Super Healer

Chapter 894

At 10:30, the place where the center of the stock market control organization is located is already crowded with people. In addition to most of the investors, there are also many professionals from companies who come here to do corresponding things.

In one of the small conference rooms, there were more than ten people sitting. Six of them had a computer in front of them. Shen Xiuqin and Yao Qianxue stood behind with the rest of them, with different looks on their faces.

This is a milestone of fengteng group. As long as the operation is good, the strength of the group will rise. If it is listed in Europe and the United States to a certain extent, it will enhance the group's level and fully integrate with the international standards.

Therefore, people in this conference room are in a nervous mood. Yao Qianxue's two small hands are clenched into fists, and their palms are wet with sweat.

"There's a situation!"

At this time, a pan hand opened his mouth and immediately made Shen Xiuqin nervous. They all went to the front. The hand said, "two minutes ago, someone from fengteng bought 100 million Chi shares. I think there may be a problem!"

As soon as the voice dropped, a hand next to him also opened his mouth: "I also have a sum of 100 million pool dollars to buy fengteng stock!"

Shen Xiuqin went to look at the two computers, and the women who had made full preparations for listing looked at the data. Although this can make fengteng gain a lot of profits, if it is a hostile acquisition, then you need to be careful. After all, fengteng's first day of trading should not be such a large amount of capital acquisition.

In addition, Shen Xiuqin can smell a hint of conspiracy through two successive strokes.

At this time, another player also said: "general manager Shen, another 200 million have entered the fengteng stock market. I doubt that the other party is trying. If we don't respond a little now, the other party may throw in billions of yuan, so we will be passive!"

Yao Qianxue came over to have a look. In a flash, there were 400 million pool coins. For fengteng, it was only a drop in the bucket. She looked at it carefully and thought about what.

Shen Xiuqin frowned. She didn't want to go public and was swept away. She decisively issued an order: "contact the financial department to collect 5 billion pool dollars and throw it in. When the other party sees that our company has such a large sum of money, they must think about whether to continue to eat it, which will give them the illusion that they can't take back anything at that time."

Next to a man nodded, took out the phone to arrange for Shen Xiuqin to explain.

Yao Qianxue looked at all six computers and opened her red lips: "sister Qin, in one and a half hours since it was listed, 600 million Chi Yuan has already purchased 0.6% of fengteng's shares. If it is the same person or influential consortium, then fengteng is only inferior to shareholders other than me and you."

Shen Xiuqin nodded and looked at the data on the computer. She also knew what Yao Qianxue said.

Although Chu Feng gave 20% to the responsible persons of the company, almost no more than 0.5% and 0.6% of the total, which was indeed the third shareholder of the group.

Clapping Yao Qianxue on the shoulder, knowing that she was worried, Shen Xiuqin said with a smile: "it is necessary for the company to develop and go public. It is necessary to integrate the funds of shareholders to develop. If an alligator can take down 10% of the shares of fengteng, we can obtain a large amount of development funds, and there is nothing wrong with it."

Yao Qianxue nodded, but her eyes never left the computer screen. The issue price of fengteng stock is 7.51 yuan, and now it has risen to 7.8 yuan. If those who buy it again throw it out again, fengteng will lose ten million yuan.

At a similar time, 30 kilometers away from the exchange, in a villa near the coast, ten men were operating in an orderly manner in front of the computer, and behind them were also full of people. Each one was gorgeous clothes, and you could see that they were not ordinary people.

The first is the fourth young master of Huangfu family, Huangfu literary world!

Secondly, there are Du Yaming and Du Shaofu of the Du family. In addition, there are yuanxiao, the boss of Yuanshi group, and meihua group, which operates remotely. All the money is in Huangfu group's account.

Lei song walked past ten people to have a look. He came back and said, "four little, fengteng group lost 5 billion Chi Yuan a minute ago, and the stock price of 7.8 yuan rose to 8.2 yuan. I mean slowly throwing 100 million Chi Yuan and 100 million Chi Yuan into it, boiling frogs in warm water, trying to find out fengteng's financial resources first."

"Although we judge that fengteng can resist the erosion of 20 billion Chi Yuan at most, Chu Feng controls too many resources."

Huangfu literary circles patted Lei song on the shoulder and said meaningfully: "he has some information. It's just that this is not a fight in the river and lake. He may not be able to do it. In addition, the Yin Temple has gone to Chu Feng. Unless he does not move, he can live for two days. If he really wants to ask for money from the bank with the help of the Su family and the Ye family, he will die.

Of course, at this time, the kingdom does not necessarily give money to him. Believe me, victory belongs to us. Do as you like

"Try to squeeze out every cent of fengteng group and swallow it at one stroke!"

Lei song nodded respectfully and went to pay attention to the situation on the screen. The shares of fengteng group are indeed very attractive. Presumably, it is also because of the confidence brought by fengteng medicine. In two hours, we have purchased fengteng's stock by one billion Chi.Huang Fu Wenren didn't worry too much about the situation. Lei song had not done anything about it. Of course, there was his intention in the literary world of Huangfu, that is, he would not eat if he didn't eat. If he ate, he would completely take down Feng Teng.

Looking at some people behind him, Huangfu's literary circle said with a smile: "why do you look so nervous? 150 billion pool coins are enough to kill Feng Teng. Even if they mortgage projects and everything, they will have 50 billion Chi coins. This money still can't withstand our rampage. Just throw out 20 billion pool coins and let them turn around."

Yuanxiao is not as relaxed as Huangfu's literary world. Huangfu's family is rich for thousands of years. It does not rely entirely on Huangfu group as its economic source, but Yuanshi group is the whole of Yuanjia.

Yuanxiao was a little moved when he contacted him in Huangfu's literary circle, but he didn't make up his mind. Fengteng's stock market would certainly make a profit. Yuanxiao also wanted to spend billions to get some pocket money in his hand. Now there is no way to gather the funds of the whole group to start.

Chufeng is a wolf. Yuanxiao doesn't want to sacrifice his own things, so what he thinks is to cut off fengteng's meat and give it to chufeng.

Du Yaming looks at Lei song, who has been walking back and forth, with a dignified look in his eyes. Before he came to Huangfu literary circles, he told them that even if fengteng could withstand the erosion of funds in front of him, there would be Lei song in the back. The latter had an unknown identity, a hacker, once known as a ghost Watcher in the stock market!

Chu Feng, please don't let me down. It doesn't matter if Du's group is gone. After all, it was cultivated by Huangfu family, but Huangfu family must fall down!

Huangfu's literary world was not so relaxed that he was too lazy to continue to talk to them. This time, he gathered several groups of forces to work together. Unless Chu Feng could raise at least 500 billion Chi Yuan, he could only watch the group be eroded and dried up step by step.

500 billion RMB?

Huangfu's literary circles sneered at him, which was equivalent to three months' gross national product of the holy Dynasty. How long has it been since the rise of Chu Feng? Huang Fu's literary circle believed that there might be a way for Chu Feng to have a way, but 500 billion Chi Yuan was definitely the straw that killed Chu Feng.

Although Du Shaofu was not relaxed, he was more crazy. As long as fengteng group did not have it, chufeng would lose its biggest source of income. Although the news showed that fengteng had changed his ownership, Du Shaofu still wanted to step down everything that chufeng had cultivated.

He also wanted to wait until fengteng fell down, and he would go straight to the imperial city to wipe out the wind gate. When he thought of the women of Chu Feng, Du Shaofu's eyes were full of greed.

Eleven o'clock at noon!

At the via Hotel, Chu Feng never left Lang Meimei's suite, but he did not disturb her. She allowed her to operate in the room and give her absolute trust. Instead, she was there, which might give her a little pressure.

Looking at the time, up to now, it's not warm or hot. Chu Feng wants to order something to eat first. It's estimated that Huangfu's literary world is gradually nibbling away. The fire of war has been ignited, but now it's not the most important play. Otherwise, Chu Feng doesn't need to start. People above will shoot Huangfu's literary world, and the door will ring at this time.

Chu Feng stood up and went to open it. There was no accident. Mrs. yuan was standing outside. After taking a bath, the woman who sat quietly for a while sent out a faint fragrance, but the woman had a kind of indifference.

Looking up, with no smile on his face, he came in, closed the door of the suite, and walked towards a room.

Chu Feng looked at the woman's back. He could see that the woman who had taken a bath directly came to him in vacuum. It seemed that he had already made a decision. Chu Feng pursed his lips, followed him in, and closed the door conveniently. He needed to see what the woman was thinking. He only accepted life, but also had hatred!

In the room, Mrs. yuan, with her back to Chu Feng, stretched out her hand to pull the skirt. After slowly loosening one corner of the zipper, the skirt fell off directly from her greasy body. A body as young as a 20-year-old woman appeared in front of Chu Feng.

Chu Feng knew that Mrs. yuan's maintenance was not good in general, but when she saw it, her breath was still heavy.

Mrs. yuan turned around and watched Chu Feng step back. There was no emotion in her eyes. For the first time in her life, she was in front of a man other than her husband. Mrs. yuan had no shyness, only a feeling like a wooden man.

Sitting on the bed, Mrs. Yuan went up and lay down, and said faintly, "come on, I'm all yours today, but keep your promise!"

Chu Feng pondered more than desire to look at the moment of Mrs. yuan, can be sure that is not in the tease, but with a broken pot broken state of mind.

The body is very attractive, appearance these and ye Xinlan generally can not see the trace of time, this kind of woman can be called God's pet.

Chu Feng took back his nostalgic eyes and turned to open the door: "I admire Mrs. yuan for not sacrificing herself, but I'm not interested in it in broad daylight, and I'm not in a hurry. We still have a lot of time. Three days have just begun!"

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