"Ge Yi, you are also a disciple of xuanjianzong."

"Now I'm following a junkyard!"

"It's really a shame to lose our xuanjianzong's face

"If it is true, this is the gathering of birds of a feather."

"Waste, always with waste."

At this time.

Suddenly five practitioners came in the distance.

The leader laughed.

Looking at Lu Zixuan and Ge Yi, his eyes are full of disdain and disdain.

"Guo Feng, who are you?"

"I'll call the boss who I like."

"Don't accept, you specially come to bite me!"

"Laozi is a waste? Then why do you come to me? "

Fat man, Ge Yi, looks at Guo Feng and others and says angrily.

His murderous spirit is rising.

"Ge Yi, how dare you talk to me like this?"

"Believe it or not, I killed you?"

"If I kill you here, even the clan people will not know!"

"Now, go to Jiuyou fissure with us, or I will kill you immediately!"

Guo Feng said grimly.

He looks like he is determined to eat Ge Yi, and his tone is full of disdain.

The other practitioners beside him also looked coldly.

"Kill me?"

"It's special!"

"Don't you think so long ago?"

"What did you say before you came here?"

"If I take you into the Jiuyou crevice and help you find treasure, I will get 20% of it."

"But you tell them to kill me when you get the treasure?"

"Mad! If you want to kill me, it's so nice. I'll go to hell with you! "

"If you don't have Laozi, just rely on your broken map to get treasure, don't even think about it!"

"Jiuyou crack, you can't get in!"

Ge Yi roared.

Glaring at a few people, blue veins on the neck, are beating.

Extremely angry, he said with a laugh, with a wild face.

Kill me?

Come on!

Kill me. You can't get what's inside!

"Brother Ge, you misunderstood."

"How can we kill you?"

"That's a joke. Let's not delay. Let's start soon."

"It's so dangerous here. It's hard to get out of here just by your words."

"Besides, we have maps on us."

"I'll get a lot of things then. Younger martial brother Ge can also enter the inner gate and become a disciple of the inner gate. "

At this time.

Together with a female practitioner came out.

With a smile on his face, he said to ge Yi.

"Oh, it's elder martial sister Wang Yun."

"Tut Tut, I like elder martial sister Wang Yun's voice best. Why don't you ask elder brother Liang Sheng to let me listen to it?"

"Maybe I'll agree as soon as I'm happy."

Ge Yi said with a smile.

Eyes, unbridled in Wang Yun's chest swimming.


Wang Yun's face, instantly gloomy down.

It almost blew up.

Call you brother?

You think so!

"Ge Yi, do you want to die?"

"Don't make me do it!"

"What if you can get in without us? Are you the opponent of ghosts and beasts? "

"How can you get into the inner door if you can't get what's inside?"

Guo Feng's eyes were cold, he said in a low voice.

I wish I could kill Ge Yi with a sword.

"Kill me?"

"Damn it, I'm standing here!"

"Inner disciple? I'm not rare! "

"Come on, kill me!"

Ge Yi laughs wildly.

He also pointed to Guo Feng.

A face of arrogance and provocation.


"These guys are so good that we are not rivals."

"But they dare not kill me."

"Without me, they can't get into the Jiuyou crevice, and they can't find those treasures."

"I'll deal with them first, and then we'll find a chance to get out of here."

This way.

Ge Yi whispers to Lu Zixuan.

He is afraid of the strength of Guo Feng and others.


"Promise them first.""I'm also very interested in their maps."

"It's good for them to take us to the place where the treasure is."

"They are really strong, but don't worry, I can kill them."

"Remember, let them help me kill more ghosts and beasts."

Lu Zixuan grinned.

Guo Feng's strength is all above the fifth level military monarch.

If we start, we won't win much.

However, Lu Zixuan is a man who has the magic pill and Xuanshi!

They're, like, wool?

What's more.

Those people have maps on them. If you go into the Jiuyou crevice with them.

Lu Zixuan also saved a lot of trouble.

At the same time.

With their help, Lu Zixuan will upgrade faster.

"Crouch, boss, is that true?"

"How many of them can you kill?"

"OK, let's promise them. Ha ha, when the time comes, we'll see whether they are crying or laughing."

"Treasure, it's all ours!"

Ge Yi has a happy face.

"Will you do it?"

"If you don't do it, call brother again, and I'll agree."

Then he said to Guo Feng.

There is Lu Zixuan in the heart of fear, immediately disappear free.

More arrogant.


"Can we go in?"

Guo Feng is angry and wants to fight.


But was stopped by Wang Yun, forced on the face to pile up a smile, opening a way.

"Hey, hey."

"That's what it looks like!"

"Let's go in as soon as we know, sister Wang Yun."

Ge Yi smiles.

He said like an old man.

"Damn fat man!"

"When I get the treasure inside, I'll be the first to kill you!"

Guo Feng was biting his teeth with hatred.

He said to himself.


"Don't delay."

"Younger martial brother Ge, go into the crack of Jiuyou."

After hearing Ge Yi's words, Wang Yun's face looked slightly better.

Said hastily.

"Let's go!"

"Enter the crack of Jiuyou!"

"You follow me. I'll take you there."

"Half a broken map, look at the wool, and use it as a fart!"

Ge Yi's eyes sparkled.

He is just a third-order warrior. Why did he venture to come here?

Just to get some treasures.

If Lu Zixuan killed Guo Feng, he would get more treasures!

Let him instantly feel the blood boiling.

I wish I could take them to the place where the treasure is.

"Boss, there are many ghosts here!"

"Let's go and kill it quickly!"

Ghosts and gods are sensing around.

This way.

"Fat man, this way."

"Let them kill those ghosts and beasts half dead."

"Let's do the rest."

Lu Zixuan nodded and said to ge Yi.

How can we not use free thugs?


"Guo Feng, come here."

"Don't look at your broken map. It's useless."

Ge Yi yells.

Regardless of Guo Feng's shadowy face, he strode directly towards the position sensed by ghosts and gods.

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