Master Li drove back, leaving Shanzhu. It's less than six o'clock now. It's just dawn. There are more talents in the flower market at eight o'clock.

Shanzhu got off at the bus station, thought for a moment, and decided to go down to find a snack place, and fill his stomach first.

As Shanzhu walked, he found a group of people in front of him. It turned out that there was a man on his knees begging in front of him. He came to the city with his father for medical treatment. As a result, he met a thief and stole all the 8000 yuan he had with him. His father is still in the city hospital and can't operate.

This kind of thing, a lot of people around, of course, this kind of thing also has 70% or 80% possibility, this is a swindler behavior, cheat some kind people.

Shanzhu shook his head, this kind of thing, the city almost every day someone to do, now, the true and false has been unable to really distinguish clearly.

"Little brother, this is three hundred yuan. Take it as my love." At this time, a middle-aged woman who just got off the train on a business trip in the city kindly gave the young man 300 yuan.

"Thank you..."

"Thank you..."

The young man kowtowed quickly.

Esophageal cancer?

Shanzhu can't help but secretly say that if his father really got esophageal cancer, it's impossible to treat him with more than 8000 yuan. However, he also dressed like a countryman and called uncle, aunt and aunt.

"I'll give him 200 yuan too. It's a little bit of my heart. If I'm cheated, it means his father doesn't have esophageal cancer. It's not easy to look at him."

At this time, Shanzhu thought about it. Anyway, 200 is a small thing for Shanzhu. Today, there are thousands of cash in the bag, as well as a bank card with a hundred thousand on it. This is Shanzhu's third bank card. Shanzhu took out a hundred thousand in this bank card.

This bank card is handled by Shan Zhu on Taobao's purchase of medicinal seeds and so on, and it also runs a Alipay account.

The account of Alipay is connected to this bank card account. Of course, the first bank card of the mountain column is about eight million, and it has not been carried in the safe of the quarry.

I'm afraid Shanzhu will lose so much money.

A few days ago, Shanzhu had two bank cards, one with more than 300000 yuan and the other with more than 100000 yuan. Among them, the one with more than 300000 yuan was used as the welfare expense of the villagers.

Shanzhu often carries this one with him.

"Brother, it's two hundred. It's not much, but it's a little bit of my heart." Shanzhu opened his wallet. There were more than 20 pieces of one hundred and fifty or sixty yuan of pocket money in it.

Kneeling on the ground, a young man in his thirties never thought that Shanzhu, a young man dressed like a peasant in the countryside, could bring out 200 yuan.

"Thank you, little brother. A good man is rewarded."

The elder brother kowtowed to Shanzhu again. Now, there are six or seven hundred yuan in his begging bowl. It is estimated that he can beg thousands of yuan this morning.

Now, it's the train station, the bus station, the morning rush hour.

of course.

At this time, more than six o'clock, the station police station did not go to work.

Shanzhu put his wallet in his pocket again, hoping that this elder brother in his thirties would not be a liar.

This kind of thing, Shanzhu still hope, hope to help one more is a, certainly, at the beginning, without the help of the society, sister Xiaojing also can't finish high school, smoothly admitted to the University.

If Xiaojing had never been admitted to university, she would have married two years ago. If she stayed in Chenjiagou Town, she would have married and had children.

Maybe Shanzhu has already become an uncle.

In the past two months, Shanzhu has paid more than 3000 yuan for Xiaojing's living expenses every month. Xiaojing doesn't know that her brother Shanzhu has developed.

of course.

Xiaojing just knows that her brother Shanzhu saved Tang Xiaoyou. Tang Xiaoyou helped Shanzhu set up a leaf farm. She knows little about other things.

Xiaojing knows that brother Shanzhu has become a multimillionaire now.


This is true at all.

On Shanzhu's bank card, there are more than 8 million at present. This does not include the income of Longteng villa and meihuayuan in the future.

of course.

Shanzhu also has business such as cattle farm at the foot of the mountain, and official doctor work in the county hospital. For doctor work in the county hospital, Shanzhu can receive more than 20000 salaries and 100000 shares in more than a month.

King Kong No. 9 and aloe whitening liquid, this is the cooperation between Shanzhu and county hospital, county hospital accounts for the largest, Shanzhu accounts for the small, is 73%.


At this time.

A man and Shanzhu suddenly bumped into each other and said sorry. Shanzhu glanced at him. The figure was in a hurry.


Shanzhu's first reaction was that he met the thief. Shanzhu's eyes were so bright and he felt how long they were. Just now, he felt the man touch Shanzhu's pocket.

In that pocket, there are Shanzhu's bank card and mobile phone.

"Liuzi, run."

"Sanzi, run."

At this time, the man who hit Shanzhu couldn't help throwing out the things in his hand. It was Shanzhu's wallet and mobile phone.

In front of and behind the man, there are two men in their twenties. It turns out that they are gang criminals.

Just now.

Shanzhu gave the middle-aged beggar more than 200 yuan, and dozens of hundred yuan bills in his bag had attracted the attention of these people.

So, these people secretly follow Shanzhu, while Shanzhu doesn't pay attention, they bump into Shanzhu, and take the opportunity to steal Shanzhu's wallet and mobile phone.

A man in black took Shanzhu's wallet and ran away.

Another yellow haired man in Green took Shanzhu's mobile phone, and SA Yazi ran in the opposite direction. He ran as fast as if he had lost his parents and rushed back to mourning.

"Come on, come on, you can come after me."

At this time, the man who just hit Shanzhu pulled out a knife and stopped Shanzhu in front of him, shaking the knife to stop Shanzhu from chasing people.

"To die."

Mountain pillar urgent, this man in broad daylight, swagger robbery even if, now, actually took out a knife to show off.

How can Shanzhu accommodate him? If you don't teach him a lesson, Shanzhu won't be surnamed Ye.




At this time, Shanzhu dodged and came to the man with a flash of thunder. He hit him on the bridge of the nose with one punch.

This punch, the wind, directly the man's nose completely collapsed, the pain of the man cried out.

This man, regardless of Teng, turned his hand and stabbed at Shanzhu. He was also cruel. Shanzhu collapsed his nose, and he was about to kill Shanzhu.

"Here comes the knife."

With Jin Lingli's right hand, Shanzhu snatched the man's knife. It can be said that the knife was in Shanzhu's hand under the strong attraction of gold.


Shanzhu threw the knife on the ground, and it was far away from him. A crane shadow claw captured the man who hit him.


At this time, his two accomplices, long gone, they took Shanzhu's wallet and mobile phone, long gone.

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