Super Healer

Chapter 845

The meeting in the conference room dispersed after the sandstone left, and everyone returned to their own defense area and post.

Although the peace army has signed a peace treaty with shajiajun, these things are used to tear up the agreements in the world. Everything needs to be careful. In addition, many people were brought up temporarily by Chu Feng. They are full of energy and eager to do something.

Even if you can't do anything, at least you have to make no mistakes.

Gehan is a little more relaxed. He has always been responsible for the transportation of the peripheral goods, but now he has improved a little. Since then, all the shipment of shajiajun is controlled by Gohan. When he does not nod, no one can take away a gram of things.

As before, with nothing to do, Gohan went back to his residence in the third sector.

Take out the good wine that he often brings back from going out and let people prepare some small dishes. This is the life of Gohan, because he doesn't know when he will die, and he will enjoy himself in time as long as he has time.

Gohan is also one of the most enjoyable people in shajiajun. A few years ago, he bought three wives in Vietnam with a little extra money in his hand, and then he was pregnant and sent abroad. Now, Gohan is like a naked official in the holy Dynasty. Even if he dies one day, his wife, children and children still have a sum of money left.

As for the others, Gohan didn't think so much, just wanted to leave their own offspring.

When Gohan warmed up a pot of wine, the door of the room was pushed open, thinking that the food was coming. Gohan said without raising his head, "put the things here!"

It was true that the things were put down, but when he saw the dishes, Gohan's mouth twitched. He usually drank himself with two stir fry and a dish of peanuts. But now, what he saw was four small fry, a dish of peanuts, and another earthen pot beside him. He could smell the faint smell of wine.

Looking up to see a warm smile, Gohan Shua stood up: "less wind!"

It was Chu Feng. Seeing Gohan's prim manner, he laughed softly, patted him on the shoulder, and then sat down and said, "why be so rigid? How can we calculate that we are old friends and have cooperated for many times, which helps me to break Sha Qian's plot. If you still look like this, I will be ashamed."

In the past, Gehan could laugh when he got along with Chu Feng, but now he feels that he can't be so calm.

Seeing that Gohan was still nervous, Chu Feng said with a smile: "I have removed the temporary principal of shajiajun. If you still like this, you will not treat me as a friend."

Gohan began to laugh. Naturally, he knew that Chu Feng had removed the position of temporary principal. However, he also understood that even if Chu Feng was not in that position, half of the Sha family army would be out for him if he needed to.

However, seeing that Chu Feng had no airs, he was still as relaxed as before. However, he also knew that Chu Feng would not come to him for no reason: "the wind is less. Let's talk about something first, so that we can be in a good mood to continue eating and drinking. Otherwise, I would like to finish drinking good wine and other things, tangled ah!"

Chu Feng chufeng chuckled, but he didn't mean to laugh at Gohan. He took out a check from his body and slapped it on the desk and said, "here are ten million pool coins, which I can give you in the end."

Gehan looks tight. Does Chu Feng want to leave shajiajun by himself, or will he not cooperate with him in the future?

Seeing Gohan's nervous look, Chu Feng knew his worry, and chufeng said with a light smile: "but you are in this position now. I don't need me to give you money. Moreover, I still have benefits to give you. It depends on how you make money. There are also Hercules in the white tiger gang. Hold on to these and get rich!"

"Of course, don't threaten my interests, or even if it's an old friend, I won't give face."

Although Chu Feng looked relaxed and smiling, Gohan knew that Chu Feng was not joking with him. He squinted and asked, "fengshao, do you mean that you are not going to control these channels by yourself, but to let me grab 70% of the goods for you?"

The meaning of Chu Feng's coming today is that he has a lot of people under him, but he is as professional as Gohan. He nodded: "yes, but the white tiger Gang is there, I will let Qiao's help you. It's the same as before. In addition, Hercules sent you to the high seas, and there is no risk."

"As for the other things, of course, they will be sent to you with one percent of the other things."

This is Chu Feng's thought-provoking thing. He certainly can't give up the white gold, not to mention that the shajiajun will give 70% of the goods in ten years, so Chu Feng comes to Gohan after thinking about it.

Although there are a lot of people in Fengmen, Chu Feng doesn't want them to do these things. Undoubtedly, Gohan is the best candidate, which can also reduce the risk that the damper will be traced by the international forbidden area organization. After all, after this time, the damper will be the largest drug lord in the world.

Gohan did not immediately agree. He took up the pot of wine which he had begun to heat, poured a cup and drank it, thinking deeply.

If Chu Feng is looking for him to capture the shajiajun, he can understand it. But now Chu Feng asks him to do this. Although the reward is very rich, he also needs life. He will not forget Goya's drug lord. However, when the people in Jiaoyu are enemies, if he knows that he will ship goods to Hercules, he will never die.May also implicate his wife and children who are now in the country of origin!

Chu Feng didn't disturb Gohan. He could feel his heart. When he was about to drink the second glass of wine, Chu Feng said faintly: "I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, I won't let you do things in the name of Sha Jiajun. You can do it in the name of damper, but the goods must be delivered and the money must be recovered!"

In a word, there is no worry in Gohan's heart. Even if those drug lords want to do something, they will only aim at the damper, and they are safe.

Happy Gohan poured a glass of wine to Chu Feng and said with a smile: "I always think that cooperation with wind is the way to get rich."

Chu Feng did not pick up the glass of wine poured by Gohan, and added lightly: "Sha Zhi is a rising leader. She needs some time to grow up. Although the old people are almost dead, there are still several weight levels sitting. They rarely take care of things, but they still have a high right to speak."

Gohan narrowed his eyes and chufeng killed the old minister. He handled some of them and narrowed his eyes at the moment: "less wind, do you worry that Miss Sha will be restrained in the future?"

Gehan is a trustworthy person. Chu Feng did not conceal: "yes, she attaches great importance to feelings, but others do not necessarily attach importance to feelings. However, I do not want shajiajun to have turmoil, which will affect my interests in the next ten years."

Gehan nodded gently, knowing that Chu Feng would not say these things to him for no reason. He narrowed his eyes and drank the third glass of wine fiercely. He said harshly: "the wind is less, you can leave Jiaoyu at ease. I believe that when you return to the Imperial City, you will receive some news. Those elders are old."

"For example, it's possible to fall to death in the toilet and not wake up at all!"

Chu Feng smiles, laughs and clinks a cup with Gohan. There is no need to say something too clearly. Moreover, Chu Feng is confident that Gohan will agree to himself. No matter how he is, he is Sha Qian's absolute confidant. Unless he stands firmly with himself, he will definitely die when Sha Zhi calms down.

Chu Feng didn't drink much. He only drank two or three cups and left. The way to leave had been arranged. He needed to seize a little time. Who knows what will happen in China.

After returning to the residence, Chu Feng just whistled in. Fu Dina came up and said, "the news just came that Yanluo and the three of them have retreated with the lion. They will return to the imperial city within three days. We will fly straight to the imperial city at 10:00 p.m. the day after tomorrow."

"Yes, I know!" Chu Feng nodded and counted the time. Chu Feng said faintly, "I'll arrange it. I'll leave tomorrow morning, but I'll leave. The goal is too big to be detected."

Fu Dina nodded. She was also like that, but then she turned her head and said, "in addition, Miss Sha Zhi, who is pregnant with your child, just sent someone to know that you are going to leave. Let your father, the child, go and sit down. Well, that's it

Chu Feng looks strange. Sha Zhi hasn't seen Sha Zhi for half a month since he came back from the anti sand alliance. It's said that he hasn't come out of the bamboo grove all the time. He looks around and asks Bingqingyujie, "what's the matter?"

Ice qingyujie suppressed the smile, and the latter was saying in a voice: "it's OK!"

The more he looked like this, the more he felt there was something wrong with Chu Feng, but some of them still needed to be seen. He pondered and smacked his tongue: "forget it, I'll leave this evening, stay for a long time, dream a lot, drive to walk halfway to reduce the risk. I always feel that if I stay one more night, Sha Zhi, the new commander, will tie me up!"

Fu Dina giggled and looked at Chu Feng, who was shaking her head to go outside, and said with a smile: "who told you that you don't care about your life, you deserve it!"

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