Super Healer

Chapter 847

A car walking on the jungle path, Chu Feng completely left the Shajia defense area.

They are divided into two ways. Fu Dina and Bingqing are on the right road, and chufeng and Yujie are on the path. They are not because of the attention of those who are interested in it. Just sitting in the car at the moment, Chu Feng's heart is inexplicably melancholy.

After coming to Jiaoyu for nearly a month, Chu Feng himself did not know how many people died because of his arrival, but if he did it again, Chu Feng believed that he would still do that. Since ancient times, he became a king and defeated the enemy, and no one else died. Then the person who finally died would only be yourself.

The sun was setting slowly in the distance. Chu Feng left the Shajia defense area with an indifferent attitude, smashing many people's idea that chufeng took advantage of the situation to control the Shajia army. They all suspected that chufeng helped the Shajia army only for the ultimate benefit.

However, no one knows that Chu Feng's help to shajiajun is to help himself. No matter 70% of the goods in the past ten years, the growth and rooting of the peace army alone is the biggest recipient of Chu Feng's goods. At least in the future, if there is any accident in Shajia army, it will not affect Chu Feng's interests in the corner.

However, as long as Sha Yan really chooses to leave, there will be no changes in Jiaoyu in the next ten years. All the old officials of shajiajun will die under their own layout. The control of fresh blood of the Shayan who has lost his old team is certainly not as good as Sha Zhi's.

Moreover, the peace army, Chu Feng has already let the elite of the FUBU family enter secretly, and a paramilitary base is being built secretly. I believe that as long as there is no accident for one year, the peace army will be able to deal with the invasion of Tianchi army in the future.

Chufeng is in a happy mood, because no one would think that Mamba is his own person. Maybe in the future, this is a secret arrow of his own.


Chu Feng's thoughts were pulled back by the sudden shock. His left eye penetrated and saw a tire burst. His eyes narrowed slightly, because it was not a simple sharp stone, but a few antler nails. Chu Feng did not believe that in such a jungle, antlers would appear inexplicably.

The left eye looks around 360 degrees, but there is no one around. Does he think too much?

The tire burst out and it was impossible to move on. Chu Feng opened the door and got out of the car. Out of care, he called Fu Dina and told them that there was no problem. He would enter Thailand in two hours.

Getting such news, Chu Feng was a little relieved and looked ahead. According to the current situation, the distance that could have been reached tomorrow would be postponed to the day after tomorrow.

Looking at Yujie with a small mouth, chufeng said with a smile: "Yujie, how about two of us walking in the woods?"

As soon as Yujie's face turned red, some information about her recent contact sounded in her small head. Some lovers like to stroll among the paths in the woods, and then find a place where no one is going to have a primitive movement. She secretly glances at the Chu wind. Yujie obviously wants to be crooked.

Being looked at by Yujie's simple little eyes, Chu Feng had a very guilty feeling of his own. With a bitter smile, he walked over and hugged Yujie's waist: "let's go!"

Yujie's body is stiff and her face looks like a big apple. However, she can only walk when her tire is blown out. But what she thinks in her head is, will the little Lord wait for the hidden place to treat her best?

Walking on the path in the forest, Chu Feng broke the silence: "Yujie, what realm are you and your sister now?"

Although Bing qingyujie has been with her for some time and has made several moves, Chu Feng has never seen what kind of state they are. She just feels that they are not generally strong. What's more, the skills they practice seem to be for themselves, and their strength can be used for themselves at any time.

Yujie sipped her small mouth and was hugged by a man for the first time. The whole person was in a daze. She just walked forward mechanically and didn't hear Chu Feng's words at all.

Asked to go out did not get an answer, Chu Feng stopped to look at the face of Yujie, feeling particularly interesting: "what are you thinking?"

“…” Chufeng immediately knew what Yujie was thinking, and he laughed bitterly, but he didn't say anything. He hugged Yujie and went on walking. He continued to ask, "what is the state of you and Bingqing?"

Yujie heard this time and whispered back: "Tianyang five levels, so I can only help you break through the period of Tianjing. Unless we reach the stage of tiannu, we can't help you any more!"

"The five realms of Tianyang?"

Chu Feng exclaimed, and then coughed continuously. Naturally, he knew what Tianyang period represented. When he went to this state, he could integrate his own Zhenyuan to achieve the effect of arresting his face. Moreover, he was more powerful than Tianjing by countless times, because they were more arbitrary.

Take a look at the delicate Yujie. If you go out, others will only say that she is a gentle and kind-hearted beauty. But who would have thought that this is a martial artist in the five levels of Tianyang, that is, it can destroy the existence of a team. For the first time, Chu Feng was more curious about the adjudication office that had not been thoroughly understood.

How powerful is it? How strong is it? The maids trained simply are the five levels of Tianyang. How strong is it to go to the main members?Thinking of the eight wolves that appeared at that time, Chu Feng breathed out a breath. Instead of feeling the pressure because of the strong people around him, he yearned for and pursued the strength, which has always been the common ground of human beings.

Yu Jie is only surprised to see Chu Feng, but she doesn't show much. She appreciates her slightly. You know, there is a natural shock period in the secular world, but Chu Feng is only slightly surprised when she hears the Tianyang period. Few people can have this kind of mind.

Although she felt a little uncomfortable when she was walking around by Chu Feng, as time went on, Yujie's body got closer to Chu Feng. Her face was red and her heart beat faster. She couldn't help asking herself in her heart, is this the rhythm that people say blushing and heartbeat and falling in love?

Thinking of such a shameful thing, Yujie's face is burning, and her head is buried lower.

Chu Feng, however, did not know what to do. It was already late at night, and there was still more than ten kilometers away from the nearest village. Chu Feng thought about finding a car when it was time. Otherwise, it would not be a thing to go on like this.

But after walking a few kilometers again, Chu Feng stopped. Yu Jie, a shy girl, clenched her two small hands and left the surrounding environment. Is it not mainly here?

Chu Feng released Yujie and walked forward a few steps. Looking at the night ahead, Chu Feng raised a faint smile: "I thought it was an accident that the tire burst out, but now it doesn't look like an accident!"

Shaking his head slightly, Chu Feng knew that he had been watched by people since he left the Shajia defense area. His tire burst out and he didn't encounter any danger. He just wanted to walk for a few hours. After all, it was a kind of consumption for physical strength. In addition, he also missed his meal. He was really smart to deal with the defeated self and himself who did not eat.

Yujie also realized that she wanted to be crooked. Her eyes were sharp and looked at the darkness around her. Although no one appeared, she could feel that a series of murders had been spread out in the forest, and her whole body was tense. She was no longer so shy in Chu Feng's arms just now, but more of a chilling chill.

There are three men in front of him, one armed with black clothes.

With the appearance of the three people, more than 30 people came out around. They dressed up no different from the four people they came out of. But everyone's eyes towards Chu Feng were full of terrible murders.

Chu Feng glanced at the crowd lightly, and a slight banter appeared in the corner of his mouth: "Jiahe masters, the Thai, Burmese and Laojun, thought you would hold your tail and keep a low profile. I didn't expect that you would appear in front of me so soon. It seems that you really want me to die?"

The first master flashed fierce light in his triangle eyes and took a step forward. His tone and voice began: "you killed our plum blossom Club emperor Shaojing shangmang. We are here to take your head to sacrifice him."

Chu Feng nodded, and the hatred between Jiahe master and himself could not be solved. Now, with the death of Jing shangmang, it would be a shame to see the plum blossom club. No matter the success or failure, this action is inevitable.

In addition, Chu Feng probably knew that he must have been angry with himself for letting the lion thunder strike, which made them suffer heavy losses, and caused strong rejection from the domestic people. He also wanted to teach himself a lesson and kill himself.

The left eye looked around. There were no hidden people in the dark. Obviously, they were also worried that too many people would be detected by themselves. However, although the number of people sent out was small, their strength would certainly not be low.

But Chu Feng did not have much fluctuation, patted Yujie on the shoulder: "give it to you!"

Now he is close to Taijing. Chu Feng doesn't want to waste too much time. In addition, he is covered by sand. Although he is suppressed by himself, his strength is not very smooth. Even if Yujie hands, even those who are twice as old are dead. Chu Feng turns over and sits on a stone with a slight frown on his brow.

Now the people who attack and kill themselves are just ordinary people. That's because they don't know that they are the warriors who forge martial arts. If they do, chufeng doesn't believe in these kingdoms. There is no hidden force. If you clench your fist, strength is the king's way!

Chu Feng sat down and only let a woman do it, which stunned them for a moment, but then all of them were angry. They were regarded as the elite of the country, so they were despised by Chu Feng. The anger was conceivable. A master Jiahe burst into a drink and his body completely disappeared. Suddenly, a Knight Sword appeared behind Yujie.

Obviously to give Yujie a heart to cool, punish Chu Feng to their contempt.

It's just that when the knight's knife is about to touch Yujie, the latter seems to have eyes in the back. After one hand towards the back, he slaps on the Jiahe master first. It feels light and leisurely, but it makes people fly out directly and burst out with blood.

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