super lord

Chapter 083

Chapter 83: The Gathering.

After this battle between the army of the Kingdom of Carlos and the army of the Kingdom of Arukaki, Arthur returned to the castle of the giant bear with his newly formed Knights of the Black Iron Lord.

Also from outside the Giant Bear Castle, Yuon Chris, who withdrew to the Giant Bear Castle, watched the Black Iron Collar Knights who all turned into cavalry, and immediately came to Arthur’s side. He opened his mouth and said to Arthur: “Arthur, it seems that you have gained in this battle, is it good?” ”

“Luckily took down a knight order from the Kingdom of Arukaki.”

Hearing Euon Chris’s inquiry, Arthur replied.

Then, looking at the warriors of the Kingdom of Carlos who were retreating around, Arthur opened his mouth and asked Yuon Kris: “Father, how is your battle with the Great Lord of the Kingdom of Arukaki today?” Have you taken down several great lords of the kingdom of Arukaki? ”

“Stinky boy, do you think the Great Lord is so easy to take!”

Hearing Arthur’s words, Yuon Chris said angrily, and then spoke: “You know, the great lords who invaded the northern region of our Carlos Kingdom this time are at least existences with the initial strength of the earth level. ”

And the battle between the earth level is not so simple, although the earth-level combat power on our Karos Kingdom side is stronger than the combat power on the side of the Arukaki Kingdom, but it is still a little troublesome to take down the big lord who is the weakest on the side of the Arukaki Kingdom that is the early strength of the earth level.

“However, although we did not take down any of the great lords of the Arukaki Kingdom this time, we relied on our numerical superiority to severely damage two great lords from the Arukaki Kingdom.”

“In other words, father, you have been busy all day, and you have not gained anything at all.”

Hearing Euon Chris’s answer, Arthur spoke.

Hearing Arthur’s words, Euon Crees was very angry.

What is it that they have been busy for a day and have not gained anything at all, aren’t they, have they hit the two great lords from the kingdom of Arukaki hard?

Immediately, he said angrily to Arthur: “Forget it, I won’t tell you.” ”

After that, Yuang Chris walked angrily towards his station.

However, before he went far, Yuon Chris, who seemed to think of something, turned back and said to Arthur: “Tonight, I and the other great lords of the Carlos Kingdom who participated in this war want to summarize today’s battle, you will come to my residence at that time, and then I will take you to the Giant Bear Castle City Lord’s Mansion.” ”

“By the way, if those two golden knights under your command also want to participate, you can also bring them with you.”

“I see.”

Hearing Euon Chris’s words, Arthur, who was about to hurry up to cultivate, could only answer helplessly.

After all, his father has personally spoken, and he, who is a son, can’t give no face at all!

Therefore, after bringing the newly formed Knights of the Black Iron Collar back to the station, arranging a group of members of the Knights, and familiarizing themselves with the riding of war horses, Arthur took Carol to the residence of Yuon Chris.

As for another Laputa whose strength has reached the gold level, sorry, although this time the summary allows the Golden Knight to participate, but in the station, someone must stay, so Laputa was stayed.

After taking Karol to Euon Chris’s residence, Arthur found that someone had already come to Euon Chris’s residence, looking at the dozens of figures in the hall of Euon Chris’s residence, Arthur quickly came to one of the very familiar figures and asked: “Sister Irene, are you also participating in the summary of this battle tonight?” ”

Yes, this figure that Arthur is very familiar with is Arthur’s sister, Erin Chris.

Because in this war with the Kingdom of Arukaki, the Carlos King Capital Magic Academy also sent teachers and students to participate in the war, so as a student of the Carlos King Capital Magic Academy, Erin also participated in this war.

Therefore, here in Euon Chris, it is not surprising to see Erin’s figure.

After all, Irene is the daughter of Euon Chris, since Euon Chris brought Albert and Arthur, how could the two forget to bring Irene’s daughter!

Hearing Arthur’s inquiry and looking at Arthur, who looked a little iron-blooded because of his participation in this war, Erin smiled a little unkindly.


Because Erin really did not expect that Arthur, who performed very brightly on the battlefield today, did not understand the essence of this battle summary until now.

Although tonight will indeed be a summary of the battle between today and the kingdom of Arukaki, in essence, this is just a gathering in the skin of a post-war summary.

It’s just that because this gathering is relatively advanced, those who participate in this gathering are either the children of the great lord or gold-level existences.

Of course, some lords whose strength has reached the gold level can also bring their children to this party.

However, although Arthur did not understand the essence of this post-war summary, he still had to say something about it, as a sister. It’s just that before you say it, let yourself laugh a little longer.

Looking at Erin, who heard her own inquiry but laughed, Arthur, who had not yet understood the essence of this post-war summary, asked Erin with some puzzlement: “Sister Erin, what are you laughing at?” ”

However, Arthur does not understand that the essence of this post-war summary is a party, and it is not surprising that although so many years have passed since Arthur traveled to this other world, the common sense before the crossing still affects Arthur.

Therefore, in the face of this form of otherworldly warfare in which the enemy army has not repulsed, and the party is held, Arthur does not understand it.

Fortunately, after hearing Arthur’s inquiry, Erin stopped laughing and said to Arthur: “Arthur.” You don’t think that this post-war summary is really a post-war summary, right? ”

“This post-war summary is not really a post-war summary, what is it?”

“Naturally, it was a gathering, a gathering between great lords, lords whose strength had reached the gold level, and my father called us so that we could get to know the heirs of other great lords in this gathering.”

“Is that so? It’s boring enough. ”

Hearing Erin’s answer, Arthur said with some disdain.

After all, for Arthur, instead of wasting time at a party, it was better to use that time to improve his strength.

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