Super Healer

Chapter 81

The movement is getting bigger and bigger. Mu Tianfei, who is hiding in the small space, hears the movement outside. His legs tremble unconsciously. Then his face is full of anger: "it must be the bastard Chu Feng. He ran away directly. I won't let you live."

With a thump, the last heavy object blocking the door was completely cleared out, and a tall terrorist twisted his neck: "Miss Pearl's judgment is really right. There are all kinds of places on the 11th floor, but there is no toilet. It was covered up and we were almost concealed."

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I surrender!"

Just about to go over and open the door, but the door opened by itself, Mu Tianfei bent over and walked out: "I surrender, you let me go, my family has money, I give you how much you want, do not hurt me!"

"Boy, did you escape well?" The tall man walked over and grinned grimly. Suddenly, he punched Mu Tianfei in the stomach: "but it's because you're hiding so well that we're very hard to find, so I'll beat you up first and get angry."

When the tall man stepped back and stood respectfully, Wen Zhuzi came to support Mu Tianfei and drew a circle on his chest with one hand: "the body is really strong. This is what my sister likes."

Mu Tianfei's body was excited, and he felt that his body suddenly had a little reaction. He could not move the wenzhuzi beside him with his eyes. The wild breath made his breath invisible and heavy.

Wenzhuzi's eyes flashed the meaning of banter: "that you tell me, how you hide in this, sister will treat you well!"

When Mu Tianfei heard the voice of the enchanting corpse, he felt that his whole body was full of strength. He thought of Chu Feng who didn't know where he was now. Li mang burst out in his eyes: "it's Chu Feng. Originally I was on the eighth floor, but that guy didn't know how to bring me here. In addition, he also hid people on the top of the building."

"How nice

Wenzhuzi's eyes flashed a smile, and the five people walked toward the stairs on the top of the building, but her hand was put into Mu Tianfei's clothes: "handsome boy, what's your name? My sister likes it when she sees you!"

Mu Tianfei thought that it was wenzhuzi who fell in love with him, and he felt proud: "my name is mu Tianfei, and the cloud sauna is my home."

"It turned out to be a young master. Do you know anything else?" Wen Zhuzi's eyes flashed light disdain, and that hand was holding Mu Tianfei's convex point properly: "tell my sister, there is no one here. I'll serve you well then. Do you think it's good or not?"

Mu Tianfei was stunned: "what are you talking about?"

"How did you get here?" Although Mu Tianfei has already said it, Wen Zhuzi thinks it's just a fantasy. With so many people there, who can bring people here without a sound and have not been found out? Subconsciously, Mu Tianfei is deceiving himself.

Mu Tianfei is really confused at the moment. Isn't he telling the truth?

Looking at Mu Tianfei's appearance, Wen Zhuzi felt that his conjecture was more correct. He suddenly squeezed it on Mu Tianfei's chest, and then put his foot on Mu Tianfei's abdomen: "it seems that you really don't want to tell me the truth. You have to think about answering my questions. It's dishonest!"

Just now, it seemed that he was still in heaven and fell into hell. Mu Tianfei cried out: "don't kill me. My uncle is the leader of the Green Gang, Huang Luowen. If you dare to move me, he will not let you go."

"Are you the nephew of gang leader Huang?"

Wenzhuzi, who was prepared to give Mu Tianfei a little bitter taste, stopped his foot: "what evidence is there?"

Mu Tianfei thought these people were afraid of their uncle, so he took out his wallet and took out a picture: "this is a picture taken by my family and my uncle together. He is really my uncle. Don't hit me, or my uncle will make you miserable."

Wen Zhuzi looked at the photo in her hand and kept silent. Finally, she threw the photo back to Mu Tianfei: "I hope you are telling the truth."

At this time, a man ran over: "Miss pearl, just now we went to the door on the roof of the building, but we were locked from the outside. The boy didn't cheat us, but we were not sure who was on it. Should we break the door directly or what?"

But at the moment, Mu Tianfei is no longer in the mood to start. This woman looks so enchanting that she is not worth her life. But when she really starts to fight, she is not soft hearted at all. Mu Tianfei doesn't want to be killed by such a woman. I don't know what the situation is.

Holding Mu Tianfei's hand, wenzhuzi directly came to the stairway. Her ears were attached to the position of the door. After listening, a smile appeared in the corner of her mouth: "two girls!"

Then he stepped back one step and kicked out again and again. Just in an instant, more than ten feet were kicked out. When the iron gate clanged, Mu Tianfei's heart trembled. Where was this woman? It was a Tyrannosaurus Rex!

With a bang, the iron gate fell down directly. At the moment of the iron gate's fall, a figure suddenly burst out. Wen Zhuzi's look changed and blocked Mu Tianfei in front of him. However, the assailant did not pay attention to the innocent problem and kicked Mu Tianfei's body without any hindrance.Mu Tianfei was kicked by the huge force and ran into the back directly. Wenzhuzi did not expect that the attacker was so powerful and fast that she could not resist at all. She was just hit by Mu Tianfei, and her step was a little unstable for a time.

At the same time, the figure of the attack suddenly flashed by, and a slight golden light swept out. Before Wen Zhuzi could push Mu Tianfei, who was blocking her, she felt her body softened, and then she felt her neck was pinched by someone.

Chu Feng took wenzhuzi, and then he said, "don't move!"

Although there were a lot of things just now, it took only two seconds to complete. Everyone was still shocked by Wen Zhuzi's toughness. Who could have thought that there was a crisis at the door, and at the moment the door fell down, the timing was too accurate. Moreover, they could not respond to Wen Zhuzi with a clear goal.

"Chu Feng, I will kill you!"

Mu Tianfei was beaten by wenzhuzi just now, and his body is in great pain. Chu Feng gave him another foot just now, but he completely hated him, as if he hated Wen Zhuzi even more!

"If you say one more nonsense now, I'll kill you first." Chu Feng has just witnessed the whole process, and knows that Mu Tianfei is the credit of these terrorists to find here. He is a little sorry to hear Yao Qianxue's words and take this asshole with him. Otherwise, he will be much more leisurely now.

Pulling wenzhuzi back slowly, ignoring those people aiming at his gun muzzle, Chu Feng used absolute calm to deal with possible things, and waited until he opened a certain distance to look at the woman he was holding. Although he had seen it just now, he still felt the charm of this woman when he looked at him from a close distance.

The whole body reveals a kind of wild beauty.

Wenzhuzi didn't expect that this man made such a quick move. He even subdued himself in an instant, and soon raised a smile on his face: "handsome boy, can you relax your hand? I don't have any strength in my whole body now, and I have difficulty breathing!"

Jiao Di Di Di's voice, as well as the flowing wild flavor, two kinds of breath clearly showed on the woman. Chu Feng raised a smile, and her fingers crossed Wen Zhuzi's face: "you will hurt, are you sure?"

Wenzhuzi a Leng, immediately know what chufeng said, but it is hard to suppress the anger: "nature, you try not to know."

In the dark, a deadly woman, Chu Feng twisted his neck: "less nonsense, let your people retreat, or I will strangle you!"

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