

"Boss, be careful. That's the ghost spirit of the second-order Wujun level."

"The strength is very strong, and will attack the soul."

"In this area, it is the strongest existence."

"Let's get out of here. Those damned things can't be killed."

This way.

A ghost spirit of the second level of Wujun rushed up.

He roared and carried a spear in his hand.

The momentum is very fierce.

The fat man yelled in a hurry.

I'm going to cry.

There are too many of those things, otherwise, he would not be so embarrassed.

Let's go, brother.

"Don't make a fuss, fat man. Just be honest and watch."

"The ghost spirit of the second order martial Lord level?"

"Still a boss!"

"Just in time. Try Laozi's soul hunting arrow!"

Lu Zixuan's eyes were shining.

Is the second-order warrior very powerful?

I kill it every minute!



The ghost spirit of the second-order Wujun level rushed up.

In his eyes, there was a ghostly fire.

On his body, there was a broken armor.

At a glance, it's like a corpse climbing out of the grave.

At the same time.

The spear in his hand pierced the air and let it explode.


"Soul attack is quite strong!"

"Come on, soul hunting arrow!"

"Shoot it

Feel that your soul power points are decreasing.

Lu Zixuan scolded in a low voice.


A foot long, gray black soul hunting arrow, condensed out in front of him.




"Congratulations to Lu Zixuan, the host, for killing the ghost spirit of the second level warrior. The soul power point increases by 1 and the exchange value increases..."


"Congratulations to the host Lu Zixuan, who has gained the power of his soul. Is it fusion or not. Integration costs 10000000 in exchange value. "


"Congratulations to the host Lu Zixuan, who has won the Ghost War armor and the ghost spear."

Tip: Ghost War armour, Xuan level eight. It can weaken soul attack, contains Xuanyin stone, and can make weapon war class A.

Tip: Ghost spear, Xuan level eight. With soul attack, it contains Xuanyin stone, which can make weapon war class a

"Good thing!"

"If the ancient Titan's soul is forced to fight against the dark, isn't it

"Keep it, keep killing!"

"The power of the soul, fusion!"

The soul hunting arrow broke through the air in an instant.

Put the ghost through.

Then, the system prompts.

Looking at the things burst out, Lu Zixuan smiles.

I'm also very satisfied with the power of soul hunting arrow.

Without waiting for the ancient Titan ancestors to react, they fused the power of the soul.


"Congratulations to the host 'Lu Zixuan' for successfully integrating soul power. Soul power points are increased by 10."



"How can I feel that the power of your soul has suddenly increased a lot?"

"By the way, that ghost spirit, why does not have the power of soul to stay?"

"Something's wrong. It should be."

At this time.

The ancestors of the ancient Titans doubted.

Still waiting for the power of the soul.

Here, he said doubtfully.

"Shut up, old man."

"Let's absorb the power of the soul first!"

"Don't think about anything else until you've absorbed it."

Lu Zixuan scolded.

Kill faster.

"Lying trough!"

"Who is he, and how can he be so powerful?"

"He's just a martial commander. He's better than me, a third-order martial Lord."

"Even soul attack!"


"For a moment, I'll give the ghost spirit of the second order martial arts level to seconds."

"God, he will be my boss in the future. I must follow him!"

In the distance.

The fat man was shocked when he saw Lu Zixuan's killing, especially when he saw a move and gave the ghost a second.The fat on the body trembled a few times.

Then, the binocular light path.

In the heart decides to pay attention, must embrace Lu Zixuan's thigh, kills also does not loosen!

"It's over!"

"It's so cool. If it goes on like this, it won't be long before you can become the king of martial arts."

"By the way, where's the fat man?"

Those ghosts and beasts are killed by Lu Zixuan.

It's not enough to see. It's all gone soon.

Lu Zixuan looked at the system and saw that the distance from the first-order Wu Jun was one step further. He was in a great mood.


"You're so good. I'll follow you!"

"Please take me with you

At this time.

The figure of the fat man rushed up, a big one.

In that way, it's like an old bachelor who has been hungry and thirsty for decades, seeing a beautiful woman without clothes.


"Fat man, behave yourself. Brother is not glass."

"I want to hold my brother and let the beauty come."

"As for your admiration, I can fully understand it!"

Lu Zixuan Peng's big foot kicked the fat man out.


"You will be my boss in the future, and I will never leave when I die!"

"I'm sure I'll get a beauty for the boss."

"My admiration for my boss is like a torrent of water."

"The eldest one is brilliant and has extraordinary temperament."

"The boss is very handsome, and he is very heroic!"

"The eldest one is incomparable in bravery and strength."


"Please take me with you."

The fat man who was kicked out came running again.

A face of worship said.

Speaking of words, there is no pause.

A series of words of praise, said, not red face, heart does not jump.

Lu Zixuan was a little embarrassed.

"Well, I'll follow you."

"I'm not as good as you said. I'm not as good as you described."

"Ha ha, that's a little bit close."


"By the way, just now you said to take me to Jiuyou fissure, is that true?"

"If so, let's go quickly!"

Lu Zixuan laughed wildly.

Also not a bit modest said.

This fat man is very good. I really need such talents.

There are so few people who can understand my brother. Now, I finally found one.


We should cultivate them well in the future.

After going out fishing sister paper, no one knows where brother's cattle force!

"Boss, I know that place."

"There are many good things in that place, but there are also many ghosts and beasts."

"Boss, where are we really going?"

Said the fat man.

I'm afraid of Jiuyou.

"Go! I have to go

"It's just too much. I'm afraid of wool!"

"Let's go, I'll take you to kill!"

Lu Zixuan's eyes brightened.

How many ghosts and beasts are there?

Just right!

In that case, the upgrade is faster! If

doesn't go, what about brother's Joyoung magic mission?

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