Super Healer

Chapter 781

With the orders of men in military uniform, more than 100 snipers have the target to search in that direction. Everyone's palms are not sweating. So far, more than 60 Yuejun soldiers have been killed by mysterious blockers. They also know what kind of level of blockers they are facing.

All of a sudden, there was a scream in the jungle, which came one after another. Soon, ten snipers fell down again, but Yue's blockers have not fired a single bullet so far.

The man in uniform clenched his fist and said, "bring me a sniper gun!"

Forced himself not to listen to the screams and the news that the sniper was constantly dying. He took the sniper from the guard, which contained ten bullets. The man in the uniform frowned, and suddenly thought that the other party might be the same as his own gun, because he had never heard of the other party's gun from the beginning.

In the heart surprised at the same time, the uniform man burst out, ready to kill the enemy after looking at it.

He quickly ran out more than 200 meters and calculated the range. The man in uniform jumped up a tree and went to the position 15 meters high. Then he pointed the sniper in front of him.

There are still snipers constantly die, military uniform man repressed the mind, carefully observe the changes in the jungle.

All of a sudden, he saw a bird fly up suddenly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. The muzzle of the gun deflected ten degrees and his pupils contracted. After a while, he saw a twig with thick fingers broken inexplicably, but it didn't fall on the ground because of the thick branches and leaves.

But this discovery, along with the scream, the uniform man has 80% confidence, that mysterious sniper position.

The muzzle of the gun was aimed at that direction and adjusted the focus. The man in military uniform closed his eyes and felt it. After a few minutes, the man suddenly opened his eyes and gently pressed his fingers down.

At this time, Chu Feng smelled a dangerous breath, flashed a picture in his left eye, and jumped up to the tree trunk one meter high above his head. Almost Chu Feng had just stabilized himself, and a bullet was severely nailed to the original crouching position of Chu Feng. If it was delayed for one second, he would not die or be seriously injured.

He pinched the sweat in the dark. Chu Feng didn't easily smell the smell. The dark way was a damn thing. He kept beating among the trees. Four of the ten bullets were aimed at chufeng, and the other six missed the direction.

With his left eye penetrating, Chu Feng sees the man in uniform who is changing bullets. He says "son of a bitch" in the dark. Chu Feng holds up the sniper and presses it, but a click shows that there is no bullet.

"Damn it!"

Chu Feng couldn't help but burst out his rude words. Hiding behind the tree, he changed his bullets. He was shocked by the strength of the man in military uniform. He shot ten bullets, four of which were aimed at himself. Chu Feng naturally understood that this was a feeling, but it was also a terrible feeling.

If the rest of the people do not respond to a shot, they may suspect that the enemy is in other places.

The man in uniform changed the bullet and jumped to a nearby tree. He knew that an excellent blocker could judge the direction of the enemy only by a few bullets. But what he never knew was that Chu Feng was not a professional blocker, he just had a mysterious left eye.

Although the ten bullets just now did not send the voice and news that he wanted to hear, the man in uniform knew that his judgment was correct. At first, one of his own blockers would die in less than a few seconds, but no one has died for a minute.

He understood that the other side must have been deterred by his own bullets, and now he has not attacked the others.

But just as the man in uniform thought about it, the scream came again. The man's face sank and flashed out from behind the tree. He was not ready to shoot. After many years of military career, he smelled the breath of death and didn't want to quickly hide behind the tree.

Almost at the same time, a bullet was nailed to the back of his stand, sweating. If he didn't feel better, he would be dead now.

A shot did not kill the uniform man, Chu Feng mouth hook up a bit of fun, left eye focused on looking at the military uniform man where the tree, at this time do not worry about the rest of the people touch.

Chu Feng gently pulled the trigger, just ready to flash out of the military uniform man's foot out of the shoulder shot a splash of blood, eat pain unsteadily fell from the tree, another bullet also accompanied by a hard hit in the military uniform man's heart position.

Bang fell on the ground, the rest of the place came the scream, obviously Chu Feng began to kill other blockers.

But what Chu Feng didn't know was that the man in uniform who fell on the ground struggled for a while and then stood up. With the help of the guards, he quickly hid behind a big stone. When the accompanying military doctor quickly took out the bullets on his feet and shoulders, the man looked at his heart with fear.

When he reaches out and takes out a bullet, he can still feel the pain in his chest. He is glad that he will wear bulletproof vest when he moves. He is also glad that the bullet of the other party is not special. Otherwise, he is already a corpse at the moment.

Looking at the warhead in his hand, the uniform man was familiar with it, but it was Yue's barrage bullet. He said to himself, "how can we use our guns to shoot in such woods? Hell!"He left the bullet on the ground and wanted to say that the other party was lucky. The men in uniform were embarrassed to speak. He didn't know how the other party knew that he would come out from behind the tree and shoot the bullet. He didn't know why a bullet hit his heart directly when he fell.

But to be sure, the other side is more than a sharpshooter, it is simply the God of obstruction!

Although there are nearly a hundred snipers in the army, the man in uniform knows that he can't stop the other side's killing, so he picks up the communicator and adjusts the frequency to open his mouth: "I want to send out armed helicopter for straying. The other party's blocker is too strong. Unless we hide without dead corner, as long as there is a little out, we will be killed."

The clear words from the other end cut off the communication. The man in uniform put the communication device in his pocket and looked into the distance and said, "let everyone hide well. The people in the blocking team also try to hide a little bit. I have sent the helicopter to reinforce it!"

After the instruction was passed on, the snipers, who were still screaming and died, were hiding. There was no suppressed anger in their hearts. There was only a kind of ease that they did not have to face any more.

Chu Feng saw that many blockers were hiding, and people on the ground were hiding. Frowning at what situation, his left eye penetrated dozens of kilometers, but he did not see anything. He secretly thought about it. Chu Feng took his sniper gun and looked for the target again.

Although Yuejun's people all hide very well, but in the face of Chu Feng that all have no escape left eye, or only death one result.

From the beginning of the men's command to now, dozens of people have died again, most of whom are hidden, but still dead blockers.

When Chu Feng seemed to be shooting at a target, a picture flashed through his left eye. He looked up and looked gloomy. He did not see it just now. But now there are two armed helicopters. Although there is still some distance, the high-power submachine gun and machine gun have stretched out the ferocious muzzle.

Chu Feng's eyes are calm, knowing that the other side probably knows his position. If he runs now, he will only be chased.

After thinking about it for a while, Chu Feng's muzzle shifted toward the sky and received the picture of the next five minutes, and the scream stopped. But at the moment, everyone didn't think about it. As long as they were hiding, the mysterious sniper couldn't find the place to start, but they didn't know that Chu Feng had hit the armed helicopter.

A minute later, the figure of propeller rotation came from the air. Two ferocious armed helicopters appeared in front of everyone. The trees around were swayed by the wind and waves driven by the propeller. Some blockers and Yuejun hidden in the trees were clearly visible.

The man in military uniform took a walkie talkie to connect the frequency of the armed helicopter: "he is in front of you 60 degrees angle, direct shooting, shot the last bullet!"

When there was a clear sound from the opposite side, suddenly there was a bang. An armed helicopter shook and the propeller seemed to stop for a moment. We were surprised if there was something wrong with the aircraft, the other armed helicopter also heard similar sounds and situations.

The man in uniform saw this scene in the woods. He scolded a madman with a walkie talkie and yelled: "shoot the bullets quickly, the other party wants to kill you!"

It's just late!

When the man in uniform just finished two words, the sound of bang bang came. The propellers of the two armed helicopters stopped completely, and the continuous bullets penetrated the past and destroyed the line.

When all Yuejun's faces changed greatly, the two armed helicopters that lost their rotating propellers fell downward. The man in military uniform yelled at the bastard and quickly retreated with the help of the guards. When the men in military uniform went out less than 10 meters, they collided with an armed helicopter and exploded in a roar. All the people in the plane died.

Together with more than 100 Yue troops hidden in the woods, they all paid a heavy price. In addition, their bombs were implicated, and the sound of explosions rang out and on.

When the explosion completely subsided, the military uniform man lying on the ground raised his head and saw the scene in front of him. The armed helicopter crashed and exploded, implicating more than 100 people. Originally, it was nothing, but the more than 100 people still had bombs on their bodies, which were implicated in the explosion.

That's it. In a short time of less than two minutes, more than 300 Yue troops died or were seriously injured in the explosion, which made the military uniform men almost have the impulse to vomit blood.

These dead and wounded people were not killed by the enemy's guns, but by the explosion of the helicopter crash and the bombs on their bodies. What could be more ironic than this.

Some people in the distance are still in fear. Fortunately, when they are not in the falling place, they are also afraid that the mysterious sniper killed the helicopter with a sniper gun, which indirectly destroyed more than 300 Yue troops, making the more than 1000 Yue troops from the pursuit less than 800 so far!

The brief calm is less than a minute, that has stopped the sniper to send the life-threatening bullet again, someone constantly falls in the forest, the military uniform man pupil condenses and says: "all press up, pile him up!"

If this is the case, he does not know how many bullets the other side still has. If two armed helicopters crash, the military will not send them again. Standing here is the target. It is better for hundreds of people to rush to seek wealth. He does not believe that the barrage gun can withstand the sweeping fire of hundreds of guns when he is close.But Chu Feng didn't worry after seeing all this. On the contrary, he showed a strong smile. He carried the sniper gun behind him, took down a submachine gun, and called out: "dry monkey!"

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