super lord

Chapter 075

Chapter 75 The main purpose of the support trip to the northern region.

Heading straight to the Flaming Castle, Arthur soon finds his father, Euon Chris.

At this time, Yuon Chris was discussing something with Arthur’s brother, Albert Chris. Looking at Arthur who suddenly arrived, Yuon Chris was slightly surprised.

After all, the distance between Arthur’s Black Iron Territory and Flame City can be described as the farthest among the entire Flame Earl Domain.

As a result, it was not surprising that Arthur had arrived in the Flaming Castle just over three days before he had now delivered the news to Arthur.

However, Yuon was only surprised for a moment, and then he opened his mouth and said to Arthur: “Arthur, you have just returned, and I just have something to tell Albert and you.” ”

“Father, what’s going on?”

Hearing Yuang’s words, Arthur asked.

Hearing Arthur’s inquiry, Yuon opened his mouth and replied, “About this invasion of the northern region of our Kar06 Los Kingdom by the Kingdom of Arukaki. ”

Hearing Yuang’s words, Arthur suddenly became interested.

You know, after the news from before, Yuang has already said about the invasion of the Alukachi Kingdom into the northern region of the Karos Kingdom.

As a result, what he wanted to say now was related to the invasion of the northern region of the Arukaki Kingdom, and what his father wanted to say was the news that was not told in the news that came.

And what Eion said was exactly what Arthur thought.

I saw that looking at his eldest son Albert Chris and second son Arthur Chris, Yuang Chris opened his mouth and asked Albert and Arthur: “You two should know what we gathered troops to support in the northern region of the kingdom this time, right?” ”

“You know, father, isn’t it because the northern kingdom of Arukaki invaded the northern area of our kingdom of Carlos, in order to reach the invasion of the kingdom of Arukaki, so the royal family ordered that father and the Marquis of the Iron Horse and the Count Tulip lead troops to support the northern region.”

Hearing Eauon’s inquiry, Arthur’s brother Albert Chris replied.

Hearing Albert’s answer, Yuon Chris spoke: “That’s right, but this time we went to the northern region, not just to help those guys in the northern region to resist the invasion of the Arukaki Kingdom. ”

And Arthur, after hearing Yuon Chris’s words, suddenly had a guess in his heart, and when he opened his mouth and asked Yuang: “Father, do we still have the purpose of countering the invasion of the kingdom of Arukaki when we go to the northern region to support this time.” ”

Hearing Arthur’s speculation, Yuon Chris glanced at Arthur appreciatively, and then spoke: “Arthur, you guessed right, we are going to the northern region with troops this time, in addition to helping those guys in the northern region resist the invasion of the Arukaki Kingdom, we also have the purpose of countering the invasion of the Arukaki Kingdom. ”

Although I don’t want to admit it, I still have to say that the strength of the northern region is not weak, even stronger than our eastern region.

If we just repelled this invasion of the Arukaki Kingdom, with the strength of the many lords in the northern region, we would not need our support.

After all, the Kingdom of Arukaki is different from our Kingdom of Carlos, and the periphery of our Kingdom of Carlos only needs to face the three kingdoms bordering our Kingdom of Carlos to the west, south and north.

The kingdom of Arukaki borders five kingdoms, including our kingdom of Carlos.

Therefore, the pressure on the defensive line of the Arukaki Kingdom is much heavier than the defensive pressure of our Karos Kingdom.

This time invaded the northern region of our Karos Kingdom, although because of the sudden attack, those guys in the northern region were caught off guard, but with the more than 100,000 troops dispatched by the Arukaki Kingdom this time, it is impossible to abolish those guys in the northern region, and even, if it were not for the fact that those guys in the northern region wanted to take this opportunity to counter-invade the Arukaki Kingdom, the hundreds of thousands of troops in the Arukaki Kingdom would have been beaten back to the Arukaki Kingdom by those guys in the northern region.

“So this time, we are openly supporting the northern region, but in fact, we are uniting those guys in the northern region to counter-invade the Arukaki Kingdom.”

Hearing Yuang’s words, Arthur’s eyes suddenly lit up. After all, for Arthur, invading other countries represented a lot of wealth and slaves.

For wealth, Arthur didn’t care much, after all, Arthur, who now has tens of millions of magic crystals, when it comes to wealth, there are few in the entire kingdom of Carlos that can match him.

But for slaves, Arthur is very concerned, what slaves represent, in Arthur’s view, slaves represent a large number of people, and a large number of people can accelerate the development of the black iron collar.

And the development of the black iron collar accelerates, the more power points he can get every month, and the more power values, his strength and the black iron collar can develop again.

So, for Arthur, slavery was more important than the plundered wealth.

Thinking of this, Arthur suddenly felt that he had brought fewer people to the northern region this time. If he brought more black iron warriors, then he would be able to capture more slaves in this battle.

Immediately, Arthur opened his mouth and asked Yuon Chris: “Father, can I return to the Black Iron Collar to transfer some soldiers in episode 490 and participate in this war.” ”

Hearing Arthur’s inquiry, Yuon Chris did not immediately open his mouth to answer, but Albert, who was next to Arthur, asked Arthur with some curiosity: “Arthur, how many people did you bring this time?” ”

“Not counting me, this time, a total of five hundred and thirteen people were brought with me.”

“Five hundred and thirteen people, indeed a little less, this time, I brought more than 1,200 people.”

Hearing Arthur’s answer, Albert spoke.

Hearing Albert’s cool words, Arthur suddenly spoke: “I’m not you, I control such a populous city as Haicheng, and all the warriors of my Black Iron Leader add up to only more than 1,800 people.” ”

Hearing Arthur’s words, Albert suddenly didn’t say anything, because as Arthur said, as the lord of the sea trade city of See Sea City, the population of the sea city under his jurisdiction is much larger than Arthur’s black iron leader.

For the warriors alone, he recruited more than three thousand and nearly four thousand, more than double the eighteen hundred people that Arthur had recruited. Moreover, due to the wealth of Jianhai City, he even equipped every warrior who saw Haicheng with ordinary equipment, which was much better than many lords who did not even match the equipment of his warriors.

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