The two thieves have been missing for a long time. They are very familiar with the environment in this area, and they have this man blocking the mountain pillar, so they have been missing for a long time.

It took Shanzhu less than a minute to capture the thief who hit himself and threatened Shanzhu with a knife.




The thief's nose has collapsed. The power of Shanzhu's fist is as powerful as that of the martial arts master's.

This boy, how can he bear it.

"Boy, let me go, otherwise, my brothers can't get around you. Let me go, please, I can return your mobile phone to you, otherwise..."


"Teng... Laozi's nose, Laozi's hand, you wait, Laozi will definitely abolish you."

At this time, the thief who hit Shanzhu had a bloody nose, and his arm was dislocated by Shanzhu. He could not help scolding.

This time, it attracted a lot of onlookers from the public. After asking, it turned out that Shanzhu had met a thief in the city.

"It's you again. You committed crimes in this street last time. You've run several times. You've done a good job, little brother. They are habitual thieves and organizations. You should be careful."

"Yes, they are rampant in this area, especially for foreigners who just got off the train. What did you lose, young man?"

"Young man, we've already called the police. You've done a great job."

Some onlookers, who are also residents of this street, soon discovered that the thief Shanzhu caught is a habitual thief in this area, scar five.

Shanzhu looked closely. Sure enough, there was a long scar on the thief's right face.

Shanzhu stepped on scar five. Scar five couldn't get up at all. He kept wailing and scolding Shanzhu, letting him wait and see.

Shanzhu felt his pocket. The mobile phone and bank card in his pocket had been stolen by the thief. Moreover, they had been thrown to his two accomplices.

Now there was only fifty-two yuan and sixty cents left in Shanzhu's pocket.

"Have you lost all your money, young man?" At this time, an old lady asked Shanzhu. Just now, he was walking on the station square.

Just now, Shanzhu gave the beggar more than 200 yuan, and she had already seen it. Now, Shanzhu felt his pocket with a helpless expression, which could be sure that his wallet had been stolen.

Shanzhu nodded, some helpless.

"Young man, you are a countryman. What are you doing here? These thieves are really hateful. What can I do for you countrymen or outsiders? Here are two hundred yuan. Take the flowers first At this time, the dog walking aunt took out 200 yuan for Shanzhu.

"Thank you, ma'am. When I have money, I will give it back a hundred times."

"Aunt, can I use your mobile phone?"

At this time, Shanzhu has some helplessness. There are so many people around, at least 40 or 50 people. This is the only one who is a little fatter and walks her dog. She is a kind-hearted person and gives Shanzhu 200 yuan.

"Of course, but we have already called the police. In two minutes, the police will come." She can't help but say.

"Instead of calling the police, I told my girlfriend that I was worried that the thieves would take my mobile phone and cheat them on their money."

Shanzhu couldn't help saying.

The dog walking aunt nodded. It's true. Some thieves steal other people's mobile phones and often do such very immoral things.

Shanzhu's bank card has a password. The thief can't get the money even if he doesn't know the password. Shanzhu's mobile phone also has a lock, which can't be opened for a while.

of course.

If you lose the more than 2000 yuan in the bag, you can lose it. Shanzhu doesn't care at all. Shanzhu is afraid that these thieves will break the lock of their mobile phones and use their mobile phones to get in touch with Xiaoyou, uncle Ba, brother sun and so on to defraud money.

Shanzhu must think of this, so, now, call uncle Ba, Xiaoyou and so on. If you get Shanzhu's call, you can't promise to remit money.

She loaned Shanzhu her elderly machine.

Shanzhu first dials Tang Xiaoyou's phone. Yesterday, Shanzhu and Tang Xiaoyou chat on wechat. Tang Xiaoyou also comes over with a dozen tempting self portraits. Shanzhu hasn't deleted these photos. Shanzhu is afraid that after these thieves break the mobile phone lock, they take their contacts to Tang Xiaoyou, and uncle Ba and others contact to defraud him.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is off."

"Sorry, the number you dialed is off."

"Sorry, the number you dialed is off."

Shanzhu has called three times, but Tang Xiaoyou's mobile phone can't get through. Shanzhu remembers that Tang Xiaoyou and Shanzhu talked to each other until almost four o'clock last night, and now it's just over seven o'clock. If Tang Xiaoyou doesn't go to work at this time, he may be sleeping.

In desperation.

Shanzhu had to call uncle Bashu again. Uncle Bashu did not get through after two calls. Today, uncle Bashu was very busy in Longteng villa, and he was busy to meet the inspection of tianxiangge group in the county and the province.

"Aunt Ma, I'm Shanzhu. I'm in the city now. I've lost my mobile phone. Go and tell Uncle Ba, brother sun, factory director Zhang and so on. If you get my call these days, don't remit money. Yes, yes, that's it. I'm not short of money. Don't worry. I haven't lost my wallet and bank card. Yes, yes, please tell Uncle ba

"No need, no need to come. That's it. The police are here. I caught a thief and let everyone work at ease. Don't worry about me. I just lost my mobile phone."

At this time.

Shanzhu only got through aunt Ma's phone. Aunt Ma knew that Shanzhu had met a thief in the city. She was very worried. Fortunately, Shanzhu just lost her mobile phone.


Aunt Ma knew that Shanzhu was afraid of aunt Ma, uncle Ba and so on. He only told aunt Ma that he had lost his mobile phone, but he didn't.

Here, the police car has come. After two policemen on duty simply asked about the situation, they handcuffed the thief and grabbed the car.

This scar five is also famous in the city. One of the two policemen on duty has seen a picture of scar five.

"Young man, please go to the station police station with us and make a record. You can register your ID card number, bank card number, mobile phone and so on."

A policeman on duty said.

Shanzhu nodded. These notes still need to be made. Shanzhu thanks the aunt who walks the dog and gives back her mobile phone. Of course, Shanzhu has asked aunt Ma to write down the mobile phone number.

In the future, when Shanzhu goes back, he should thank others. They also gave him 200 yuan. Now, Shanzhu is 252 yuan and 60 yuan.

This time, Shanzhu prepared more than 100000 yuan to buy and sell some trees and saplings at the flower market in the city. Who would have thought that this situation happened just after he got out of the station.

I lost my cell phone.

I lost my wallet, too.

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