"Of course, Lao Tzu's master is the dean. How can he not admit it?"

"Come on, take out all your things."

Lu Zixuan's excited voice.

There will be a wave before we leave. There's absolutely no problem!


"It's arrogant, boy. You'll know how to cry later!"

One by one, practitioners constantly take out the bag of heaven and earth from their bodies.

Let the bags of heaven and earth here pile up like a mountain.

How arrogant!

This boy has to teach a lesson, or how can they get along in the future?

"Does anyone else go on?"

"Come on, I have a lot of things on me. The more people you participate in, the more things I bring out."

"I said, are you all counsellors? Don't you dare to gamble with me for a minute? "

"Ha ha, are you afraid? This is the temper of your monster family? I'm still arguing to kill Laozi. I say you are a group of counsellors! "

Lu Zixuan continued his arrogant voice, deliberately stimulating those practitioners.

He took out the bags of heaven and earth he got from Fengqi.


This way.

The bags of heaven and earth were all opened, and all the treasures in them were suspended in the air. Each treasure was full of different strength.

The scene is terrible!

All of them are treasures, and none of them is below the level of heaven!

You know.

The secret realm of demon god space opened, but attracted all the disciples of the whole demon God Academy.

If you pit all those practitioners, you will get countless good things.


"How can there be so many good things in him?"

"There are thousands of Saint level treasures, and there are countless heaven level treasures."

"Bet, bet with him!"

"He's too confident. The power of swallowing in that bloody whirlpool is not what he can imagine, let alone what he can deal with."

In a flash.

Those practitioners' eyes were straight, looking at the thousands of good things around Lu Zixuan, they were swallowing their saliva.

So much!

Too much.

Even if they get one at random, their combat effectiveness can be greatly improved.

Among them.

There are many things that can improve their strength.

"I'll come, too!"

"This is my bag of heaven and earth!"

"I'll do it!"

"I'll do it!"

"And me!"

With a bang, the practitioners burst open and took out their bags to join the bet.

One minute is too short in their eyes.

Besides, it took Fengqi and other elders more than 20 minutes to enter.

A little Lu Zixuan, how can he succeed in one minute?

Even if there is a card, it will be infinitely weakened, there is absolutely no possibility!

"Come on!"

"Come on, all for a minute!"

"I want you to know how I got in and let you scum worship me."

Lu Zixuan did not hide his arrogance and arrogance.

On the contrary.

The more cynical the practitioners are, the more certain they are.

This makes Lu Zixuan cool.

Constant pressure, constant thump.

"Time's up!"

"Boy, hurry up. When you take our things, you will return them obediently."

"I don't know, you will be hanged directly by the blood whirlpool!"


The blood color whirlpool is about to close, and some practitioners sneer.

In their eyes, Lu Zixuan has only two endings.

One is to retreat from failure!

The second is to be strangled and torn by the blood whirlpool!

Whether it is the former or the latter, they are very happy to see it.

"Boy, hurry up, there's only one last minute left."

"Don't blame us for not reminding you, save you to find an excuse not to admit the gambling appointment later!"

"Ha ha, don't counselle!"

A cultivator urged Lu Zixuan to go late.

"Yes, you can go quickly."

"Ha ha, are you afraid?"

"If you are afraid, take out your things and kneel down for us. We can let you not go."

Some practitioners laugh wildly and make fun of Lu Zixuan wantonly.They have been suppressed by Lu Zixuan for a long time, and they have long been angry.


Since Lu Zixuan became a disciple of the Dean, they did not dare to provoke at will.


Lu Zixuan took the initiative to send them to the door. Of course, they should seize the opportunity.

"Then I'll leave!"

"Thank you for your kindness. Ha ha, I like your gift very much."

"I hope I can gamble again next time, and remember to prepare more good things, otherwise I won't be happy!"

Lu Zixuan put up all the practitioners' bags of heaven and earth, and piled up a large area in the space of Jiulong God tripod.

This way.

He laughed wildly and strode toward the blood whirlpool.

"Let the boy die in it!"

"Arrogant dog, does he really think that he can enter the secret place of demon god space in one minute?"

"Cut, if he can go in, it's strange!"

Looking at Lu Zixuan's arrogant and boundless figure, a cultivator said sarcastically.

There is no possibility of Lu Zixuan's success at all.

"Look, that boy is going to enter the area of blood color whirlpool!"

"Guess what, that kid will pee later?"

"I'm sure he'll be scared to get out at once."

Some people even said that their eyes were full of ferocity.


"No matter how powerful he is, he's just a martial arts sage. It's impossible for him to escape."

"One said no, he died in it."

Some people agree.

They all sneered one by one, watching Lu Zixuan approaching the blood color whirlpool.

"Don't send them, gentlemen."

"I'll go first!"

But this way.

Before Lu Zixuan came to the bloody whirlpool, he turned to the practitioners and said with a smile.

Then he strode in.

One step!

Two steps!

Three steps!


I saw him step by step into it, closer and closer to the end of the bloody vortex, the bloody vortex did not respond at all.

Like Lu Zixuan is a piece of air, those terrible swallowing power, also have no effect on him.

"This What's going on? "

"How come there's no swallowing power?"

"Why is he so relaxed? How could it be so fast? "

Those practitioners with a sneer on their face are all confused.

The sneer on the face, also all become stiff, all stare big eyes, have a kind of unrealistic feeling.


What the hell's going on?

Why did the boy stride in like this? There's nothing!

According to his speed, don't say one minute, even half a minute is not enough!

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