Super Healer

Chapter 782

Chu Feng jumped five meters away from the tall tree and landed on another tree. He kept shuttling through the forest. Even the monkeys didn't have the speed of Chu Feng. In fact, when he was in Xuancheng, Chu Feng was more monkey than monkey in the deep forest.

More than ten trees jumped one after another, and Chu Feng was quietly waiting for the Yue army to come up slowly.

According to their idea, at the moment, they must be running away to the distance. Who could have thought that they would not retreat and go forward to hide in this tree. There are advantages and disadvantages in the dense forest and big trees. The disadvantage is that the sun can't shine in, and the advantages are too thick. As long as you hide in a tree casually, it's hard to find it.

Chu Feng picks up the submachine gun, all bullets hanging in his waist, his eyes flowing with bloodthirsty madness, his left eye receives the picture at the speed of the best, and is constantly changing the possible things.

For Chu Feng, changing the future is an extremely simple thing.

Hundreds of Yue troops had already walked slowly from the tree where Chu Feng was. Looking at a single shuttle of bullets, Yue's army, who was absolutely capable of killing more than a dozen, stopped suddenly and glanced at the bombs in their waists.

Thinking of the chain explosions caused by the helicopter landing just now, chufeng's smile suddenly brightened up. Look at the hundreds of Yuejun, the distance is at most five meters. The carpet forward, the radian of Chu Feng's mouth is more obvious.

With the submachine gun on his back again, Chu Feng took down the barrage gun, and quickly aimed at a Yue army with five bombs wrapped around his body, and fired out the bullets with a bang.

Chu Feng didn't wait for the result to happen. According to the distance and distance, he kept turning around and shooting out bullets. The target was not people, but their bombs. In five seconds, all ten bullets were fired.

The explosion sounded from the first sound, repeating the chain explosions just after the helicopter crash. At the moment, these Yue soldiers were crying to death. They were killed by their own bombs when they did not meet the enemy. It is estimated that they would not die in peace.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang.

Chu Feng also jumped down from the tree at the moment, put on the submachine gun, and constantly burst out lethal bullets. Those who had not been killed by the bomb, but felt dizzy by the shock of his head, went to hell without knowing what was going on.

One shot constantly toward the surrounding bullets, Chu Feng stood there, there is no Dodge, no fear, no need to deliberately aim, Yue army like grass mustard general continue to die.

In the end, less than 800 of Yue's troops, who were killed by the blast and are now being swept by the Chu wind, have lost more than 600 people in less than 10 minutes. They are either dead or seriously injured, and can no longer gather strength.

The military uniform man in the distance saw this picture through the telescope. He lost all his steadiness and depth in the face of the best Chu Feng. His mouth trembled and cursed: "this is not a human being. Withdraw!"

Although there are still 100 people around to protect, but in a short period of 10 minutes, the Chu Feng of 600 or 700 people was wiped out. The military uniform man did not feel that the 100 people around him could stop him. Such a departure might be judged, but it was better than staying here and dying.

Although Chu Feng was shooting Yue Jun in the distance, the figure of the man in uniform never left his sight. When the bullets of the submachine gun were completely used up, and there were all the bodies of Yue army on the ground, Chu Feng stopped the gun at one end and burst out of the body. There was no need to aim at the bullet and shoot it out.

The more the uniform man goes, the more frightened he is. Looking at the continuous fall of his followers, his heart is full of cold.

But the more like this, the uniform man would like to leave here earlier, and said that two Yuejun came to carry him back quickly, or Chu Feng would use a barrage gun as a target in the back, and it would not take long for all of them to die.

Chu Feng completely used the barrage gun as a pistol, and pursued more than 100 Yue troops. This simply does not exist in the modern military history, but now it appears in the cross-border jungle.

After running out for about a kilometer, the rest of the Yue army were in complete despair, because from the beginning of the escape to now, there have been people falling down. Now, there are less than ten men in military uniform, and a hundred people have fallen down on the one kilometer escape road.

They didn't go on running because they knew that the mysterious blocker would never let them run away.

The man in military uniform also let the two people down, and their hearts were in complete despair. TEN BOMBERS opened the road, two armed helicopters supported, and more than a thousand elite troops chased after them. However, they were beaten by one person, a god like person. So far, less than ten people are left here.

Men in military uniform can already foresee their future. Even if they don't die here today, they will die in the hands of the military. With such a huge loss, they don't get anything. What can they do if they don't die?

Chu Feng has already appeared in people's sight. Although he looks very embarrassed, disheartened and just a person, when Chu Feng completely stands in front of them 10 meters away, Yue Jun feels the oppressive feeling that is insurmountable. It seems that as long as the person in front of him has an idea, they will die completely.Chu Feng swept the last eight people, and unconsciously killed more than 1000 people. However, Chu Feng just sighed, and nothing unnatural happened.

The corner of his mouth glanced over his mouth and said: "it's good to let me run away after you for such a long time, but I still have to stay to play with you. How about playing big and getting hurt?"

Almost all of the eight Yue troops, including men in military uniform, had the urge to spit blood. They thought to themselves that if they knew you were so excellent, they would not catch up with them. They killed more than 1000 people with one gun and two armed helicopters. Where did they come from?

Seeing that all eight Yue troops did not speak, Chu Feng pulled a gun he had just picked up without warning. Except for the men in military uniform, the rest of the seven people all burst into bleeding flowers and died. However, there was no fear of death, but there was a sense of relief.

It seems that in the face of Chu Feng, it is even more terrifying than death.

Chu Feng dropped the gun in his hand, patted his hands, and squatted down in front of the man in uniform. He put out his right hand with a smile: "Hello, my name is Chu Feng."

The man in uniform was stunned. He naturally knew who he was after. He was just surprised what chufeng was going to do now. He didn't hold Chu Feng's hand and said in a cold voice, "what do you want?"

Chu Feng shrugged his shoulders, pulled off the man's uniform, took out an officer's certificate, opened it, and said, "Ruan Zhiming, commander of the third special forces, commander of the lieutenant general, not bad. At least you are very good at using the sniper gun, but you are not very lucky. You met me today, otherwise few people could kill you!"

Pulling away Ruan Zhiming's collar, Chu Feng raised a smile: "no wonder not dead, Tianchi produces the latest bulletproof vests!"

Ruan Zhiming stepped back and said in a deep voice, "do you really want to do it?"

As a soldier, Ruan Zhiming is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of meeting the best of Chu Feng. He clearly has the strength to kill you, but he is talking with you smiling here. That feeling is not ordinary.

Chu Fengyang's officer certificate said with a smile: "nothing. Just write down your name and everything. When Ben Shao is safe, he will send someone to find out your ancestor's 18th generation. He will explain the incident that he almost died of a bomb today. I can claim a little justice."

Chu Feng said this with a smile, but in Ruan Zhiming's ears, there was an endless chill. Thinking of his charming wife and the one-year-old daughter of his three-year-old son, Ruan Zhiming looked ferocious: "bastard!"

Chufeng shrugged his shoulders and threw the officer's certificate to Ruan Zhiming and said, "the Weiss not only scolded me for being a jerk, but also said that I was a jerk more than once. But? In the end, I killed so many people, many families were broken, but I still live well

"I have never had pity on those who want me to die. I'm just their nightmare!"

Then Chu Feng took out a dagger and waved it toward Ruan Zhiming. On the other hand, he said, "because I have a strong sense of revenge, now I will kill you and tell you that I will destroy your family and let you die with your eyes closed. I feel comfortable to think about it."

Ruan Zhiming wants to say that Chu Feng is bluffing himself, but he feels that the killing machine is approaching him step by step. Ruan Zhiming has no end, and his death doesn't matter. But if his wife, children and children are implicated by him and let Chu Feng kill him, he will die in his grave!

When Chu Feng raised the dagger in his hand, Ruan Zhiming finally called out to see Chu Feng stop to breathe. It was just this breath that just relaxed, the stopped dagger fell again and directly inserted into Ruan Zhiming's arm.

Chu Feng suddenly pulled out and burst out a touch of blood when the light mouth: "originally was to burst your head, but you seem to have something to say, death can wait, live also have to suffer some sin, who knows you are not saying something useless waste of my time?"

Ruan Zhiming was moved by the corners of his mouth. He didn't expect that Chu Feng was really as fierce as the legend. However, although he wanted to kill Chu Feng in his heart, Ruan Zhiming said: "you can kill me, but don't attack my wife, children and children. This is the responsibility of soldiers. They are all innocent. If you want to kill me, I will be here."

"A good man, a good father!"

Chu Feng gently smile, but then the smile on his face disappeared, the dagger again stabbed on Ruan Zhiming's other shoulder, and said coldly: "I'm just sorry, you want me to die, then why should I talk to you about human relations?"

He pulled out the dagger, and chufeng swept directly at Ruan Zhiming's neck. The latter looked tight. He didn't expect that Chu Feng was so difficult to speak. He said in a hurry: "don't you wonder who wants our Yuejun to pursue you?"

Chu Feng didn't stop the dagger, just changed its direction and passed over his chest. A long scar appeared. But Chu Feng didn't know the general light and said, "this is a little valuable. I'll think about killing you, not your family!"

At the moment, Ruan Zhiming couldn't guess whether chufeng was true or not. He took a deep breath and endured the pain on his body and said, "I only know that it's Hebrew. Specifically, only the commander-in-chief of the supreme military can know. I'm just following orders."

When Ruan Zhiming said that, Chu Feng's left eye could not see any deception in him. Then he turned around and walked forward. When Ruan Zhiming was surprised that Chu Feng didn't kill him, a dagger struck him like lightning and directly penetrated Ruan Zhiming's forehead.And the last sentence he heard in the world: "I began to tell myself that I am not going to die today, all of you are going to die!"

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