Super Healer

Chapter 846

Bamboo groves in the fifth defense area.

And Chu Feng first came to the same time, there is still no guard guard guard, along the way are just a green bamboo forest, with a faint smell of bamboo.

The reason why she chose to walk is that Chu Feng needs a little time to think about how to face Shazhi. This woman has experienced so much. Seeing the destruction of the wolf killing team in front of her, according to her intelligence, she must have had an insight into her role in it. Chu Feng suddenly felt a little uneasy.

This kind of uneasiness is not afraid, but is hated by a woman who is slightly fond of. Any man would not like to see such a thing.

However far away, as long as you go down, there is always a time to arrive. Even though Chu Feng has not figured out how to face Shazhi at the moment, he has also come to the front of the small building. Smelling the faint fragrance from the inside of the small building, Chu Feng's eyebrows are also deeply wrinkled, thinking about what Shazhi is doing.

Through her left eye, Chu Feng almost didn't drop his chin on the ground. In her impression, Shazhi is a wild horse, which can be tamed, but not too feminine.

But now he saw Shazhi busy in the kitchen. It was like a wife busy in the evening, preparing a table of delicious food waiting for her husband to come back, with a faint smile on his mouth. Chu Feng found that the Shazhi at this moment was very beautiful, yes, very beautiful.

A simple home clothes on the body, hair tied in the back of the head, white neck let people see want to kiss, completely changed a person in general.

Chu Feng shakes his head and takes back his eyes. He takes a deep breath and strides into the small building.

As soon as the figure appeared in the small building, the voice of sand weaving came from the kitchen: "here, wash your hands first, and the food will be ready soon."

Chu Feng didn't just mean to relax, but her eyes were more worried. She always felt that Sha Zhi had a conspiracy. If she appeared according to the truth, Sha Zhi's first thing to do was to fight with herself to find justice for the dead wolf killing team, but now she didn't.

Holding the idea that he would be settled after he had come, Chu Feng washed his hands first and sat in the dining room.

Shazhi goes back and forth between the dining room and the kitchen with a gentle smile. Soon, the five dishes and one soup with perfect color and fragrance and a pot of wine with overflowing fragrance have been placed on the table. Sha Zhi also takes off her apron and sits down and scoops a bowl of soup spoon to Chu Feng.

After smelling it gently, Sha Zhi handed the bowl to Chu Feng: "I haven't cooked by myself for two or three years. How about tasting it?"

Put down the bowl, Chu Feng looked at Sha Zhi's appearance and said with a wry smile: "you can say what you have. I'm afraid of you like this!"

"What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that I will eat you?"

Sha Zhi asked with a smile. He gave Chu Feng a bowl of rice and handed it to him. He said with a good-looking mouth, "if so, you should be happy. Your body is white and tender. Don't you want to play?"

Chu Feng was astonished, nodded and picked up his rice bowl: "want to!"

"Then eat quickly, and talk about it after eating!" Sha Zhi blinked her eyes, and suddenly a little more delicate and charming. Chu Feng was more excited and felt that there was something wrong with him. However, he did not speak any more. He ate his meal quickly. What did Shazhi want to do in his mind.

A meal in the silence of Chu Feng, Sha Zhi's hospitality, all eat, breathe out, Chu Feng wants to ask Sha Zhi what he wants to do, his body suddenly shakes, and finds that his hands can't be lifted, and his eyes are slightly coagulated: "do you poison?"

The tenderness and tenderness on Sha Zhi's face dissipated in an instant. Just as Chu Feng had seen her before, she hummed with a cold expression: "poisoning is not my Sha Zhi's behavior. Besides, the wind is less and the medical skills are excellent. If I poison, don't you know?"

"It's just that there are several kinds of vegetables in Jiaoyu, which can't be eaten together. It seems that there is little wind to know about it!"

Chu Feng looked at all the dishes on the table that had entered his own room. He also remembered that Shazhi had not eaten at all from the beginning to the present. Even if he ate, he ate one kind of food and did not eat one, which was obviously intentional.

However, Chu Feng felt Sha Zhi didn't want to kill himself and exhaled: "why?"

"Don't worry, this poison will not kill you!" Sha Zhi didn't answer why Chu Feng did that, but said with a little hatred: "but it can make you weak within 24 hours, and you also need some special things, such as women, otherwise, you won't lift it all your life!"

Jokingly looking at Chu Feng's body, but disappointed to find that Chu Feng's face did not have any color of fear and panic, he hummed: "don't you worry? I'll lock you in here and bring people to stay here. If none of your people can come to save you, you can only endure that kind of suffering, and you can't lift it up for the rest of your life! "

Chu Feng has recovered his calmness, and he is an invincible constitution, but he has no way to resist these things. He laughs bitterly and shakes his head: "do you want to do that, do I have a way?"

Sha Zhi was stunned and knew that if people like Chu Feng would be afraid easily, they would not be legendary teenagers.

Standing up, Sha Zhi went to Chu Feng's side, pulled a chair and sat down. He asked coldly, "I just want to ask you one thing. Is it you who caused the death of the wolf killing team? Don't tell me that it has nothing to do with you. I Sha Zhi is not a fool, nor an idiot. For the casualties of 7000 people, the wolf killing team is not a God."The secret way came as expected. Chu Feng blinked his eyes: "what do you think?"

Sha Zhi approached Chu Feng and said: "it must be you, and you can't have just arrived there. It's long since you arrived. The reason why you didn't appear is to let the wolf killing team consume Chen Dongyan's power to the greatest extent, but also to transfer more people. Finally, he watched the whole army of wolf killing team be destroyed!"

"Am I right or wrong?"

Chu Feng did not deny this time. He met Shang Sha Zhi's eyes and whispered back: "yes, I know you will fail, but I still let you go, and I am not far behind you. Even when the wolf killing team can't resist, it is also me who let the master relieve their crisis.

The purpose is very simple, that is to let you kill Chen Dongyan better. It doesn't matter if you can't do it, because he will surely die that night, as long as you weave alive, because I won't let anyone who has offended me and has hatred against me live in this world, so is wolf killing team! "

Sha Zhi had expected this for a long time, but she still couldn't accept it when she heard it from Chu Feng's mouth. In her beautiful eyes, she shot a killing machine: "just because of their sin, you may hate you, so you kill them. Isn't it too cruel?"

"Are you so sure that the wolves will hate you? But seventy two people can't hurt you. Do you think I'll believe you? "

With a meaningful smile, Chu Feng looked out and said indifferently: "I can crush them, but it doesn't mean that my relatives, friends and brothers can smash their plot. If there is a threat, it will be destroyed. This is my principle!"

Sha Zhi stood up and saw a gun in his hand against Chu Feng's head. The killing machine was burning in his eyes. She could forgive Chu Feng for the death of the wolf killing team. When she heard the old ministers die one by one these days, Sha Zhi was not stupid enough to think that it must be Chu Feng's means, so she wanted to kill him now.

But when the gun pointed at Chu Feng's head like this, Sha Zhi said faintly, "do you want to swallow up the whole Sha family army and covet all these rights?"

Chu Feng slowly stood up and looked at Sha Zhi's sad and painful look. He felt a little bit pity in his heart, but his face was indifferent: "I have handed over the position of the leader of shajiajun at the meeting. I will leave shajiajun tomorrow morning. You can guess my mind, but you can't deny that people are not there and can't threaten shajiajun."

"In addition, your father has announced that from tomorrow on, you Shazhi will be the new leader of Shajia army. You can go out and see how to control your kingdom in the future."

In Sha Zhi's amazement, Sha Yan actually announced that she should give up her position. Chu Feng's figure suddenly flashed in front of her eyes and disappeared completely. There was only a faint voice left: "I looked at it just now, maybe you were delayed by my playing too much, and you were not pregnant. I'm very happy about this. Goodbye!"

Sha Zhi came back to the God and ran out quickly. Where was Chu Feng's shadow, he quickly jumped onto the car at the door and drove towards the fourth defense area. Only when he arrived, the place where Chu Feng and his family lived had been deserted.

Tears suddenly flow out, knowing that Shayan let him succeed. Sha Zhi thinks of what Shayan and she said a few years ago!

Wipe away the tears from the corner of her eyes and went out to the door. Knowing that Chu Feng had gone, she bit her lips. She finally knew what Chu Feng had done was to remove obstacles for her. Looking at the distance, Shazhi whispered, "do you love me? Why do you do that if you don't love me? "

It was not until a few years later that she knew that the reason for Chu Feng's doing so was that the existence of sandstones was easy to threaten the peace army. However, as long as the sandstones were removed, the Shazhi would surely be on the top, and this threat would be eliminated, and the peace Army could grow steadily.

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