Super Healer

Chapter 893

In the interior of the suite, Mrs. yuan has a heavy face.

She from more than 20 years ago from a young girl with the Lantern Festival to now, fully assisted the man to today, two people do not say love each other, but absolutely hand in hand, not to say more husband and wife, more is a true confidant.

Came in nearly 20 minutes, holding the mobile phone hand still did not type that number, Mrs. yuan is doing thinking.

She doesn't think that Chu Feng is joking with her, but if she is really played by Chu Feng once, even if she keeps Yuanlie, the only child for the yuan family, she is not at all relaxed when she knows the male chauvinism of yuanxiao.

Having been a husband and wife for more than 20 years, she knows exactly what kind of man her husband is. He can be natural and unrestrained, but a man who absolutely does not allow women to cheat is impossible, even if there are extenuating circumstances.

This is also the reason why Mrs. yuan is in a dilemma to the present. After this time, Yuanxiao will divorce him, and even if they don't divorce, they will not return to the way they used to be.

But if you don't keep yuan lie, the same result will not be very good.

Mrs. yuan secretly scolded Chu Feng's son of a bitch. Between three or two words, she completely disintegrated some things, frowned tightly, and struggled and hesitated in her heart.

Finally, Mrs. yuan still made a phone call. After a few beeps, the voice of Yuanxiao came: "madam, did Chu Feng agree?"

With a sigh, Mrs. yuan also dispersed her inner struggle and whispered: "he put forward his own conditions. He didn't want 20% of the dead shares, and gave him 30 billion yuan. That's enough!"

There was silence on the other end of the phone. After a minute, the voice of the Lantern Festival came: "if it was yesterday, I would like to give 30 billion, after all, 20% of the shares, even the dead shares are more than 30 billion. But you should understand what the result will be if we give 30 billion today, and our yuan family will become the real loser."

"Did Chu Feng not give any other conditions except this one?"

Mrs. yuan was a little disappointed, but she also knew that all the working capital of the whole group and even yuan family had gathered. If she wanted to block the listing of fengteng and withdraw 30 billion yuan, she would lose her strength and lose both sides.

Hearing this, Mrs. yuan bit her lips and breathed out a breath: "yes!"

Hearing Chu Feng's other conditions, the Yuanxiao telephone seemed to breathe out a little easier: "what conditions, even if it is 30% of the dead stock, as long as he does not want to calculate cash now, I will give it."

"Not these!" Mrs. yuan closed her eyes. She didn't know how to open her mouth.

The voice at the other end was impatient: "what's that?"

Mrs. yuan bit her lip and said with determination: "Chu Feng gave the last and only condition for him, 10% of Yuan's group shares..."

Before the words were finished, the Lantern Festival over there directly opened his mouth: "10% of the live shares are OK. As long as it is not 20%, it doesn't matter. In this way, our yuan family still has 50% of the yuan family, which is still the only speaker of the Yuan clan."

Mrs. yuan smiles bitterly. If Chu Feng only wants 10% of her shares, she doesn't need to call yuanxiao. She can make decisions.

Know not to say clearly, today's matter is difficult to solve, Mrs. Yuan said softly: "besides 10% of the living stock, there is my Lin Jiaying's body, give him three days to play with!"

The end of the phone completely silent down, Mrs. Yuan said these also feel relaxed, the problem pressure on their own body, she has pressure, but now she put the pressure on yuanxiao, no matter how he decides, Mrs. yuan will support, of course, what she thinks is that Yuanxiao loves her deeply!

This time, the silence was very long, maybe 10 minutes, maybe 20 minutes. Until Mrs. yuan lost her patience, the voice of Yuanxiao came, with a faint anger: "you must, or yuan Peipei can?"

Mrs. yuan heard Yuanxiao's question, and he hesitated, knowing that she was struggling in her heart. Relatively relaxed, she said: "ten percent of the live shares plus my body are the only condition. Otherwise, even if we promise after 11 o'clock, he will also cut off yuan lie's head and can't talk about it any more."

With that, Mrs. yuan also began to be nervous. All her spirits were concentrated there, trying to listen to her husband's words.

But after waiting for two minutes, the Lantern Festival came to let Mrs. yuan cool from the bottom of her feet to the end of the words: "although Xiaolie is not a tool, but you, my only son, the only inheritor of the yuan family, I yuanxiao, thank you!"

When the voice of hanging up came, Mrs. yuan's body was shaken, as if she had been forced to sit on the ground, and her tears flowed uncontrollably. For the first time in many years, she felt that she was inferior to a son in the eyes of yuanxiao. Suddenly, she felt that everything she had done for the Lantern Festival was meaningless.

Mrs. yuan's fist clenched slightly, which produced an invisible hatred. If Yuanxiao said no just now, she would use her own life to exchange yuan lie's, but the answer was very disappointing.

What does a woman need in her life? Some people may say it's money power, but we all don't know that most women want a man who loves her into the bone marrow, even if they lose the most important things, they should protect her.Obviously, Yuanxiao is not!

In the suite next door, Chu Feng looks at all this with his left eye, knowing that Mrs. yuan has been abandoned. Looking at this beautiful woman, Chu Feng feels a little sympathy for the poor sitting on the ground, but has no guilt.

At the beginning, if you don't know, from the phone call just now, Chu Feng already knows why he gave 20% dead shares.

Dare to feel very quickly, Yuan's group will fly up, 20% immediately shrink, equivalent to the yuan family no loss, but to seek a peace.

Suddenly, under the gaze of her left eye, Mrs. yuan stood up and walked toward the bathroom. Chu Feng was curious that this woman would not want to commit suicide. Mrs. yuan gently untied the zipper of her skirt, and Chu Feng also withdrew her left eye.

It seems that this woman also wants to save her son!

Looking at such a glance, Chu Feng said something serious: "eyebrows, now we can basically be sure that Huangfu group, Meihua group, Du's group and donghongmen group are going to start. In addition, there is another Yuanshi group which is no less than Du's group. What's our chance of winning?"

Lang Mei Mei's fingers fluttered on the computer keyboard, and without looking back, he said: "I just calculated the assets and working capital of these companies. Under the condition of ensuring the normal operation of their companies, the five groups of forces are expected to gather up to a staggering 150 billion pool of money."

"If fengteng wants to resist, it must be backed up by three times, or even four times, or it will be very dangerous."

Chu Feng nodded, which was similar to Du Yaming's beginning: "how much money can fengteng use?"

Lang Meimei taps the keyboard, and a data page is displayed on the desktop. Sitting in front of the computer, she is no longer obstinate, but only serious: "fengteng group has a total of 15 billion pool coins, including the more than 10 billion pool coins you extorted from the Weisi people."

"Fengteng group's own capital is three billion pool dollars

Chu Feng is a little surprised. Fengteng group has already accumulated three billion pool coins in less than a year, which is already the existence of ox fork. At first, Chu Feng thought that fengteng would be good to throw out one billion pool coins. In addition, his own more than 100 billion pool coins were there, it was still a lot worse!

He wrote an account and put it in front of Lang Meimei: "there are 150 billion pool coins in it. If you operate, what will happen to the result?"

Lang Meimei wonder where Chu Feng comes from so much money, this throws out to kill Ma Shoufu directly!

But also quickly calculate the correct data, only 10 seconds, side first back: "if you give me the operation, you can resist the alliance group 50 billion pool currency erosion, but you have to be clear, our city defenders, pay will be several times as much as the siege, after all, if you can't return, fengteng will be divided."

Chu Feng's mouth was slightly open. No wonder so many people like to circle money in the stock market. Dare to make money, chufeng said with a light smile: "you can do it as you see it. In the early stage, they will not be too violent. They will come slowly. You don't need to pay attention to it. Once a large amount of money enters the stock market, you will throw the money that Feng Teng has into it."

"This time they are going to eat fengteng. Why didn't I want to eat them?"

Lang Meimei was not surprised by Chu Feng's idea. Leaning on it, she said faintly, "it's OK to help you. It's just that fengshao younger brother, when do you promise to change things? If you don't play once, you are the strongest boy, but I don't work!"

Chu Feng almost fell down when he heard his words. He turned his eyes speechless and said, "do you still have the strength to do business after that? I'll clean it up for you to play with

Chufeng sadly jumped out a sentence, turned over to sit down, picked up the mobile phone in the palm of his hand, the corner of his mouth slightly cocked up, and finally made a phone call. After receiving the notice, Chu Feng said, "Huo Shao, excuse me, I suddenly want to start with the yuan family's stock. Do you have any interest?"

Don't know what to discuss, Chu Feng hung up and then made a phone call: "Duoduo, let your father prepare for a while, prepare to block Huangfu group, I want to let Huangfu family lose the dependence of this group!"

Then he made a third call: "China and the United States, when necessary, cut off the capital chain of Meihua group. Of course, don't expose yourself. Next, contact Liu Zhixin and block Du's group!"

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