Super Healer

Chapter 85

This time, a total of more than 100 blue cell members participated in Jianghai University's operation, and Tatar was rescued. At this moment, 40 people are the first to leave. These people will leave Jianghai to a safe place, and the rest will leave. Of course, the remaining people will be enough to maintain the fruits of victory.

"Why are you wearing a headgear?"

In the hall on the first floor, Wen Zhuzi looked curiously at Chu Feng. The latter promised to leave with them, but asked for a black headdress to wear. At the moment, it looked like the way when a crime was arrested.

"Do you want me to be notorious, I'm a college student!" Chu Feng knew that he was trapped by the government, but he was unable to fight at the moment: "if I leave with you and don't cover it up, and I'm seen and passed back to my hometown by familiar people, then I'm not all my ancestors would jump out of the ground and teach me a lesson?"

Wen Zhuzi frowned slightly, one hand had been connected, but there was still slight pain. He was a little angry with Chu Feng's ruthlessness. However, if he could get help from such people, the strength of the organization would certainly increase a lot. Therefore, although he was confused, he did not doubt anything.

Seeing Wen Zhuzi, Chu Feng seemed to believe him. He looked outside at the blue cell members who were checking the three military vehicles: "now we have so many people here. How can we leave without hostages?"

Originally, the authorities allowed Wen Zhuzi and them to take 15 hostages, but Mangba and others said that it was no trouble. Chu Feng was a little curious about this. If he did not take the hostages, Chu Feng did not doubt that as long as he left the downtown area and entered a sparsely populated area, the blue cell would suffer a major blow from the government.

"If we have to take hostages to retreat, we are not blue cells."

With a confident smile, Wen Zhuzi looked around and said in a low voice: "since yesterday, we have sneaked into Jianghai University and installed nine powerful bombs, which can blow everything within a kilometer square circle. Therefore, we dare not attack us before the other party finds out the bomb.

Because the Chinese government, in order not to cause panic among the people, will certainly not say about the bomb, nor will it say that it is threatened by us, because it is very humiliating in the international community, so if we rely on their strength to find out, we will have gone to a safe place.

And even if they tell the people to leave here, they won't do anything to us, because if Jianghai university is razed, the panic will be even greater. At that time, Jianghai, an international city, will be marked with a question mark, seriously affecting the economy and other things.

So no matter for any reason, we can leave safely even if we don't take the hostages. This is called deterrence. For example, if you install a bomb in the shrine of Weiss, and they don't find it and dismantle it, even if you go and slap their prime minister, they just watch you leave and dare not speak. "

Chu Feng was slightly surprised, but also had to admire the blue cell people is not simple, but can achieve the level of terrorists, not bold words will not survive, nine bombs contain the steps of the Chinese government, is really safe no problem!

Chu Feng just nodded and stopped talking. He took out a pen in his pocket and turned it in his hand. But he thought about it and pushed it back.

While waiting quietly, Chu Feng's left eye began to spread out, and the whole campus was in his eyes. Although he had not used a bomb, he had never seen pork. He always saw pigs running. Chufeng walked back and forth in the hall, looking at it and touching it. Wen Zhuzi thought it was the memory of leaving soon and ignored it.

But Chu Feng is now looking for the nine bombs.

Soon, chufeng found three bombs in this building, one in the huge vase coming in at the gate, the other behind the case of a computer in the Internet cafe, and another bomb was in the elevator room on the top of the building. Chu Feng was a little surprised by the installation, so if it exploded, the building would be doomed.

Then the fourth bomb and the fifth bomb were also found by Chu Feng, but he did not show any happy look, still slowly looking for in the whole campus.

Although Wen Zhuzi and others were curious about where Chu Feng was and what he was doing, he did not make trouble and ignored it. In addition, Chu Feng was a strong man, and they all subconsciously felt that it was Chu Feng's strange temper.

Then the sixth, the seventh and the eighth were also found by Chu Feng, but nearly ten minutes later, he had not seen the ninth one. Chu Feng's eyebrows could not help but wrinkle slightly. Where did he go?

"They've made it. We can go!"

At this time, wenzhuzi came over. Just after receiving a call, the 40 people who started to go out had successfully left the border line of China, and they got on the prepared fishing boat under the cover of Wes warship. It only took more than ten minutes to completely get out of the sight of the Chinese government.

Chufeng nodded and followed wenzhuzi toward the outside, but he remembered something and looked far away. It was the school's garbage disposal site. Chufeng saw a pile of garbage there, and then his left eye narrowed slightly. Chufeng's eyes flashed a funny smile. It's not easy for blue cell people!

It's the place where the school places garbage. Only once a week will someone come to deal with it. Chu Feng sees the ninth bomb in the deepest part of the garbage heap. In the ordinary people's mind, he must think that the garbage has been piled up for several days. The terrorists are starting to act today. Even if they go to the garbage dump to look for it, they will not find the bottom.But blue cell people are in a good mood. They put the bomb at the bottom directly, which is impossible to prevent!

Soon, the remaining 100 people were on the military vehicle one after another, but Wen Zhuzi pulled Chu Feng on one, which made Chu Feng's idea of sitting on it disillusioned. However, he did not show any bad mood. Instead, he took Wen Zhuzi's slender waist and got on the bus with great interest.

The car left the campus directly. Chu Feng saw that there were many people outside the campus. Obviously, everyone knew what happened in Tianhai University. At this time, Chu Feng saw Liu Yan wearing a police uniform to maintain order there. Lin Yulin was standing in the distance, and aunt Xiaoyi was also coming.


Chu Feng's heart read a move, opened his mouth and called. When Wen Zhuzi looked at him curiously, he said, "my girlfriend, I'm going to leave now, and I won't come back again. I always need to say goodbye to someone else."

Wen Zhuzi wants to say how people still think of your girlfriend when you go down like this. But Chu Feng has already jumped out of the car directly, and soon comes to Lin Yulin. The latter originally saw Chu Feng coming and wanted to dodge and retreat. But when he saw the familiar clothes, he was stunned. Was it Xiaofeng?

Chu Feng directly walked over and hugged Lin Yulin and kissed her. She was very tight. The latter didn't even know anything, but when she felt her palm was caught, her eyes were stunned and she held Chu Feng actively.

"Asshole, you dare kiss my sister Yulin."

"Goodbye!" Chu Feng timely released Lin Yulin, trotted into the car and drove away directly. Wen Zhuzi looked back and comforted Lin Yulin's Liu Yan: "do you know that policeman?"

"My girlfriend's sister." Chu wind secretly way small aunt sorry, the face does not change color said.

"So you like mature women, so I still have a chance."

The two dead people were killed by Chu Feng in front of her. Wen Zhuzi didn't think that the Chinese government would make such innocent sacrifice at their side in order to get into the undercover. Moreover, their actions were carried out temporarily, and Chu Feng could not have planned in advance, so there was still some trust in Chu Feng.

"Sister Yulin, how can that bastard kiss you? You are his little aunt!" Liu Yan himself is to go to the Imperial City, but a sudden accident on the temporary delay, at the moment looking at where the mouth of Lin Yulin: "you don't worry, when the boy will come back, I will teach him a good lesson."

"Don't you wonder why Xiaofeng is with those terrorists?"

Lin Yulin is suddenly asked, this time he may be suspected, but Liu Yan still so trust Chu Feng, Lin Yulin is a little surprised, but look at Liu Yan seems to say nothing, said with a smile: "it seems that because of love, so believe ah!"

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