"When you talk about the organs, do you mean the poisonous smoke below? I believe that Baiyun must have been studying for so many years, otherwise it would not have to go on. " "In addition to the poison smoke, there are many organs ambush. It seems that the bitch wants to continue to look for the following things. She has always been a stomach of bad water, never think of good things, when you get along with her, you must be careful, this girl's heart is as small as a needle. Killed

I don't care. " Said the old man.

Tang Qiyi said with a smile: "thank you for your reminding. I will be careful. It's just that you have a deep prejudice against this woman. " "Deep? If you stay with Baiyun for a long time, you will know what I mean! If it had not been for her, her apprentice would not have been a child He told Tang Qi that originally, situ Shasha was in the back position. When the poisonous smoke came out, it couldn't be touched. Who knew that Baiyun didn't want to let her run away, so he pushed her from the side and let situ Shasha fall there, which directly poisoned her. But she also framed this matter to a person next to her.

Tang Qi thought that when she was fighting with Bai Meng before, she pushed situ Shasha to the front line. At last, she sacrificed for herself, which was also a kind of anger in her heart. This woman is really cruel!

"In short, Baiyun is not as good as you think."

"I see. Thank you for reminding me."

The old man nodded and looked at Sakura, who had been busy in front of him, and said, "little girl, you have such a great ability. I don't know who you are? I can thank you very much, too. "

"Her name is Chi Red sun. "

"What a strange name."

"Yes, ethnic minorities." Tang Qixin said that the old man hated the Japanese. If he knew that the person in front of him was a Japanese, would he detonate the bomb directly? Then we would be dead? So I don't want to talk about it.

"All right!" Sakura didn't speak all the time. She was absorbed in the mechanism, so she didn't notice the conversation between the two people. At this time, she threw the tweezers aside, grabbed the bracelet like thing, ran out and threw the bracelet out.

Before Tang Qi asked what it was, he saw a purple arc flying out. The old man exclaimed, closed his eyes and lay on the ground for fear that he would be killed. Tang Qi also subconsciously stepped back a few steps, only to see this thing flying out of the courtyard wall, in the middle of the explosion of a red cloud, first a dazzling light came, followed by a dazzling

and coquettish light jet out, the huge vibration made the surrounding houses shake, the ear sounded deafening explosion sound.

Chiyang yingzi stood in the same place and covered her ears. For a long time, she finally recovered her peace.

Both Tang Qi and the old man said to her, "I can't believe that your ability is so powerful!"

"It's nothing. It's just a little fun." Chiyang yingzi hasn't practiced for a long time. This time, she even has a chance to get in touch with this skill. She is very happy and comes back with a smile.

"It's just that the neighbors around won't protest?" Tang Qi said. With such a loud voice, it's rare that the people around didn't respond at all. Did they all go out to work?

"No, in fact, all the houses and people around here are fake. All the real residents have been driven away by Fan Jian. In order to spy on me, he pays a lot of money." The old man said with a smile.

"So it is." Tang Qi nodded and said, "I'll be relieved."

"It's nothing. I don't care what I do, just don't involve others." He stood up and went on. But because the explosion was so powerful, a wooden shelf fell to the ground. Tang Qi quickly pulled the old man.

"Be careful, old man. If there are nails under it, it's not good."

"Thank you very much. I'll be more careful." The old man said thanks to Tang Qi with a grateful look on his face.

Yingzi said, "you are quite considerate of others. Why are you so cold to me? Always think of me as a bad woman

"I didn't, OK?" Tang Qi took her hand with a smile: "why do I think so bad all the time?"

"You are bad." Yingzi pinched Tang Qi: "be careful, I'll blow you up."

Seeing that there was no anger on her face, Tang Qi said with a smile, "well, I know you are not willing to get me."

"Bah! You know so much, but you are wrong. I wish I could kill you! "

Tang Qigang was about to have a witty talk with her when the old man said, "well, you two, thank you for saving your life. Now I'm going to destroy this place. Don't hurt you by mistake."

"How do you do it?" Sakura asked.

"Don't these people have the kerosene? I pour these things on the corpse and kill it completely with a torch. I can leave here as soon as possible. " The old man said with a smile.

"Why don't we send you somewhere! Or I'll send someone to see you off. " What Tang Qi said was very true. He was willing to help from his heart.But the old man refused: "I think it's better to forget it. It's enough for us to do our own things. Take care

Tang Qi said, "good! In that case, we'll leave. "

"But I still..."

Without waiting for Chiyang yingzi to finish, Tang Qi took her away. Cherry has been unhappy, out of a few steps suddenly said: "Tang Qi, you don't even know the identity of this person, so let him go?"

"If he doesn't go, do you want to take him with you? We are very busy Sakura couldn't help asking: "but what's his secret? Why did the other party trap him here? You don't know! Is Fan Jian doing this just to get that set of palace clothes? I always think that the identity of the old man is very suspicious. You should think so too, but you never ask! "

Tang Qi said with a smile: "since he doesn't say it, it's OK. Anyway, I already know what I want to know, don't I? Those fengguanxiayao are all in the cemetery. "

Sakura said: "if you want me to say that, if you catch this old man and torture him severely, I don't believe that he won't say it! And who owns the factory opposite? It's not related to Takeda again! "

"When did you become so vicious? Forget it. I don't want to embarrass anyone. "

They are talking. I only heard bursts of blasting sound behind me. Just now, the room and the outside of the room burst into a ball, and the car parked outside the yard was blown up by the heat wave, and it became pieces of sparks.

Tang Qi's eyes and hands were quick. He hugged the shadow and rolled down the side slope. Then a heat wave flew over their heads. The surrounding weeds were burned to ashes. The explosive force was amazing!

Tang Qi said, "the old man is so powerful. I don't think it's as simple as setting fire."

Sakura also nodded: "I think there are explosives stored around this house. If this old man wants to kill us, it's really easy! Fortunately, I left just as you told me, otherwise we would all be dead. "

"It's good to be kind." Tang Qi said with a smile: "listen to me in the future, and make sure you can have a good life!"

"Bah! I don't believe it Although yingzi said so, she couldn't help looking back at the place where the fire broke out. She was afraid. The old man's ability is very powerful. Was he just testing me?

Tang Qi looked at her face and said, "are you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of! In fact, I don't think he's a big deal! "

"Yes? I think you are arrogant. " Tang Qi said with a smile: "if I had half of his ability, I would be satisfied."

Thinking that Fan Jian's ability was so great just now, he was able to control it. It can be seen that this man is quite powerful. The old man kept his identity, which made people more and more curious.

Two people are walking, suddenly saw another car coming fast. In their side stopped, this group of people a face of fierce, let people see very uncomfortable.

Tang Qi said, "what are you doing?"

"Are you Mr. Liu's man?"

"Ah? What is master Liu "We're just passing by, OK?" she said

"Really not?" The first one looked at their faces carefully.

Another person said: "it doesn't look like it is. If Mr. Liu's men, they should hide directly. They won't be stupid all the time."

"So it is." The man waved his hand: "if you don't have anything to do, do what you should do! Don't join in the fun here

He walked away with a big stride.

Angry red sun cherry straight stamp foot: "blind eyes!"

Tang Qi said: "they are not Japanese, don't you know your identity is not very normal? Why are you so angry? " "No! My aunt is so good-looking that she doesn't even look at me in the right eye. How can it be Today, yingzi met so many people, but none of them marveled at her beauty, which shocked her to be surrounded by many men like flies every time. At the same time, yingzi was also very angry. Has my beauty gone from bad to worse?

Tang Qi's face several black lines across, isn't it, all when, she even has the mind to get angry!

"They are thinking about life-threatening things now. How can they think about it! I said, "you really are!"

At this time, someone suddenly said: "little girl, do you have your watch? What time is it?" Red sun cherry son a Leng, looking back, is just one of the wave of people, is a very obscene man, is looking at her up and down, has been swallowing saliva.

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