"Absolutely impossible!"

"Is the power of terror in the blood whirlpool gone?"

"Up, this is our chance. It must be that the power of swallowing has disappeared, otherwise the boy can't be so relaxed."

I'm so confused!

Those practitioners were all confused. Seeing Lu Zixuan still striding towards the end of the blood color whirlpool, their eyes suddenly brightened.

The power of swallowing is gone?

The trough!

This is an opportunity. These people can also enter into the secret realm of demon god space!

"Get in!"

"The secret place of demon god space is the place of chance. There are countless good things in it. If we can enter it, we can definitely get a lot of harvest!"


Those practitioners can no longer care about Lu Zixuan.

One by one, they roared and rushed towards the bloody whirlpool.


Some practitioners have also turned into noumenon, making the speed the fastest.




Just as they rushed up, a burst of sound appeared.

I saw that all the practitioners who rushed up turned into blood mist and scattered here. They were violently torn apart by the phagocytic power in the blood whirlpool.


"Congratulations to the host 'Lu Zixuan' for getting the blood of lightning carving."


"Congratulations to the host 'Lu Zixuan' for getting the blood of the water and electricity snake."



A series of system prompt sound, explodes in Lu Zixuan's mind.

He was a little confused.

"Lying trough, can it still be like this?"

"I just want to make a mistake, but I don't want to kill them all."

"But That's great! "

A variety of blood, was burst out.

Although the grades of those blood lines were not too high, there were a lot of them, which made Lu Zixuan feel great.

What a surprise!

He didn't even think about killing these people. After all, time and conditions don't allow it.

But now, those people are sent to the door automatically, and they are also determined by the system to be killed by themselves, which makes Lu Zixuan have no idea. Suddenly, he has a feeling of five million.

"No way!"

"What's the matter? Why didn't that boy do anything, but our people would encounter that terrible power of swallowing?"

"Damn it, that boy must have done it on purpose!"

In an instant, thousands of people were engulfed by the bloody whirlpool.

Let the ecstasy of the rest of the practitioners be completely destroyed.

One by one, the cold sweat splashed down and shot back quickly.

They looked at Lu Zixuan safe and sound, hate straight teeth.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I won the bet."

"I like your gifts very much. Let's come again next time."

"Also, I am very happy to see you off. I know that you are reluctant to leave. I know that you are sad and reluctant to leave. I will miss you too."

"I love you

The end of the blood whirlpool.

Lu Zixuan's face was full of ecstasy. He turned to those practitioners and said.

Then, step out and disappear from here.


The moment he disappeared, the blood whirlpool closed and roared again.

A raging force of swallowing, here wantonly full.



In the secret place of demon god space, it is vast and boundless.


But it reveals the meaning of strange.

Here, Lu Zixuan's figure appeared out of thin air, and he heard a roar.

A pangolin like monster suddenly rushed out, and its powerful body burst out with terrifying explosive force.

Double claws in front of Lu Zixuan, mercilessly tear down.


Come on!

Too soon, the power of fury came in an instant.

Let Lu Zixuan have no time to react, can only passively withstand this blow.

"Lying trough!"

"What kind of monster is this? How could it be so fast? "

Lu Zixuan was blasted out, hard hit the ground out of a deep pit, he felt the face is very dull, gritted his teeth hate said.


I can't even kill an angel at the sixth level!

Do it!

Get him!"The secret place of this space is unusual. The spirits of the monsters living here may not be able to compare with those of the outside world."

"But their essence makes them more powerful both inside and outside."

"Especially in terms of speed, strength and defense, the performance is very obvious."

When the ancestor of the ancient Titan woke up, he said to Lu Zixuan.

I'm looking forward to this place, so I don't hesitate to suspend the integration.

"Pure blood?"

"This is better! Eighteen dragon subduing palms, kill me

Lu Zixuan's mouth turned.

Pure blood?

What does that mean?

It means to kill the monsters here. The chance of blood burst out of the system will increase!

In this way, the blood fusion crystal can fuse many blood, so that he can collect 10000 kinds of blood as soon as possible and forge the strongest blood!




Lu Zixuan stepped on the ground with his feet as the center, which was broken by the way.

And his body shape, like a sharp arrow, towards the monster to kill the past.

With a double head burst, eighteen flame dragons evolved from it and hit the monster heavily.


"Mad, how dare you fly me?"

"I'll give you a taste of being blown away!"

The eighteen fire dragons were extremely fierce, as if they were real, and blew the monster to heaven.

This way.

Lu Zixuan's figure disappeared from the original place and appeared above the head of the beast.

Condescending to the monster, another blow.


The fist roared, and the monster's head exploded.

The system prompt sound also appears at this time.


"Congratulations to the host 'Lu Zixuan' for killing the mountain piercing beast and gaining the exchange value of 200000 million and the true Qi point of 1000000000."


"Congratulations to the host 'Lu Zixuan' for killing the mountain piercing beast and obtaining the blood of the mountain piercing monster, which can be fused, and can be fused with blood and crystal stone."




"It's still heaven level blood. Let me fuse it!"

Lu Zixuan excited.

When I came here, the first monster I killed burst out blood. It was still heaven level blood!

This makes him look forward to this secret place of demon god space.

"Go on!"

"Ghosts, gods and dragons, you all come out and kill all the monsters here!"

The blood of Chuanshan beast is fused with the blood, and the crystal is fused together.

This way.

He summoned all the ghosts, gods and others, and began to look for a monster here, crazy to kill.


We must blow up all the monsters here!

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