Super Healer

Chapter 783

At 3:00 p.m., the news that more than 1000 people were killed and two armed helicopters were lost spread throughout the border officials.

Fortunately, the incident happened at the border and did not receive extensive attention. However, Rao Shi also shocked the authorities. In addition to the fact that so many people died in one day in the war era, and whether there had ever been such a thing in this era, we all carefully discuss this matter.

It is only in the end that there is no result. To annihilate a thousand people, at least the same number of people can be dispatched. However, according to the situation on the scene, the number of the enemy is not much at all.

The supreme commander of the army did not express any opinion on this. Although we are all curious about why he sent so many people to work at the border, he did not say, the supreme leader did not ask, and the rest of the people were not qualified to ask.

As a result, the final result of the three hour meeting was to deal with the matter in a low-key manner to prevent leakage, and then the meeting was all over again!

Ruan Cang, the commander-in-chief of the army, who is now more than 60 years old, is known to be a hot war element at a glance. In fact, it is also true that Ruan Cang, the supreme commander of the army, was the leader in the fight against Vietnam in the last century. Although he failed in the end, he also established his position as the supreme commander in the army.

After more than 20 years in power, even the current supreme leader claimed himself as a junior in front of him. As a result, Ruan Cang was still sitting in this position when he was supposed to retire.

As the motorcade drove out of the power center, Ruan Cang's eyes swept through the peaceful street outside. Although this is the cross-border capital, he suddenly felt a little depressed and a little uneasy at the moment, just as he wanted to fight against the holy Koreas again a few years ago, when a man named bawangtian appeared in front of him.

Squinting his eyes, Ruan Cang said faintly, "send another 500 people to the mansion to protect me!"

The person in front just nodded, and without asking Ruan Cang what to do, he dialed out the phone to transfer people. He was a competent assistant role.

The motorcade passed slowly on the street, and the people who came and went saw that the motorcade stopped unnaturally and waited for it to pass in front of them before they could continue to walk. It seemed that it was such a treacherous thing not to stop in front of the motorcade.

But Ruan Cang is not surprised. Standing on the top of the cross-border Summit for more than 20 years, he has been used to the fear and respect of other people's eyes. Sitting in the car, his fingers tap on the edge of the window, and he doesn't know what he is thinking about. He is very depressed.

The car slowly turned an intersection. Ruan Cang's pupils were frozen. He was once a fierce man in the army. He didn't think about anything. He just kicked the door open and rolled out. His vigorous speed was faster than that of a 20-year-old young man.

Almost in Ruan Cang, he rolled out and hid in a shelter. The car he was riding in exploded. The driver and his assistant didn't escape and were completely submerged in flames.

But Ruan Cang did not have any waves, waiting for the rest of the security personnel to come, he stood up and pointed to a building in the distance and whispered: "take it down!"

Suddenly, more than 100 people scattered out and ran to a building more than 100 meters away. On the top of the building, when there was no safety, Chu Feng, who went directly to the treasurer Town, drew a smile: "interesting old man, you can't die like this, but it's OK. Just dig out from your mouth who betrayed me!"

Throwing the sniper in his hand on the ground, Chu Feng turned around and stepped on the guardrails of those balconies. Several ups and downs went down to the back of the building, but did not leave immediately.

After waiting for a few minutes, when the noise of footsteps came from the top of the building, Chu Feng took out a bomb and threw it directly towards the roof of the building with a funny smile. He also walked to one side of the street, but not in the direction of Ruan Cang, but in the opposite direction.

Now it is too close to the cross-border power center here. In addition, it is in the capital. Countless people press over every minute. Chu Feng does not want to die in the jungle, but he died here.

The roaring explosion overturned the roof of the building. All the more than 20 guards who first rushed up were pushed out by the huge air wave and fell down from the top of the building. The dead could not die again.

Ruan Cang, who was escorted by the guards in the distance, saw this scene. His eyes were cold and he went to another car: "go back to the mansion and let the police intervene!"

Under the watchful guard of the guards and the exclamation of the people, Ruan Cang continued to return to his residence with a kind of indifferent attitude. The assassination he suffered in the past 20 years was not once or twice. He had already reached the point of no surprise or surprise. He was just thinking about where the gun came from today.

Just as he was thinking about it, Ruan Cang's private mobile phone rang. Looking at the driver in front of him, Ruan Cang pressed to answer and heard a hoarse voice clearly passing through the voice transformer: "commander Ruan, what you have done is really disappointing me. There are more than 1000 people. The bombers and the armed helicopters can't leave Chu Feng and Fu Dina. Is Yuejun too incompetent?"

"Aren't you the third military power? If one person kills more than 1000 of you, it's called Qiang. Is it ridiculous? "

There was no anger on Ruan Cang's face, but a kind of extreme peace, light mouth: "what do you want to express?""Chufeng has already arrived in the small town of the treasurer, which is not the place you can manage. My request is very simple. If Chu Feng does not die in the corner area this time, but goes to the southeast province through the border, leave him in the cross-border area."

"I can add two years to three or four years, mainly depending on how many people you kill. It's better to kill them together with fudina."

"Deal, Chu Feng will die!" Ruan Cang said faintly, then cut off the phone, looking at more than ten kilometers to return to his residence, inexplicably a little upset, dial out another call and asked: "did you catch anyone?"

The phone is connected to the person who Ruan Cang left on the scene to deal with the matter. At this moment, he calls on Ruan Cang and respectfully replies: "there are no strange faces among the dead people. Excluding the suicide bombing of the other party, we have determined the possible escape direction of him. As long as he is still in the capital, we can dig him out!"

Ruan Cang nodded gently, but he didn't doubt what he was saying. He told him to hurry up and hang up the phone. He closed his eyes and leaned on his chair, humming the old tune of the last century. He was sitting on Mount Tai!

"These monkeys can really catch up with them!"

Chu Feng thought it was easy to handle affairs by himself, but he didn't expect the police to move so quickly. However, he was relieved when he thought about it. The supreme commander of the army was attacked and the former leader of Hebrew was shot to death a few days ago. It is a nervous thing for the leaders of various countries.

In this regard, the speed of the police, that must be faster than ordinary people die of the whole family.

Seeing that several police cars were pressing on the back and the police in front of them temporarily pulled up the checkpoint, Chu Feng shook his head with a wry smile and misjudged the police's response ability, which made him a little bit difficult to fly. After looking around, there was no suitable place to hide.

If you go forward like this, you will certainly be investigated. The pilgrims have not yet got the immigration registration information. Think about the consequences.

When Chu Feng was thinking about whether to forcibly snatch a car and break through the customs, a police car stopped a fairly high-end sports car, and then only listened to the police politely: "Miss Ruan, make sure that there is no one in your car, you go slowly, pay attention to safety!"

"Well, thank you." A beautiful figure came from the car, 20 meters away, but for Chu Feng, it was not much distance.

As soon as his eyes turned, seeing the eyes of those policemen looking at the car, Chu Feng couldn't help but smile. When the car started to move towards this side, Chu Feng got a little stone on his toes and saw an opportunity to eject directly.

A passing man, whoops, fell down in the middle of the road, just blocking the sports car, inertia let the driver inside quickly step on the accelerator.

This incident soon attracted the attention of those patrolling and searching police. They quickly gathered around and looked at the man on the ground and said, "how did you walk? Do you want to get killed by a car?"

The man stood up inexplicably. When he was walking, he suddenly felt a pain in his knee, so he fell down. At the moment, he didn't feel at all. Seeing the police and the people watching the scene, the man said with a smile: "that I just tilted a little, but I didn't mean to fall out."

At this time, these police officers are too lazy to talk nonsense with him. They wave their hands to let him go quickly, disperse the crowd and continue to search for suspicious people. However, no one found that the girl's face in the car was very unnatural.

The sports car started up again. At the temporary gate in front of me, a policeman came up and looked at the beautiful face of the window falling down. All of them had turned into bright smile: "it's Miss Ruan. Why do you go shopping? You are my idol. Can you take a picture with you?"

The pretty girl looks 15 or 16 years old, but the size in front of her body is absolutely rare. She has two cute dimples when she smiles, which is obviously the type that uncle likes.

But for the police's request, the girl apologized and laughed: "I was scared by the explosion just now. I'm not in the mood now. After a while, I will have a press conference, and everyone present will have a chance to take a photo with them. Will that be ok?"

Tong Yan girl looks a bit unnatural, but still nodded: "nothing, check it!"

Although we have checked in front of us, it is the matter ahead. If the murderer runs out, the people who pass the checkpoint will have a bit of bad luck. The policeman waved his hand and asked three companions to come over. One of them opened a door and looked at it carefully. But he didn't know what the limited space was and what they were looking for.

Finally, I closed the door, opened the trunk and checked the bottom of the car. After confirming that there was no one else, the gate was opened and released. It was very strict!

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