Super Healer

Chapter 88

When most of the army and police in the river and sea were completely out to block the sea, land and air, a team of 15 people lurked outside a mountain villa built on the mountain. Everyone had a headgear on their heads and uniform military boots. There was no sound in the running. It was very quiet.

Ten minutes later, there was a loud explosion. The gate of the villa was directly opened by a bomb. Fifteen people swarmed in and quickly killed them in all directions. The submachine guns in their hands kept shooting out life-threatening bullets.

There are more than 50 guards in the villa, but they are still in a daze at this moment. Many of them have been guarding the villa for ten years, but they have not encountered any changes. The explosion just now left them in a daze.

I don't seem to understand who's looking for death to attack here?

It was not until those people killed more than 20 people that the remaining guards responded by pressing the alarm and resisting. However, they had missed the opportunity and fell to the ground without a chance. It was only a minute from driving in to clearing all the guards.

Then in ten people toward the main villa compression, a leader in black took out the mobile phone: "complete the task!"

On the military vehicle more than 30 kilometers away, Wen Zhuzi cut off the call and flashed a fierce color in her eyes: "it's too tender to play with us!"

Then, after clicking on the mobile phone, Wen Zhuzi raised her head again. After the connection, she said with a smile: "Vice Minister Zhou, I know that you are the commander of this time. I'm Wen Zhuzi. I'm calling you to tell you that all the people who lock the military vehicles are evacuated. Otherwise, don't blame me."

Zhou Jingxing was still worried about the safety of Chu Feng. He knew that if Chu Feng had an accident, even the old man would teach him a good lesson. But when he heard Wen Zhuzi's phone call, Zhou Jingxing remained calm: "do you think it's possible?"

"I won't talk to you."

With years of instinctive reaction to danger, Wen Zhuzi has already smelled a dangerous breath approaching. Her voice was cold and said: "within three minutes, if the people who follow us do not retreat completely, I will make Huangfu villa a ruin. If you don't believe it, you can see it."

Wen Zhuzi coldly killed a word and then cut off the call. She is a decisive woman. What she decides must be done, and she has such self-confidence.

Chu Feng is so calm sitting beside him as if he doesn't know anything. But touching the self-confidence flowing on Wen Zhuzi's face, he still vaguely guesses what may have happened. Maybe the bomb crisis has been lifted, but there are still more special things.

Huangfu villa? Jianghai first?

"Vice Minister Zhou!"

Almost at the same time, Zhou Jingxing just hung up the phone, a man rushed in from the outside: "two minutes ago, we received the news that Huangfu villa was under the control of blue cell people, more than 50 guards were all dead, and more than 20 servants were left. In addition,,"

when Zhou Jingxing's heart was full of bumps, he felt a sense of foreboding "In addition, Miss Huangfu and master Huangfu are among them, and have been hijacked by terrorists!" the man said with a frightened expression

Almost just after the man finished speaking, Zhou Jingxing's phone rang again. Seeing the caller ID above, Zhou Jingxing quickly connected: "grandfather!"

Zhou tianchu is at the other end of the phone. He is still in the criminal investigation team's office at the moment. He just received a phone call and sighed: "Jingxing, please stop all operations. Even if wenzhuzi and wenzhuzi run away, it doesn't matter. Ensure the safety of Miss Huangfu and master Huangfu."

Zhou Jingxing knew that the person who could let his grandfather come to this phone was not simple, and nodded: "I know!"

Breathe out a breath, although the heart is unwilling to win the loss of such a loss, but Zhou Jingxing also understand, do not do so, the river and sea will be chaotic, in Su Xinyu surprised eyes, Zhou Jingxing dialed Li Ji's phone: "brother, although I say you will be angry, but I still want to say."

"Order from above, stop all actions. There's something wrong with Huangfu villa!"

With that, Zhou Jingxing cut off the call. Everyone was at the same level. As long as he said that, Li Ji would know what was going on. He shook his head with a wry smile: "a group of terrorists who do great harm to us are not as good as the two young ladies and masters. It's ridiculous!"

Su Xinyu also about know what, think of that person, said with a smile: "no way, who calls others cattle, but you don't need to worry, the next blue cell life is estimated to be not easy."

Zhou Jingxing was stunned, but then he burst out laughing. If he and Su Xinyu said that blue cell really avoided the king of hell, but provoked the gods, but suddenly he thought of a possibility: "but if the blue cell people forcibly take away Huangfu young master and Huangfu miss, it will be different."

The smile on Su Xinyu's face was also stiff. If it was really like that, it seemed that it was really easy to have an accident!

"What do you think of our organizational ability now, brother Xiaofeng?"

At the moment, Wen Zhuzi, who received several phone calls from the military vehicle, finally showed a smile and leaned against Chu Feng again: "although we lost 70 brothers, we are completely safe. In the future, we can better avenge those brothers who were arrested by the official."Chu Feng's heart flashed a dignified color, his left eye can see the past five minutes in the future, can also see the distance, but some things really can't control, that is, wenzhuzi has already arranged things.

Wen Zhuzi didn't expect Chu Feng to embrace himself so intimately, but that was to say, she was stiff and giggled. She drew a circle on Chu Feng's chest like a little woman: "no matter how I plan my strategies, I'm not being abused by you. You really don't care about the fragrance and jade at all. I'm still in pain now."

"I tell you, I can conquer my sister, but I must be gentle in the future, do you know?"

"Certainly!" Chu Feng gently smiles, but there is a stone in his heart that can't be put down. If the official can't take down wenzhuzi, he will follow him. At first, it was not his original wish, but at this moment, it seems that it is not easy to leave!

After all, they don't believe in their own hands, but they don't have empty hands!

Half an hour later, wenzhuzi and wenzhuzi arrived at a small Wharf in the river and sea. Blue cell members behind the military vehicle jumped down and scattered to various positions. Chu Feng got out of the car with Wen Zhuzi. Soon, he saw Tatar who had taken off his headgear. It turned out that he was hiding behind the scenes.

Just when did it happen? Why didn't you see it?

Although he had doubts in his heart, Chu Feng did not care about anything. At the moment, there was no one here, and he didn't put on his headgear. He just looked around the empty wharf and asked curiously, "what do you want to do next? Are you waiting here?"

"Of course, it's impossible to wait here. It just takes a little time." Wen Zhuzi smiles and goes to one side to make a phone call. It's more than 20 meters away, but Chu Feng can still hear it vaguely. It seems that someone has arranged for a boat to come over. It's no wonder that he can easily enter the river and sea!

A few minutes later, when Wen Zhuzi made a phone call and Chu Feng was bored looking at the distance from the shore, three vans came from the distance, and those blue cell people seemed to know who it was and didn't stop them.

Soon stopped in front of Tatar, Qiqi opened the door, chufeng squinted and saw two people wearing different headgear different from the blue cell members came down, completely as if they had been caught, a man and a woman. Judging from the clothes and so on, Chu Feng judged that it was either rich or expensive!

"It's said that the eldest lady of the Huangfu family is as beautiful as a fairy. She is known as the first beauty in the river and sea, and the first ice beauty. I'm going to open my eyes today!"

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