Super Healer

Chapter 80

On the eighth floor, all the people here are nervous, but there is a little more strange atmosphere after the sound of reverie comes from the position of the toilet.

Many boys squatting on the ground hear such a voice, their faces are suffering, as if their own women were what happened to others, on the contrary, the smile in the eyes of those women is more rich, see what you still pretend to be sweet, now you are defiled?

"The voice is so loud, I can't see that the little girl is still very energetic."

A terrorist heard the sound from the bathroom, felt like ants crawling hard, patted his companion: "you look first, I'll go to the bathroom for convenience, and I'll be back soon!"

Then he walked to the bathroom in a hurry. The other six companions showed a look of fun on their faces. Just after the terrorist entered the bathroom, the voice stopped for a while, and then it rang again, and it was louder and louder.

Just at this time, a person came up the stairs. Every floor of wenzhuzi looked up, but he heard the voice when he just walked in. He frowned: "what's the matter?"

The man who came up was wenzhuzi, and a terrorist's face changed immediately: "well, there's a woman who wants to call out. Let's teach her a lesson."

"You think I'm an idiot, we monitor all the signals. If there's a phone call, I don't know?"

Wen Zhuzi suddenly slapped the man and said: "I said before the task, you can't hurt the hostages until you have to. Now you're good. You're playing with women here. Don't you go and ask those bastards to stop. Do you want me to teach you a lesson?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I will go now!" The terrorist was slapped, but did not dare to say anything ran toward the bathroom, just just entered the bathroom, suddenly felt a dark in front of him, and then he had no consciousness.

Xia Wei sat on the washing table with her legs shaking: "this is the third one. How long do I have to shout? I'm so ashamed!" When talking, his face was full of blush. His pure and sweet image was destroyed. Many people must have heard it, right?

"Sato, why don't you come out yet? Hurry up!"

Chu Feng kicked the man who was knocked unconscious and the two people in front of him into a corner. There was a man's voice outside. Chu Feng smelled the speech and looked out with his left eye: "they don't seem to come over."

People outside called, but did not hear the response, and the woman's voice can not be heard, immediately felt strange, a person close to the bathroom to see wenzhuzi has gone, thinking about whether several companions continue to do there, but still carried a gun to walk past.

Chu Feng looked at the man who came slowly, a little alert, not close to the bathroom, but from the edge of the corridor slowly came, very alert appearance, the dark way is not good!

Looking at the window next to her, she ran over and hugged Xia Wei. Then she jumped out of the window and pulled up several flights to the 11th floor. But this time, Chu Feng didn't go in directly because there are several people searching for something on the 11th floor.

But the body also tries to move in a little bit to avoid on the other side.

Sure enough, Chu Feng just hugged Xia Wei to hide her body. On the eighth floor below, he stretched out a head and looked up, but nothing could be seen. But he still took the walkie talkie and roared, "no, we have three people attacked, and one hostage has been saved."

When such news spread out, all the terrorists moved. In addition to leaving the necessary guards, all the people rushed into the building. Chu Feng saw the dense crowd below. They couldn't see the angle problem. However, if we wait to attract too many people's attention, we can't rule out the possibility of being seen.

His head looked up. Chu Feng took Xia Wei and jumped up to the top floor directly. He let go of her and ran directly to lock the iron door. The iron door was closed from inside. But Chu Feng still needs to be careful. He doesn't matter, but Xia Wei can't be hurt.

Just just locked, chufeng felt that it was not safe. Looking at Xia Wei standing there, Chu Feng went over and picked her up. She jumped up directly. She took Xia Wei to the top of the building: "you lie down, no one will find you, remember!"

Leaving a word, chufeng directly jumped down from the six meter high place, and then quickly ran to the edge of the position, which is a place where no one is watching. Chu Feng directly jumped out, grabbed those protruding edges and directly fell to the side of a small window.

Chu Feng didn't make too much noise. He just knocked lightly. Yao Qianxue and Mu Tianfei, who had already woken up, were suddenly surprised. But when they saw Chu Feng, they relaxed again. They just remembered something and looked at Chu Feng as if they were looking at a monster. This guy was outside with his bare hands?

"You two come out of here and I'll take you up the roof."

Now Chu Feng has seen that many terrorists are moving in the whole building. Maybe he will find this place soon. He needs to transfer them to the top of the building temporarily. Otherwise, if he is found, there will be no chance.Yao Qianxue hesitated for a moment, but thought that Chu Feng just took her from the eighth floor directly to the 11th floor and nodded, slowly stepping on those concave grooves to the window. The window account is not very big, but just can accommodate a person. Yao Qianxue slowly moved his body and head out first.

Mu Tianfei, who is afraid of himself, feels that there is something good to see. But after Yao Qianxue's head goes out, the whole small space is completely dark, and that is the only daylight opening.

"Ah, pain!"

Yao Qianxue slowly moved the body out, but it was a sudden exclamation, a shy and angry stare at Chu Feng: "you pull so hard to do what, ran flustered!"

"Who called it that big? Don't talk nonsense. Hurry up!" Chu Feng was stunned, but then he knew where Yao Qianxue was hurt. He pulled Yao Qianxue's body directly from the window. The whole body was completely lifted by Chu Feng in his hand and suspended in the air.

"You prepare, I'll send her up first." He said to Mu Tianfei. Chu Feng took Yao Qianxue in his arms and climbed up. He was glad that he used to climb those poor mountains when he was in dianlan. Otherwise, he would be finished now.


After going up, just released Yao Qianxue, the snow like girl is directly give Chu Feng a slap, hands in front of the body, Chu Feng flashed the slap did not hit in the face, but saw that the damaged clothes, there is a trace of red, know that may be skin, also scattered said.

Pointing to the highest place: "find a way to go up, Xiawei is there." Then he jumped out and Mu Tianfei needed to be rescued.

Yao Qianxue released her hand after chufeng jumped out. She was pulled out directly by Chu Feng, and her clothes were wiped by the window. The snow was a little bit exposed. The most important thing is that there are still several scars. She stamped her feet angrily: "this bastard, how can I show it to people in the future? I'm sure there are scars left."

"Why don't you come here, come on!"

At the moment, Chu Feng has returned to the small window, so it is still very hard to come and go from high altitude, not to mention with a person. The danger can be imagined. But seeing Mu Tianfei shrinking in a corner, Chu Feng immediately became angry: "otherwise, you will wait here to die!"

"I'm not going. You and I have a grudge. Who knows if you will let me fall?" Mu Tianfei has just stretched out his head to have a look. At the moment, Chu Feng says nothing. He doesn't go out. He thinks Chu Feng will find a chance to harm himself.

And he also heard that someone was looking for something outside. He looked at Chu Feng and said, "if you want me to believe that you are really saving me, you can lead the outsiders away, and I will be safe."

Chu Feng suddenly laughed, and left eye penetrated. People outside seemed to have found out here. He really wanted to save Mu Tianfei, but this guy still doubted his own intentions. Chu Feng wanted to say no, but the doctor was kind. Mu Tianfei was not a big traitor at the moment, and Chu Feng couldn't be indifferent.

He flashed away directly and entered the 11th floor from a corner. Chu Feng hid himself in a shadow and looked at the five people who were moving things outside the small space. He really found out.

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