Super Healer

Chapter 87

After leaving Jianghai University, the three official military vehicles drove in three directions. At this time, the people in the vehicles did not know that the nine bombs they had arranged had been removed by the government, and a layer of dark atmosphere was beginning to envelop.

"Your name seems to be Chu Feng. How old are you?"

In one of the cars heading for one direction, wenzhuzi nestles on Chu Feng as if she has no waist bone. Just now Tatar has told her secretly that Chu Feng must be left at any cost. Such a person who can fight and has courage is just the talent lacking in the organization.

So looking at chufeng's handsome face and tender face, wenzhuzi doesn't reject it. Compared with those big bearded and fat old men, chufeng's small and fresh is quite good.


Chu Feng is a little unaccustomed, but also did not push away wenzhuzi, but the heart of this woman is more vigilant, was his own start to ravage for a while, can say when public humiliation, but now can also show a smile to himself, such a woman is absolutely not simple.

"Eighteen?" Hearing that Chu Feng was only 18 years old, Wen Zhuzi's eyes flashed with a flash of light. Her fingers drew a circle on Chu Feng's chest. She could feel her chest muscles that were not wide but strong: "are you still there?"

Chu Feng directly felt a kind of dryness and heat in his abdomen. As an adult man, he was asked such a question by a woman, and also by a woman full of charm and attraction. It is estimated that few men can calmly calm down and reluctantly stabilize the natural reply: "just came out of the countryside."

The answer was not an answer, which made wenzhuzi's eyes more bright, and her body was closer to each other: "do you think my sister is 31 years old

"Thirty one?" Chu Feng secretly said that he was really old, four years older than my aunt, but his face was shocked: "no, I look at you at most 25, how can you be 31?"

Although she was a woman with a lot of blood on her hand, when Chu Feng said this, Wen Zhuzi's heart was still very useful. Seeing that the driver in front of her didn't look at her, she whispered to chufeng: "do you want to try it?"

Chu Feng a Leng, look at this environment: "in here?"

Wenzhuzi also thought that chufeng was interested in himself, and shyly patted chufeng: "of course not here." Eyes again look at the driver in front, and then quietly said: "but sister can give you some sweet taste first!"

Wen Zhuzi saw Chu Feng in this way, and her eyes flashed a trace of shyness that shouldn't be. She bit her lips and got close to Chu Feng's ear: "maybe you don't believe it. My sister is still here."

Feeling the heat coming from his ears, Chu Feng finally came back to his mind and wanted to take back his hand. However, he was pressed by Wen Zhuzi and took a breath to look at the driver: "miss wenzhuzi, we can talk about other things later. As for now, we should think about leaving Jianghai."

Although Chu Feng's face was forced to calm down, she still unconsciously revealed the embarrassment. Wen Zhuzi completely believed that the guy in front of him had not eaten the fishy food. She loosened chufeng shyly and sat next to him, but her body was still close to chufeng. She had been back and forth in the dark edge since childhood, and some things were more open than ordinary women.

They were so silent that Chu Feng didn't know how to open his mouth, and wenzhuzi didn't know what to say. The former squinted at Wen Zhuzi, who was wearing a smile at the corner of his mouth. How could he suddenly be so quiet?

But under this thought, Chu Feng quickly expelled this idea. How can a woman who is in a knife and in a fire not release herself heartily, not to mention she is already thirty-one!

At the same time, on the other street, three military vehicles walked separately. At this time, one of them was heading for the route of Pujiang New Area. The purpose seemed to be to go to the wharf. There were more than 30 people on this vehicle.

"Tartar, I'm going to arrest you just after you're free. It's a pity!"

At the moment, on a 15 story building, Li Ji stands there with a strong smile and looks at the military vehicle only 200 meters away from the small building here. With a touch of bloodthirsty breath, he slowly raises his hands, and a rocket launcher with the smell of death glows, which makes the corners of the mouth of the three people standing behind Li Ji twitch violently.

Those who dare to use rocket launchers directly in the river and sea are expected to be the only one in front of them.

Li Ji, however, did not know with a smile: "fireworks brilliant!"

Words fall, in the car into a hundred meters range, the rocket launcher bang bang with orange flame tail toward the coming military vehicle, at the same time, Li Ji with the fastest speed dropped the rocket launcher, jumped down, landed on each floor of the air conditioning unit, as a staircase to go down.

The three people who have been standing in the back quickly dismantle the rocket launcher. The other two people take out a rope and buckle it to the edge of the wall. They quickly face down. As for Li Ji, they jump into the air conditioner like Li Ji, they don't want to die.

Everything just happened in a short period of three seconds. The rocket launched by the rocket launcher also hit the front of the military vehicle severely. The violent explosion directly overturned the moving military vehicle. Although the people inside were not killed by the explosion, they were dizzy.And Li Ji also came here quickly at this moment. Two blue cell members who just climbed out of the cab were knocked unconscious by Li Ji twice, and they went straight to the back from time to time.

"Get rid of them!"

Just after arriving at the back to see the situation, Li Ji's face, which had always been motionless, finally changed a little. He gave a shout to the two people who were quickly following him, and then headed for the distance. Soon he stopped a taxi and headed for another direction, which was the direction of another military vehicle.

Two minutes later, Zhou Jingxing, who received the news, changed his face: "just now, Li Ji and another military vehicle are tracking the news. Both military vehicles have been stopped and the personnel have been controlled, but there is no Tatar's whereabouts!"


Such news is a very normal accident, but it is abnormal at this time. If the two military vehicles do not have Tatar's whereabouts, then there is only one possibility left. Tatar and wenzhuzi have not evacuated separately. They are all in the same car, and they just leave separately just to hide people's eyes.

Thinking of the Chu wind that went with Wen Zhuzi, Su Xinyu and Zhou Jingxing are all dignified. The latter's mobile phone is connected to Li Ji: "how far are you from there now?"

"Twelve kilometers, asshole!" There Li Jiyin scolded, cut off the phone, Zhou Jingxing know that he naturally also know, but at the moment know what is useless, only quickly to rush, otherwise it will be dangerous!

"Miss wenzhuzi, the government has started!"

At the same time, Chu Feng's car, the driver took off the headphones and said indifferently: "start c plan?"

"Start!" Wen Zhuzi didn't seem to be surprised that such a thing happened. She just chuckled and looked at Chu Feng: "it seems that the official sent out the dragon team, otherwise we would not dismantle our bombs so quickly. Brother Xiaofeng, we and so on may be a little dangerous!"

Chu Feng's eyes were slightly coagulated, but there were not many emotional fluctuations: "then what cards do you have?"

"The first one in the river and sea!" Wen Zhuzi just gently smile, said let Chu Feng curious words!

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