super lord

Chapter 082

Chapter 82: The Knights of the Black Iron Collar.

In a matter of moments, Arthur killed several silver knights and a dozen bronze knights.

Facing one earth knight, two golden knights, ten silver-level knights, as well as a hundred bronze knights and four hundred of the weakest are all trainee knights.

This knightly order, which only had a few silver knights, dozens of bronze knights and hundreds of trainee knights, could not resist at all, after all, the gap between one earth knight and two golden knights was really a little big.

Even if this knight order is more numerous than Arthur and the black iron warriors under Arthur, it cannot withstand the slaughter of Arthur’s side.

If nothing else, when a group of black iron-collared warriors were rushed into the Knights with Karur and Laputa, the two golden knights, Arthur used his earth-level strength to directly block the knights in the Knights and forcefully killed the remaining several silver knights and twenty or thirty bronze knights.

And Karul and Laputa’s performance, although worse than Arthur, but after rushing into the Knights, with ten silver knights, forcefully killed the remaining bronze knights in the Knights.

And the remaining one hundred black iron collar warriors with bronze knights, and the four hundred black iron collar warriors who are the weakest are trainee knights, also with the deterrence of Arthur, the 223 knights of the earth, Karur, Laputa, the two golden knights and ten silver knights, in less than ten minutes, all the remaining knights in the knights who only have apprentice strength were killed.

Moreover, this is still because of the scruples of the knights sitting down on the safety of the horses, otherwise, the five hundred black iron collared warriors under Arthur who only have apprenticeship and bronze strength can kill the knights in the knights who only have the strength of apprenticeship knights in a shorter time.

As for the casualties paid by the black iron collar warriors under Arthur after slaughtering this knightly order, except for a few unlucky trainee-level black iron collar warriors, who were slightly injured, at most they paid some physical strength.

After destroying this group of knights that he was targeting, Arthur and the black iron warriors under his command directly turned over and sat on the captured knightly horses.

Proud that when Arthur was in the black iron collar, he trained the black iron collar warriors under his command to ride war horses, so after obtaining the war horses, Arthur’s black iron collar warriors changed and directly became a knightly order.

Unfortunately, perhaps because of the small number of black iron led warriors who fought this time, this black iron led knights under Arthur can be said to be the smallest number of knights in the entire battlefield.

After obtaining the war horse and changing from the Black Iron Warrior Force to the Black Iron Led Knights, Arthur did not go to the trouble of other knights in the kingdom of Arukaki on the battlefield.

First, the Black Iron Collar Knights under Arthur are a bit far away from the other knights in the Arukaki Kingdom on the battlefield.

Little Lord.

The second reason is that Arthur set his sights on the area near the Black Iron Lord’s Knights, although a person from the kingdom of Arukaki was far inferior to the gains brought by annihilating a small lord.

After all, small lords like barons and viscounts, most of them have dozens of transcendent people at most [a small number of barons and viscounts are more different, just like Arthur, although it is only a baron, but the number of transcendent people under his command can even be compared with some weaker earls].

Therefore, even if these small lords such as barons and viscounts have silver, gold-level strength, they are much simpler to kill than the Knights.

In this battlefield of hundreds of thousands of people, the number of small lords such as barons and viscounts is still relatively large.

Not long after the Black Iron Leader warriors transformed from the Black Iron Leader Warrior Force to the Black Iron Leader Knights, Arthur set his sights on a viscount lord from the kingdom of Arukaki and a group of warriors under his command.

This viscount lord who was targeted by Arthur did not have strong strength, except for his own existence in the middle of the Golden Knight, the number of extraordinary people among the warriors under his command was only just over a hundred.

Moreover, among these hundred or so transcendent beings, most of their strength is only at the apprenticeship-level, there are only seven warriors with bronze-level strength, and only one warrior with the strength of a silver knight.

As for the warriors of gold-level strength, sorry, no.

Therefore, after seeing this viscount lord and the soldiers under his command, Arthur did not target him, it was strange.

After eyeing the viscount lord, Arthur took the black iron lord under his command and rushed towards the location where the viscount lord was.

However, perhaps because Arthur and the Black Iron Knights under Arthur’s command were too targeted, they were discovered by this viscount lord when they were still more than a hundred meters away from this viscount lord.

After discovering Arthur and the Black Iron Lords under Arthur, the viscount lord did not hesitate at all, and directly led a group of territorial warriors under his command towards the nearest Knights of the Kingdom of Arukaki.

Looking at the fleeing viscount lord, Arthur’s first thought was naturally to pursue.

After all, this is a viscount lord, but it is the prey that Arthur has targeted.

Unfortunately, if in an open place, the distance between more than a hundred meters is naturally nothing for the Black Iron Collar Knights who have now all transformed.

Unfortunately, Arthur and the newly formed Black Iron Knights under his command happened to be in the middle of the battlefield, so that the advantage of cavalry could not be brought into play.

It is even limited by the battlefield.

In the end, seeing this viscount lord going farther and farther, he could only reluctantly give up the pursuit.

After giving up pursuing the Viscount Lord, Arthur transformed into other targets.

Fortunately, not every lord is as vigilant as the viscount lord who was targeted by Arthur.

Therefore, by the time evening fell, this war between the army of the Kingdom of Carlos and the army of the Kingdom of Carlos was over, Arthur had already defeated the troops led by more than a dozen lords with the Knights of the Black Iron Leader who had already led his command.

The only pity is that most of these more than a dozen lords are too cunning, and when they saw that they were not the opponents of the Black Iron Lords under Arthur, they fled directly under the leadership of the transcendent under their command.

In the end, so much so that until the end of this war, Arthur killed only three lords.

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