Super Healer

Chapter 82

Wenzhuzi was seized, and the news quickly spread to all the terrorists' ears. Within a few minutes, more than 20 people appeared on the top of the building.

"You really don't ask them to retreat?"

Chu Feng thought that if Wen Zhuzi was held in his hands, these terrorists would commit a terrorist attack. However, they did not retreat at the moment. On the contrary, they gathered more and more. Chu Feng took a simple look. In addition to the necessary personnel, all the others had already arrived at the top of the building.

A smile flashed in wenzhuzi's eyes: "I advise you to let me go, or you will regret it when you wait. Do you believe it?"

When Chu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, wenzhuzi didn't seem to care about the big hand stuck in his neck: "my name is wenzhuzi. Maybe you don't know me, but you may not know one thing."

Chu Feng asked subconsciously, "what's the matter?" Just after asking, Chu Feng saw a picture, his face changed, he pulled wenzhuzi to shoot out, and he jumped to the elevator room: "pay attention to me, otherwise, I will kill this woman."

Wenzhuzi's expression was stupefied for a moment. He looked at the height of almost four meters. Although he jumped up with the help of something more than one meter high, there was still more than two meters high. Pulling a person directly jumped up?

"Let go of Miss pearl, or you will regret it!"

At this time, manganese bully pressure three people to come up, are Jianghai university students, two men and a woman, manganese bully directly pointed at their heads, looked up but was stunned: "is it you?"

Then he burst into laughter: "I thought you were a dandy when I saw you kissing a woman in the street last night. I didn't expect that you were such a dandy boy. I didn't expect that you had such backbone. I should have shot you out last night. That would not have happened."

Chu Feng also recognized the rough man, who was one of the two people who appeared when he and Lin Yulin couldn't help kissing each other last night. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a terrorist. He sneered: "I didn't think of it. If I knew you were terrorists, I would have blown you up last night."

"Boy, it's an old acquaintance. Let Miss pearl go. We can let go of you and your friends."

Manganese Ba ha ha ha's smile, the big beard on the face is there to follow to shake: "otherwise, you will know our means!"

Wen Zhuzi also came back from the height of Chu Feng's jump at the moment. A pair of eyes looked at Chu Feng with a little spring feeling: "yes, handsome boy, let me go. We are all good. Although we are terrorists, we are also trustworthy. How about it?"

"Otherwise, wait a moment, you will see my ruthlessness!"

Chu Feng's eyes flashed a different color, exhaled a breath, although wenzhuzi has not made anything, but chufeng has seen: "you are a woman who is cruel to yourself. I admit that I am a little powerless in the face of such a woman as you, but you may not know that I am a cruel man to myself."

In wenzhuzi's eyes, there was a flash of bright color in chufeng's eyes. Chu Feng suddenly pulled her back a step and then stretched out her hand to pull Xiawei down. Suddenly, her knee bent on her abdomen. Xia Wei screamed and spat a mouthful of blood from her mouth. Then Chu Feng threw Xia Wei out and fell seven or eight meters away.

"Chu Feng, you bastard!"

Yao Qianxue had seen so many terrorists surrounded here, and could catch them at any time. But Chu Feng suddenly put his hand on Xia Wei. Looking at Xia Wei who was lying on the ground, Yao Qianxue's body trembled: "you're not a human being. What makes Weiwei like you?"

Chu Feng didn't answer Yao Qianxue's words. One hand had been holding wenzhuzi as steadily as Mount Tai, while the other hand was holding Yao Qianxue. The latter's body fell unsteadily. Chu Feng directly pushed a knee to Yao Qianxue. Yao Qianxue was like Xia Wei just now. Blood came from his mouth and nose.

Similar to a swing, Yao Qianxue's body directly flew out of the forehead and landed next to Xia Wei. At this time, Chu Feng patted Wen Zhuzi's face: "now do you think it's you or I'm cruel?"

"Manganese, they're both dead!"

A terrorist went over and put his hand on the neck of Xia Wei and Yao Qianxue. He looked at Chu Feng with a look of shock in his eyes. He said something that surprised everyone. Just now, Chu Feng directly killed the two women.

Mu Tianfei sits beside him with his mouth slightly open. The pain on his body seems to disappear. Yao Qianxue is dead. He doesn't feel heartache. He just fears that Chu Feng dare to kill himself. Suddenly, he is a little afraid of his irrationality to Chu Feng.

Wenzhuzi's expression was stiff, her eyes narrowed slightly, and then she opened her mouth in a low voice: "what do you want?"

Chufeng's gentle smile, and just cold-blooded youth is not a person in general, slowly released wenzhuzi, also did not worry about what she would do, just was himself with a gold needle prick, wenzhuzi within an hour, only stand and speak strength, want to do it himself, impossible.Picking up wenzhuzi's chin and looking at the aggressive beauty of women: "I can see that you are a woman who doesn't love herself. If I didn't kill them just now, your men would shoot them or threaten me recklessly, because you don't care about your own life and death, and I have no idea what you are like.

Although I killed both of them a little too much, it's better than being shot by your people, understand? "

A faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. The reason why Chu Feng did that was that when he saw Wen Zhuzi in his left eye, he directly asked manganese Ba to shoot. So he just did that: "as for what I want, I believe you should know, don't you?"

"You said, I'm a woman who doesn't love herself, right?" Wenzhuzi sneered, and his voice said coldly: "manganese bully, step back and continue to complete the task, just as I am dead. Remember, this is my last command!"

Just after Wen Zhuzi's words were finished, Chu Feng suddenly put a knee on Wen Zhuzi's abdomen, and then a leg pressed down to let the charming woman lie down at his feet: "miss wenzhuzi, you don't love yourself, but don't forget that your people love you, understand?"


A gunshot completely broke the dull atmosphere on the roof. A Jianghai university student was directly shot through by manganese BA in one leg. He looked at his goddess in his heart and was abused by Chu Feng. His expression was ferocious: "boy, stop it!"

"Go on!" Chu Feng was indifferent to a smile, squatted down and pulled up a hand of wenzhuzi and sighed: "so beautiful a pair of hands, but stained with so much blood, such a beautiful woman, but it is carrying endless evil, Luocha heart, said is you such a woman?"

With these words, Chu Feng made a direct mistake. Wenzhuzi's arm was directly broken, but wenzhuzi clenched her lips. There was no sound. Chu Feng praised her slightly. Then she looked at the manganese bullies and others who were in a turbulent mood below: "miss wenzhuzi doesn't love herself, but if you don't let go of these three people, I will continue to abuse her."

"Don't worry, I'll never take pity on women. As for your killing them, it doesn't matter. I'm not related to them."

Chu Feng knows that he can't show that kind of mood now, just blindly strong should face, change what may happen: "but you also want to know when you start, you are cruel or I am very!"

Manganese Ba clenched his teeth and was eager to pull out Chu Feng's head. Although Chu Feng was exposed to them at the moment, all their actions could be seen from that angle. As long as there was something wrong, the death might be Wen Zhuzi.

Wenzhuzi can not be afraid of death, but they can't watch wenzhuzi die!

"Go Finally, manganese Ba couldn't bear Chu Feng's indifference. He waved his hand and walked toward the stairway. He decided to add one more condition to the official, that is, to hand over the wenzhuzi, otherwise he could not guarantee the safety of wenzhuzi.

Waiting for all the terrorists to leave the roof, Chu Feng jumped down with Wen Zhuzi in his arms. The latter was hollowed out a little bit of strength now, and it was impossible for him to run. Then he looked at Mu Tianfei with a cruel look: "stand there for me. Someone will tell me right away!"

Chu Feng did not always have time to observe these situations.

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