from the tree, leaving the Yuejun in a daze.

Look at the dense forest ahead, so many things block, how does the other party know where he is? This scene is also seen in the eyes of the military uniform man with a telescope on the last side, and his eyebrows slightly wrinkle and open his mouth: "is the other party's hand a thermal imaging barrage gun?"

This is the only explanation. Otherwise, how can it make sense that the other party can ignore the people who are shooting and hiding in the jungle?

Although there was such a guess, the man in uniform knew that he could not shrink back. According to the position of Yuejun who had his head blown off just now, he squinted and pondered: "tell the blockers of all units that the enemy is in the position of 45 to 70 degrees in front of the left, search carefully and fight for a shot to be killed!"

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