super lord

Chapter 074

Chapter 74 Mobilization of manpower and materials.

Since the group of Black Iron Leader warriors either stayed in the Black Iron Castle or stayed in the Black Iron Town near the Black Iron Castle, Arthur quickly gathered all the Black Iron Leader warriors who were going to the northern region of the Carlos Kingdom to support this time.

However, although Arthur had gathered all the people who went to the northern region of the Carlos Kingdom to support this time, he did not set out immediately.

Because although the manpower that needs to go to the northern region of the Carlos Kingdom to support has been assembled, materials such as food and grass are still being mobilized.

Although Arthur and others were ordered by the royal family of Carlos to go to the northern region of the Carlos Kingdom to provide support, materials such as food and grass need Arthur and other lords to prepare themselves, and the Carlos Kingdom will not pay for it.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the lords [counts, marquises] of each small lord [baron, viscount] will prepare food and grass and other materials for the small lords under his command.

In fact, this time to the northern region of the Carlos Kingdom to support, the same is true. Arthur’s father, Earl of Flame, Yuon Chris, had already prepared supplies for Arthur and his vassals to support the northern region of the kingdom of Carlos.

And Arthur prepared food and other supplies just to share the pressure of his father, Yuon Chris. After all, providing an entire Earl of Flame to lead the war personnel for material consumption that does not know how long it will last, even for Arthur’s father, Earl of Flame, Yuon Chris, is a big burden.

It is precisely because there are too many materials such as food and grass that need to be consumed in each war, so the Kingdom of Carlos will break out with neighboring hostile countries every few years.

Therefore, in fact, even if the Arukaki Kingdom north of the Karos Kingdom does not invade the Karos Kingdom this time, next year the Karos Kingdom may break out a war with the Arukaki Kingdom.

Therefore, in order to reduce his father’s burden, Arthur would prepare his own food and other materials.

Even, Arthur not only prepared for his own manpower this time, but also prepared a lot of food and grass and other materials for his father, Earl of Flame, Yuon Chris.

After all, for Arthur, who has now cultivated more than 300,000 acres of cultivated land in the Black Iron Domain, and planted high-yield crops exchanged from the super lord system, he really has no shortage of such a thing.

Even if it is meat [this is separate from food, after all, in the other world, meat is already a strong high-end item, not everyone can eat], Arthur can provide a lot.

After all, the sea area near Wanghai Village and the recent rise of the breeding industry in the Black Iron Collar can provide Arthur with a lot of meat. Therefore, for Arthur, who now has a lot of grain and meat in the Black Iron Domain, even if he is burdened with the consumption of the Flame Earl and the other lords in battle this time, he can afford it.

Because, this time to the northern region of the Carlos Kingdom to support, the total number of combatants led by the Flame Count was at most nearly 20,000 people.

Moreover, many of the 20,000 people were just farmers who transported grain and grass and other materials. With Arthur’s current grain and grass reserves and meat reserves, it is enough to support the consumption of 20,000 people per year.

So, taking some of the pressure off your father really wasn’t much for Arthur.

Therefore, this time, Arthur directly asked Ferg, the executive, to prepare 10,000 tons of grain and 5,000 tons of meat for himself. Among them, the meat is mainly sun-dried fish.

After all, the fish resources near Wanghai Village were so abundant that the entire Black Iron Lord’s lords couldn’t consume them.

Of course, Wanghai Village’s grain reserves and meat reserves must be more than the above, but if the number of mobilizations is more, then Arthur’s small world can not carry so much.

In fact, this time he was able to mobilize so much food and meat because Arthur recently used power values to expand the small world.

It was precisely because this time Arthur needed to mobilize 10,000 tons of grain and 5,000 tons of meat, so Arthur and the others had to wait for a while.

Otherwise, after Arthur summoned the manpower to support the northern region of the Carlos Kingdom this time, he would be able to immediately set off for Flame City…

Since the grain and meat he carried this time added up to 15,000 tons, Ferg mobilized a large number of manpower and spent most of the day to prepare 15,000 tons of grain and meat.

After collecting all the 15,000 tons of grain and meat that Ferg had prepared into the small world, Arthur set off with Karur, Laputa, and five hundred and ten Black Iron Collar warriors.

Because the grain and meat were collected into the small world by Arthur, this time, Arthur’s group was light, so the speed of action was relatively fast.

However, even so, it took Arthur and the others nearly three days to rush from the Black Iron Territory to the Flame Earl Domain.

After all, who told that of the five hundred and ten black iron-collared warriors that Arthur brought this time, except for the ten silver knights who had mounts, the rest were all without mounts?

However, from the time Eion Chris sent the message to the arrival in Flame City, it only took more than three days [it took more than half a day to gather manpower and mobilize materials], and Arthur’s speed was considered fast.

At the very least, there are still a few lords who are closer to Arthur’s Black Iron Collar [the Black Iron Collar is in the easternmost part of Flame City and the farthest from Flame City] who have not yet arrived.

And outside the Flame City at this 4.7 time, perhaps because they want to go to the northern region of the Carlos Kingdom to support, there are already many people of the lords of the Flame Count Domain.

Looking at the men and horses of the lords stationed outside the Flame City, Arthur opened his mouth and said to Karul and Laputa: “Karur, Laputa, the two of you are stationed outside the Flame City with a group of black iron leader warriors, and this lord will go to the Flame City Star. ”

“Yes, my lord.”

Hearing Arthur’s order, Karur and Laputa immediately led a group of black iron collar warriors to station outside Flame City.

And Arthur, after seeing Karur and Laputa with a group of black iron warriors stationed outside Flame City, rushed directly towards Flaming Castle.

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