Super Healer

Chapter 86

Lin Yulin is in the car because of Liu Yan's relationship. Although she was held and kissed by Chu Feng, who seems to be dressed as a terrorist, no one came to inquire about anything, so she is relatively quiet.

At this time, Lin Yulin released her palm and saw only a piece of cloth crumbs kneaded into a ball. She opened it and looked at Liu Yan. "Do you have a phone call for Zhou Jingxing?"

"Vice Minister Zhou?" Liu Yan already knew that Lin Yulin was almost invaded by Jingde last night. Zhou Jingxing appeared at that time, so she was a little curious at the moment: "what are you looking for him for?"

"Xiaofeng gave it to me, and I don't know." Lin Yulin also did not want to go and other men to say anything, handed the cloth crumbs to Liu Yan.

Liu Yan took a look at it. There was only a paragraph on it. There were nine places left. Liu Yan was curious and didn't know anything. But it said to Zhou Jingxing that Liu Yan still took out the phone and dialed it out. It was soon connected: "Vice Minister Zhou, I have something here that Chu Feng asked me to tell you. Is it convenient for you?"

At the moment, Zhou Jingxing just watched Li Ji leave. He didn't know how he would do it. After all, the bomb problem in the school had to be solved before they could start. However, they didn't know how many bombs were hidden in blue cells and where they were. Their mood was a bit chaotic.

But when Liu Yan said that it was Chu Feng who wanted to tell him, Zhou Jingxing thought of the man who had just hugged Lin Yulin and kissed him. Zhou Jingxing's expression moved: "say it!"

Liu Yan flattened the cloth scraps and said, "the huge vase, Internet cafe case, elevator room, deep garbage heap, principal's office, public toilet sewer, canteen range hood, parking lot checkpoint box, male dormitory auntie, that's all. I don't know what it means. Chufeng just said to tell you."

Zhou Jingxing's silent aftertaste of what Liu Yan said just now, his eyes rubbed up, and then excitedly said, "Liu Yan, you have a good boyfriend. After this imperial city, you must be on top of the throne!"

Then he immediately hung up the phone and issued a command with a wave of his finger: "immediately someone from the police station enters the school. The bomb team is on standby. Go to the huge vase position at the gate of the 11th floor building. In the Internet cafe, go to the computer room where there is an elevator. Go to the machine room to see if there is an elevator, and clean up all the garbage for me at the garbage disposal point.

In addition, the headmaster's office, public toilets, sewers, canteen range hood, parking lot checkpoint box, boys' dormitory, Auntie's living place, all move for me, find out the bomb, right now

With Zhou Jingxing's instructions, the military and police began to enter the campus and found the bomb in the huge vase. The bomb in the Internet cafe was also found, followed by the third bomb found in the elevator room on the top floor.

Fourth bomb found!

Fifth bomb found!

Sixth bomb found!

Then one by one, all the feedback came to Zhou Jingxing within 15 minutes. All the nine bombs were found. The last one was found in the house of my aunt sweeping the floor in the men's dormitory and hidden in the closet. The frightened aunt knelt down on the ground directly and said it had nothing to do with herself.

After interrogation, I found out that my aunt had a relationship with a worker who came to the boys' dormitory to repair the electric circuit yesterday. They were all over the place. The 40 year old aunt felt scared at the moment, because she knew that the bomb was left by the person who had relations with her. She was scared to incontinence on the spot!

"Ha ha, this aunt is interesting!"

Zhou Xingxing was in a good mood and listened to his subordinates say this episode. He laughed. Su Xinyu beside him was rolling his eyes, but then he asked curiously: "those confidential things, even if Chu Feng promised to go with them, it seems that he will not tell him. It's a matter of life."

"I don't know, but I'm sure Li Ji will be happy to receive this news." Zhou Jingxing was in a good mood at the moment and dialed Li Ji's phone: "brother, all nine bombs have been found. It was Chu Feng who told us that all the people in the bomb team can be dismantled within five minutes. You can adjust your action."

"As expected, men are not good things, they know to cheat women."

Su Xinyu thinks that there is only such a possibility, and just now Chu Feng came out with her arms around Wen Zhuzi. She feels that Chu Feng is a shameless guy, cheating women for intelligence.

Zhou Jingxing was stunned, but then burst into laughter. This time, the matter was very successful, and did not cause too much harm. Moreover, Li Ji has already started to act. This time, almost no one can leave.

Only to see the two girls lying on one side was also slightly sorry: "this time can be said to have broken the world's history of the largest number of people involved, but the smallest harm of the terrorist incident, it is a pity that two flower like girls were sacrificed."

Su Xinyu was also happy originally, and her face was a little sad at this time: "yes, Chu Feng is a guy who can't be criticized, but I still can't accept it."

"Yes Yao Qianxue suddenly made a voice when they felt sorry for the cruelty of Chu Feng. When Su Xinyu and Zhou Jingxing were in the body for a while, he opened his eyes, shook his head and sat up, thinking about what he was doing and finally cried out, "Chu Feng, you son of a bitch, you kill people!"Before finishing the speech, it was found that this is a strange place. Look at Su Xinyu and zhoujingxing staring at themselves. Zhoujingxing has not seen it, but Su Xinyu has seen it once. Yao Qianxue said coldly: "what about the murderer of Chu Feng?"

"Xiaofeng kills?"

Before finishing the speech, Xia Wei, who just opened her eyes, sat up and felt a little numb and weak. She shook her head. "And where are we, Xiaofeng?"

"Don't say that bastard again. He just started to you. You don't remember it. You still like him so much." Yao Qianxue is looking at the Chu wind raging Xia Wei, at this moment full of hate: "and this girl seems to be Chu Feng's girlfriend, you still don't like him, that is a bastard."

Looking at zhoujingxing, a police uniform, Yao Qianxue continued: "he is now estimated to be arrested by the police, we have been saved!"

Xia Wei recalled the situation at that time, and she was surprised: "why should the breeze do it to us!" Then he jumped off the long table and pulled Su Xinyu: "what about the breeze, is he really caught by me? I don't hold him responsible, let him go! "

Su Xinyu knew who Xia Wei was, and she was a nurse when she was operating. But at the moment, her mind was not put on Xia Wei's words, but she looked at zhoujingxing: "so, we just confirmed that they were not dead? What's the matter with this? "

"This, it is estimated that only Chu Feng can explain, maybe he uses what means to make false death, in order to let the beads lose their chance to threaten him!"

Zhoujingxing's shock in his heart is not less than Su Xinyu. Looking at the intact, he is only two people with a pale face: "you wronged Chu wind, not us saved you, but Chu Feng sent you out. As for why he did it to you at that time, it was just to prevent you from being threatened by terrorists, and the fact also proved that he was right."

Seeing Xia Wei seems willing to accept this fact, Yao Qianxue is a bit repulsive. Zhoujingxing continued: "you may not know, but when we pick you up, you have no breathing and heartbeat, but you are living now. I believe your intelligence is not hard to guess."

"As for Chu Feng, he helped us to be official, and now he has gone with the terrorists, but you don't have to worry about his safety."

"What!" Xia Wei jumped up at once. She saw all the terrorists. They were all evil. She was worried to think that the clear and beautiful Chu wind followed them.

"Nothing, the disaster left thousands of years!" After zhoujingxing said that, Yao Qianxue also recalled the situation at that time. What did wenzhuzi seem to do, maybe he wanted to threaten Chu Feng to them at that time, but he thought Chu Feng was still uncomfortable to her, and he was dropped from a few meters away, but how could he not fall into trouble?

"That, little sister!"

Su Xinyu saw the two people calm down, embarrassed smile Yao Qianxue said: "I and Chu Feng are not boyfriend and wife, our ordinary friends may not be considered, his girlfriend is Liu Yan, deputy criminal police team captain, not me!"

Originally, she heard the beauty saying that Chu Feng had nothing to do with Chu Feng. Xia Wei was very happy in her heart. But when she heard Chu Feng had a girlfriend, her heart was a deep one, but she still showed a sweet smile: "nothing, we are not Chu Feng. Are you his girlfriend and us have nothing to do with it."

Yao Qianxue and Xia Wei have known each other for a year. Although Xia Wei now smiles naturally, she says nothing is easy and easy, but she can see that Xia Wei has a little bit of pain in her heart, but it is better than opening her mouth.

Just think of Chu Feng kissing himself in public, Yao Qianxue is still a little nervous, can only hope that after today's things we forget, otherwise Xia Wei knows, will surely be uncomfortable.

Su Xinyu looks at Xia Wei, just smile and go to the side with zhoujingxing to wait for the news, but both people's hearts can not be calmed, Chu Feng is really an 18-year-old boy?

The two people at the top of the building looked at it. A knee without water was on Yao Qianxue and Xiawei's abdomen, and then fell from the height of those meters. But at the moment, it seems that they have nothing to do. How did they do it?

Although it is not clear why, but the two people at the moment of the heart have been strengthened to decide, no matter how, must pull such a person!

At this time, the news of all bomb demolition also reached zhoujingxing's ears. Zhoujingxing dialed a number with complete relief. Xiao killed and cruel in his expression: "brother, bomb is demolished, you can start to move!"

The first battle that affected Chu Feng I officially opened. After decades, Chu Feng, standing at the top of the world, laughed bitterly. At that time, he should not cooperate with the official affairs, and make a few deaths and deaths, and disappear quietly!

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