"Is this the power of the Star God?"

Chu Tiannan opened his eyes, but did not come out of the cultivation state. He raised his right hand slightly and moved it slightly in front of him. He saw that the powerful divine power swept away the majestic chaotic airflow around him like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. However, the chaotic airflow here was so strong that the chaotic airflow that had just been swept away was once again surrounded.

"Even if I become the Eternal Star God, can I continue to improve the level of the universe?" Seeing this, Chu Tiannan felt unconcealable excitement and joy in his heart. He seemed to see a scene in which he would soon become a strong man, and his eyes closed again. , began to absorb a large amount of chaotic airflow that continued to come.

Eternal Star God, after entering this level, is a new level as a cultivator of the universe. This is the symbol of the strong person in the universe, and it is also a watershed. The Eternal Star God will no longer be restricted like the previous universe class. Level, there are only the Eternal Star God, the King Star God, and the strongest Emperor Star God. Each level is divided into lower, middle and upper levels. Only the Emperor Star God has the upper level Dzogchen. It is said that the upper level Dzogchen level The Emperor Star God can even challenge the Universe Venerable, and is simply called the Star God Invincible!

After becoming a Star God, his life core also changed, and he became the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is the power that supports the Star God-level cosmic powerhouses, and the Kingdom of God is also the birthplace of the power of the Star God.

Chu Tiannan is now a lower-level Eternal Star God. However, because the chaotic airflow around him is still being absorbed by him, his cosmic level is still advancing by leaps and bounds.

The lower Eternal Star God, the middle Eternal Star God. After a long time, they finally reached the upper Eternal Star God, and this trend is still growing.

"Breakthrough!" With Chu Tiannan's loud shout, the kingdom of the Eternal Star God was suddenly shattered. When it was reshaped again, it was discovered that it was many times bigger than before.

If the Eternal Star God-level Kingdom before Chu Tiannan had a hundred light years, the area of ​​the newly reshaped Kingdom now has an astonishing 10,000 light years!

The star power provided by the divine kingdom of ten thousand light years is naturally much greater than that of one hundred light years. It is obvious that Chu Tiannan has now reached the astonishing level of the star god with the help of the chaotic air flow.

"Just follow this trend and keep moving forward!" Chu Tiannan is a bit of a top-notch practitioner at the moment. He doesn't care about anything else. He just wants to keep improving, improving, and improving again!

Outside the starry sky gate, feeling the powerful star power constantly coming from inside, the Chaos Lord's smile gradually disappeared, replaced by a trace of disappointment that was hard to distinguish, and this disappointment was more like the mistakes he had made. , making him couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"It seems that no one can resist. Did the teacher once choose me, but I failed? Now, will my students also fail when it is their turn?"

Maybe others don't know it, but the Chaos Lord understands that the reason why he has become the pillar of the peak human race is not accidental, and why he can compete with the Universe Throne level at the Universe Lord level. He knows all of these. Knowingly.

Because the Chaos Lord understands that it is impossible for him to advance to the throne of the universe level and reach the level where the throne comes to the world, just because he chose the wrong path in the first place.

Now this kind of worry has appeared in this generation of Chaos Lords. He looked at the starry sky gate with a hint of worry and disappointment in his eyes.

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