In the Chaos Universe Monument, in the endless starry sky, the Chaos Lord's eyes fell on the starry sky gate with a hint of disappointment, and his voice was a little lonely, and he smiled bitterly.

"Is history going to happen again?"

In his opinion, Chu Tiannan was in great danger at the moment. As the heir to the mantle of Chaos, the other party had already reached the edge of danger, and this danger was likely to be catastrophic because of desire!

"Teacher, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. I've tried my best." As a broken soul and will form, the Chaos Lord felt guilty for his master, but more importantly, he still felt relieved and happy.

Because he knew that Chaos could never be cut off in his own hands. His youthful vigor had caused him to be doomed, and the Chaos Universe Kingdom was also divided and ceased to exist. Now that the Chaos Lord has found Chu Tiannan, he is even more happy. Because this mantle can continue to be passed down.

Inside the starry sky gate, Chu Tiannan was still frantically absorbing a large amount of chaotic airflow to fill his Kingdom of God. When the 10,000-light-year Kingdom of God began to shatter and crack again, the 10,000-light-year Kingdom of God continent began to expand suddenly. The speed was staggering, and he knew he could go one step further.

"Is this just one step to reach the sky? I can actually advance directly to the Emperor Star God."

Facing such a scene, Chu Tiannan was so excited that he couldn't describe it in words. He even thought that such a good thing that fell from the sky could actually hit him on the head.

The four words "Emperor Star God" are absolutely irresistible to any life in the universe, because the aura of the "Emperor Star God" is too dazzling. If the vast majority of people in the universe cannot move forward in exchange for a lifetime, come to If you reach the level of Emperor Star God, there will definitely be many people there.

"Price. Price?" Chu Tiannan, who had just advanced to the title of Emperor Star God, suddenly realized this problem. He frowned and began to slow down the absorption of chaotic airflow and began to calculate.

Because Chu Tiannan was too excited before, he ignored the most fundamental problem. For a while, he rubbed his chin with his right hand and thought thoughtfully.

"Why can I advance unimpeded all the way? Don't I have to pay any price?"

Of course, it was impossible for anyone to answer his question, but just because of this, Chu Tiannan became completely cautious.

"I am now a lower-ranking Emperor Star God. If I continue to absorb, I may reach a higher-ranking Emperor, and I may even reach a higher-ranking Dzogchen Emperor. But can I really go all out and advance to the level of Universe Venerable? Even if I enter Lord of the Universe, maybe I am the strongest now, but if I am unable to advance in cultivation in the future, won’t I stay at this level for the rest of my life?”

Thinking of this question, Chu Tiannan suddenly felt a chill on the back of his neck. This question was too real. Indeed, if he really grew up too much because of this opportunity, but could no longer move forward at the later stage, then what would happen? Isn't it equivalent to cutting off one's future?

"You can't bet, I can't afford to bet. Calm down, calm down." At this moment, Chu Tiannan realized the seriousness of the problem, with a hint of fear in his eyes. At this moment, he no longer began to absorb the chaotic air flow from the outside world. On the contrary, He began to crazily compress the divine power of the Kingdom of God in his body.

Moreover, this compression process is very slow and difficult, but the effect is outstanding.

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